This commit sets up the basic configuration for Asterisk. It will allow Asterisk to run, but it won't do anything useful yet. Change-Id: I7975082ff5351db4dc6e3c8cf9dd2d90675e3108
893 lines
13 KiB
893 lines
13 KiB
; File: sip.conf
; Description:
; Note: Do NOT edit this file.
; See http://wiki.kickstand-project.org/wiki/Asterisk:Configuration_Files for
; more information about using these configuration files.
; Value: udpbindaddr
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default:
udpbindaddr =
; Value: transport
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: udp
transport = udp
; Value: tcpenable
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
tcpenable = no
; Value: tcpbindaddr
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default:
tcpbindaddr =
; Value: tlsenable
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
tlsenable = no
; Value: tlsbindaddr
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default:
tlsbindaddr =
; Value: context
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: public
context = public
; Value: subscribecontext
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: subscribe-public
subscribecontext = subscribe-public
; Value: callcounter
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
callcounter = no
; Value: allowguest
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
allowguest = no
; Value: realm
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: asterisk
realm = asterisk
; Value: domainsasrealm
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
domainsasrealm = no
; Value: useragent
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;useragent =
; Value: sdpsession
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;sdpsession =
; Value: sdpowner
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
; Value: allowtransfer
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: Yes
allowtransfer = yes
; Value: rtcachefriends
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: Yes
rtcachefriends = yes
; Value: rtsavesysname
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
rtsavesysname = no
; Value: rtupdate
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
rtupdate = yes
; Value: rtautoclear
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 120
rtautoclear = 120
; Value: ignoreregexpire
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
ignoreregexpire = no
; Value: disallow
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: all
disallow = all
; Value: allow
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: ulaw,alaw
allow = ulaw,alaw
; Value: t1min
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 100
t1min = 100
; Value: timert1
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 500
timert1 = 500
; Value: timerb
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 32000
timerb = 32000
; Value: rtptimeout
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 0
rtptimeout = 0
; Value: rtpholdtimeout
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 0
rtpholdtimeout = 0
; Value: rtpkeepalive
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 0
rtpkeepalive = 0
; Value: session-timers
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: accept
session-timers = accept
; Value: session-expires
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 1800
session-expires = 1800
; Value: session-minse
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 90
session-minse = 90
; Value: session-refresher
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: uas
session-refresher = uas
; Value: sipdebug
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
sipdebug = no
; Value: recordhistory
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
recordhistory = no
; Value: dumphistory
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
dumphistory = no
; Value: dtmfmode
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: rfc2833
dtmfmode = rfc2833
; Value: alwaysauthreject
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
alwaysauthreject = yes
; Value: snom_aoc_enabled
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
snom_aoc_enabled = no
; Value: jbenable
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
jbenable = no
; Value: jbforce
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
jbforce = no
; Value: jbmaxsize
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 200
jbmaxsize = 200
; Value: jbresyncthreshold
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 1000
jbresyncthreshold = 1000
; Value: jbimpl
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: fixed
jbimpl = fixed
; Value: jbtargetextra
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 40
jbtargetextra = 40
; Value: jblog
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
jblog = no
; Value: dynamic_exclude_static
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
dynamic_exclude_static = no
; Value: contactdeny
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default:
contactdeny =
; Value: contactpermit
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;contactpermit =
; Value: usereqphone
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
usereqphone = no
; Value: prematuremedia
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
prematuremedia = yes
; Value: relaxdtmf
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
relaxdtmf = no
; Value: vmexten
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: vmexten-public
vmexten = vmexten-public
; Value: compactheaders
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
compactheaders = no
; Value: notifymimetype
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: application/simple-message-summary
notifymimetype = application/simple-message-summary
; Value: directrtpsetup
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
directrtpsetup = no
; Value: notifyringing
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
notifyringing = yes
; Value: notifyhold
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
notifyhold = no
; Value: notifycid
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
notifycid = no
; Value: auth_options_request
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
auth_options_request = no
; Value: mohinterpret
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: default
mohinterpret = default
; Value: mohsuggest
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: default
mohsuggest = default
; Value: language
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: en
language = en
; Value: regcontext
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;regcontext =
; Value: regextenonquality
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
regextenonqualify = no
; Value: legacy_useroption_parsing
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
legacy_useroption_parsing = no
; Value: callerid
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: asterisk
callerid = asterisk
; Value: mwi_from
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <empty>
mwi_from =
; Value: fromdomain
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <empty>
fromdomain =
; Value: outboundproxy
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;outboundproxy =
; Value: autocreatepeer
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
autocreatepeer = no
