137 lines
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137 lines
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import "doc_server" # TODO: refactor out of module
import "users"
# Abstract classes:
class openstack_base ($iptables_public_tcp_ports) {
include openstack_project::users
include ssh
include snmpd
include exim
include sudoers
class { 'iptables':
public_tcp_ports => $iptables_public_tcp_ports,
file { '/etc/profile.d/Z98-byobu.sh':
ensure => 'absent'
package { "ntp":
ensure => installed
package { "popularity-contest":
ensure => purged
service { 'ntpd':
name => 'ntp',
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => Package['ntp'],
$packages = ["python-software-properties",
package { $packages: ensure => "latest" }
# A template host with no running services
class openstack_template ($iptables_public_tcp_ports) {
class { 'openstack_base':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => $iptables_public_tcp_ports
realize (
# A server that we expect to run for some time
class openstack_server ($iptables_public_tcp_ports) {
class { 'openstack_template':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => $iptables_public_tcp_ports
class openstack_jenkins_slave {
class { 'openstack_server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => []
class { 'jenkins_slave':
ssh_key => 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCvlHx1TM9y6Y+oWJwPQP1jDejQYLA5MaTgD2oQOgQapSAWWU3f9/xcKKF4I5cC833xrSqFCqpstuWt5FdtO6qL5KMqGeVOwTCgcH0uGHciSF/zxBVpHp2n3rHLb0Fibyz/ys2kI+9J/hD0+GlVNQ/U8h9PZPMLFoJIZz5ep5WBszLM5z4vymBZ3GeytD8hk1BW0GLYi9vYWFrwoCTH6o6xRtdKajNE/9NcRGXjkY+SW7EGvqTAfLdsQ8q23MIO2ZX6YOpnmxAmR3OyNEOMo7Y/XCWjqTGWhQ669YaFxagS65f7EGCGwhhgQPtReDwkW88yTGhU3fZjS6Rc3BymTsnx jenkins@jenkins.stackforge.org'
# Default: should at least behave like an openstack server
node default {
class { 'openstack_server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => []
# Long lived servers:
node "puppet.stackforge.org" {
class { 'openstack_server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [8140]
node "review.stackforge.org" {
class { 'openstack_server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80, 443, 29418]
class { 'gerrit':
canonicalweburl => "https://review.stackforge.org/",
email => "review@stackforge.org",
github_projects => [ {
name => 'stackforge/MRaaS',
close_pull => 'true'
}, {
name => 'stackforge/reddwarf',
close_pull => 'true'
} ],
logo => 'stackforge.png'
node "jenkins.stackforge.org" {
class { 'openstack_server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80, 443, 4155]
class { 'jenkins_master':
serveradmin => 'webmaster@stackforge.org',
site => 'jenkins.stackforge.org',
logo => 'stackforge.png'
class { "jenkins_jobs":
site => "stackforge",
projects => ["reddwarf"]
# Jenkins slaves:
node /^build.*\.slave\.stackforge\.org$/ {
include openstack_jenkins_slave