In discussions at the last PTG[1] and in subsequent First Contact SIG meetings[2] we've decided that the #openstack-101 channel should be removed and rolled into the #openstack-dev channel. Why? Good qustion: - No one is good at sitting in and watching the #openstack-101 channel outside of OUI training periods. - It would be better for new contributors to ask questions in a channel that people with the answers already activly monitor. - 101 is an American-ism, that not everyone in the world would understand. This means that during OUI trainings there will be more noise in openstack-dev. However, trainings mostly happen the weekend before a summit, so at a very quiet time. And would mean trainees would already have practice and now where to come for questions. There is another patch[3] which will remove openstack-101 from the accessbot. Finally, as per renaming instructions[4], once these patches land, a redirect will need to be created, the topic updated and current residents of the channel will need to be informed to relocate. [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/FC_SIG_Rocky_PTG [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/First_Contact_SIG#Meeting_Agenda [3] https://review.openstack.org/559250 [4] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/irc.html#renaming-an-irc-channel Change-Id: I24710f24e7e640aabbf22353c25c24d2a8af9287