; Value: match_auth_username
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
match_auth_username = no
; Value: srvlookup
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
srvlookup = yes
; Value: pedantic
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
pedantic = yes
; Value: maxexpiry
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 3600
maxexpiry = 3600
; Value: minexpiry
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 60
minexpiry = 60
; Value: defaultexpiry
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 120
defaultexpiry = 120
; Value: mwiexpiry
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 3600
mwiexpiry = 3600
; Value: tcpauthtimeout
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 30
tcpauthtimeout = 30
; Value: tcpauthlimit
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 100
tcpauthlimit = 100
; Value: registertimeout
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 20
registertimeout = 20
; Value: registerattempts
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 0
registerattempts = 0
; Value: localnet
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;localnet =
; Value: media_address
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;media_address =
; Value: externaddr
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;externaddr =
; Value: externhost
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;externhost =
; Value: externrefresh
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 150
externrefresh = 150
; Value: externtcpport
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 5060
externtcpport = 5060
; Value: externtlsport
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 5061
externtlsport = 5061
; Value: preferred_codec_only
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
preferred_codec_only = no
; Value: autoframing
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
autoframing = 0
; Value: allowexternaldomains
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
allowexternaldomains = yes
; Value: autodomain
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
autodomain = no
; Value: domain
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;domain =
; Value: register
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;register =
; Value: mwi
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;mwi =
; Value: tos_sip
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: cs0
tos_sip = cs0
; Value: tos_audio
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: cs0
tos_audio = cs0
; Value: tos_video
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: cs0
tos_video = cs0
; Value: tos_text
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: cs0
tos_text = cs0
; Value: cos_sip
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 4
cos_sip = 4
; Value: cos_audio
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 5
cos_audio = 5
; Value: cos_video
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 6
cos_video = 6
; Value: cos_text
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 5
cos_text = 5
; Value: qualify
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
qualify = yes
; Value: qualifyfreq
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 60
qualifyfreq = 60
; Value: callevents
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
callevents = no
; Value: authfailureevents
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
authfailureevents = no
; Value: maxcallbitrate
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 384
maxcallbitrate = 384
; Value: matchexternaddrlocally
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default:
matchexternaddrlocally = no
; Value: storesipcause
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
storesipcause = no
; Value: qualifygap
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 100
qualifygap = 100
; Value: qualifypeers
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 1
qualifypeers = 1
; Value: disallowed_methods
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <unset>
;disallowed_methods =
; Value: shrinkcallerid
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
shrinkcallerid = yes
; Value: use_q850_reason
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
use_q850_reason = no
; Value: maxforwards
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: 70
maxforwards = 70
; Value: subscribe_network_change_event
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
subscribe_network_change_event = yes
; Value: parkinglot
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: parkinglot-public
parkinglot = parkinglot-public
; Value: trustrpid
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
trustrpid = no
; Value: sendrpid
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
sendrpid = no
; Value: rpid_update
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
rpid_update = no
; Value: rpid_immediate
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
rpid_immediate = no
; Value: g726nonstandard
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
g726nonstandard = no
; Value: useclientcode
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
useclientcode = no
; Value: nat
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
nat = no
; Value: directmedia
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
directmedia = yes
; Value: insecure
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
insecure = no
; Value: progressinband
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: never
progressinband = never
; Value: promiscredir
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
promiscredir = no
; Value: videosupport
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
videosupport = no
; Value: textsupport
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
textsupport = no
; Value: allowoverlap
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
allowoverlap = yes
; Value: allowsubscribe
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: yes
allowsubscribe = yes
; Value: ignoresdpversion
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
ignoresdpversion = no
; Value: faxdetect
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
faxdetect = no
; Value: rfc2833compensate
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
rfc2833compensate = no
; Value: buggymwi
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
buggymwi = no
; Value: t38pt_udptl
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
t38pt_udptl = no
; Value: t38pt_usertpsource
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
t38pt_usertpsource = no
; Value: tlscertfile
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <empty>
tlscertfile =
; Value: tlsprivatekey
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <empty>
tlsprivatekey =
; Value: tlscafile
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <empty>
tlscafile =
; Value: tlscapath
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <empty>
tlscapath =
; Value: tlsdontverifyserver
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: no
tlsdontverifyserver = no
; Value: tlscipher
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: <empty>
tlscipher =
; Value: tlsclientmethod
; Section: general
; Description:
; Default: sslv2
tlsclientmethod = sslv2
#tryinclude "sip.conf.d/*.conf"