This autogenerates the list of ssl domains for the ssl-cert-check tool directly from the letsencrypt list. The first step is the install-certcheck role that replaces the puppet-ssl_cert_check module that does the same. The reason for this is so that during gate testing we can test this on the test bridge.openstack.org server, and avoid adding another node as a requirement for this test. letsencrypt-request-certs is updated to set a fact letsencrypt_certcheck_domains for each host that is generating a certificate. As described in the comments, this defaults to the first host specified for the certificate and the listening port can be indicated (if set, this new port value is stripped when generating certs as is not necessary for certificate generation). The new letsencrypt-config-certcheck role runs and iterates all letsencrypt hosts to build the final list of domains that should be checked. This is then extended with the letsencrypt_certcheck_additional_domains value that covers any hosts using certificates not provisioned by letsencrypt using this mechanism. These additional domains are pre-populated from the openstack.org domains in the extant check file, minus those openstack.org domain certificates we are generating via letsencrypt (see letsencrypt-create-certs/handlers/main.yaml). Additionally, we update some of the certificate variables in host_vars that are listening on port !443. As mentioned, bridge.openstack.org is placed in the new certcheck group for gate testing, so the tool and config file will be deployed to it. For production, cacti is added to the group, which is where the tool currently runs. The extant puppet installation is disabled, pending removal in a follow-on change. Change-Id: Idbe084f13f3684021e8efd9ac69b63fe31484606
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- name: 'Build arguments for letsencrypt acme.sh driver for: {{ cert.key }}'
# NOTE(ianw): note the domains are passed in one string (between
# ") as it makes argument parsing a little easier in the driver.sh
acme_args: '"{% for domain in cert.value %}-d {{ domain.split(":")[0] }} {% endfor %}"'
- name: Run acme.sh driver for certificate issue
cmd: |
/opt/acme.sh/driver.sh issue {{ acme_args }}
chdir: /opt/acme.sh/
register: acme_output
LETSENCRYPT_STAGING: '{{ "1" if letsencrypt_use_staging else "0" }}'
# NOTE(ianw): The output of the driver is
# challenge-domain:TXT-key
# We don't care about the challenge-domain part (we have set all
# _acme-challenge.hostname.o.o records as CNAMES to acme.opendev.org).
# Record the config key along with the TXT record; later we use it to
# check which config keys have been updated and need a refresh.
- set_fact:
acme_txt_required: '{{ acme_txt_required + [(cert.key, item.split(":")[1])] }}'
loop: '{{ acme_output.stdout_lines }}'