Actually, it's support for parameterized listen_address, but the real thing you want it for is setting the port. Change-Id: If75fedce32f35a8f72c92fc709d5c9e8b2d35235 Reviewed-on: https://review.openstack.org/33925 Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <corvus@inaugust.com> Approved: Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> Tested-by: Jenkins
90 lines
2.2 KiB
90 lines
2.2 KiB
# This file is managed by puppet.
# https://github.com/openstack-infra/config
basePath = git
canonicalWebUrl = <%= canonicalweburl %>
type = MYSQL
hostname = localhost
database = reviewdb
username = gerrit2
<% if database_poollimit != "" -%>
poolLimit = <%= database_poollimit %>
<% end -%>
connectionpool = true
openIdSsoUrl = <%= openidssourl %>
cookieSecure = true
contributorAgreements = true
smtpServer = localhost
user = gerrit2
javaHome = <%= java_home %>
<% if container_heaplimit != "" -%>
heapLimit = <%= container_heaplimit %>
<% end -%>
<% if core_packedgitopenfiles != "" -%>
packedGitOpenFiles = <%= core_packedgitopenfiles %>
<% end -%>
<% if core_packedgitlimit != "" -%>
packedGitLimit = <%= core_packedgitlimit %>
<% end -%>
<% if core_packedgitwindowsize != "" -%>
packedGitWindowSize = <%= core_packedgitwindowsize %>
<% end -%>
listenAddress = <%= sshd_listen_address %>
<% if sshd_threads != "" -%>
threads = <%= sshd_threads %>
<% end -%>
listenUrl = proxy-https://*:8081/
<% if httpd_maxwait != "" -%>
maxWait = <%= httpd_maxwait %>
<% end -%>
<% if httpd_acceptorthreads != "" -%>
acceptorThreads = <%= httpd_acceptorthreads %>
<% end -%>
<% if httpd_minthreads != "" -%>
minThreads = <%= httpd_minthreads %>
<% end -%>
<% if httpd_maxthreads != "" -%>
maxThreads = <%= httpd_maxthreads %>
<% end -%>
directory = cache
[cache "web_sessions"]
maxAge = 1d
email = <%= email %>
<% commentlinks.each do |commentlink| -%>
[commentlink "<%= commentlink['name'] %>"]
match = "<%= commentlink['match'] %>"
link = "<%= commentlink['link'] %>"
<% end -%>
backgroundColor = ffffff
topMenuColor = ffffff
textColor = 264d69
trimColor = eef3f5
selectionColor = d1e6ea
changeTableOutdatedColor = f5cccc
tableOddRowColor = ffffff
tableEvenRowColor = f5f5ff
monitoring = <%= enable_melody %>
session = <%= melody_session %>
<% if gitweb -%>
revision = "?p=${project}.git;a=commitdiff;h=${commit}"
<% end -%>
<% if contactstore == true -%>
appsec = <%= contactstore_appsec %>
url = <%= contactstore_url %>
<% end -%>