# ansible-role-refstack-client ## About It's an ansible playbook for running [refstack-client](https://opendev.org/openinfra/refstack-client). It can be useful in automation where this role can be included in other playbooks. The role is importable to [Infrared](https://github.com/redhat-openstack/infrared.git) as an infrared plugin, so right after Infrared deploys an environment, this role can be executed to ensure the deployment is working by passing refstack tests. ## Required Role Variables | Variable name | Required | Default | Type | Description | |------------------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | private_key_path | if upload_results is True | None | String | Results are uploaded to the corresponding account. | | source_admin_credentials | only if accounts_path not defined | None | String | File or command to be sourced for admin credentials which will be used for accounts.yaml generation. | | source_credentials | True | None | String | File or command to be sourced: keystonerc_demo/openrc demo demo. These creds will be used to run refstack tests.| ## Optional Role Variables | Variable name | Required | Default | Type | Description | |------------------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | accounts_path | False | None | String | Path to a tempest accounts file which will be used in tempest.conf generation step. | | additional_tempestconf_params| False | None | String | Additional arguments to pass for discover-tempest-config tool. | | deployer_input | False | None | String | Pat to a deployer input file which will be used in tempest.conf generation step. | | dest_dir * | False | pwd | String | Local directory where the artifact files will be stored. | | download_artifacts | False | False | Bool | Whether artifacts should be downloaded to the host or not. They will be downloaded to dest_dir location.| | guideline | False | 2020.06 | String | Specific refstack guideline. | | private_key_path_src * | False | None | String | If defined, the key defined by the param is copied to the targeted machine to private_key_path location.| | refstack_client_source | False | ~/.refstack-client | String | Destination where refstack-client will be cloned only if the dir doesn't exist or it's empty, otherwise it will be used as is.| | tempestconf_source | False | None | String | A path to python-tempestconf's source. If not defined, refstack-client's default is applied. | | refstack_client_version | False | HEAD | String | Version of refstack-client cloned from git. | | server | False | https://refstack.openstack.org/api | String | Server url where the results will be uploaded to if upload_results is True. | | refstack_target_programs | False | ['platform', 'compute', 'object', 'dns', 'orchestration', 'shared_file_system'] | List | The tests within the specified target programs will be executed. | | tempest_account_concurrency | False | 3 | Int | A concurrency accounts.yaml file is generated with by tempest. | | tempest_config_path | False | None | String | Destination of tempest configuration file to be used for running refstack tests. | | tempest_tag | False | refstack-client's default | String | Tempest will be cloned and checkouted to this specific tag. | | test_list | False | None | String | A path or an URL to a test list text file containing specific test cases. | | upload_results | False | False | Bool | Whether results should be uploaded to the server or not. | | url_cirros_image | False | https://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.5.2/cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img| String | A path or a link to a cirros image. | **\* it's a local path, the path on a machine, the playbook is executed from** ## Example To run the role from the repository: ``` $ git clone https://opendev.org/openinfra/ansible-role-refstack-client.git $ cd ansible-role-refstack-client $ mkdir roles && ln -s $(pwd) roles/ansible-role-refstack-client ``` Then create a `playbook.yaml`: ``` --- - hosts: localhost vars: source_credentials: ~/overcloudrc source_admin_credentials: ~/overcloudrc_admin upload_results: True private_key_path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa roles: - ansible-role-refstack-client ``` And run it: ``` $ ansible-playbook playbook.yaml ``` ## Usage with Infrared Run the following steps to run the plugin: 1. Install infrared and add ansible-role-refstack-client plugin by providing the url to this repo: ``` (infrared)$ ir plugin add https://opendev.org/openinfra/ansible-role-refstack-client.git --src-path infrared_plugin ``` 2. You can verify that the plugin is imported by: ``` (infrared)$ ir plugin list ``` 4. Run the plugin: ``` (infrared)$ ir ansible-role-refstack-client ``` ### Example ``` (infrared)$ ir ansible-role-refstack-client \ --source_credentials /home/stack/overcloudrc \ --source_admin_credentials /home/stack/overcloudrc \ --deployer_input /home/stack/ir-tempest-deployer-input.conf \ --upload_results true \ --private_key_path /home/stack/refstack_key \ --private_key_path_src $(pwd)/refstack_key ``` In the example above `tempest_config_path` is not defined, so `source_admin_credentials` is a required parameter because the role will try to generate an `accounts.yaml` before generating a `tempest.conf`.