Update commons modules to release 7.12, and move the codebase under modules/commons instead of constant fetching from remote repository. The commons.make file removed so it is not required to rebuild groups distribution. Change-Id: I3be393ba1af34427e2915b18ab1ad718fd4e54db
180 lines
6.6 KiB
180 lines
6.6 KiB
* @file
* commons_groups.strongarm.inc
* Implements hook_strongarm().
function commons_groups_strongarm() {
$export = array();
$commons_groups = commons_groups_get_group_types();
$group_bundles = og_get_all_group_bundle();
// These settings are automatic for all groups used within commons.
if (isset($group_bundles['node'])) {
foreach ($group_bundles['node'] as $bundle => $group_info) {
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "comment_anonymous_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = 0;
$export["comment_anonymous_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "comment_default_mode_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = 1;
$export["comment_default_mode_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "comment_default_per_page_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = '50';
$export["comment_default_per_page_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "comment_form_location_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = 1;
$export["comment_form_location_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "comment_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = '0';
$export["comment_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "comment_preview_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = '1';
$export["comment_preview_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "comment_subject_field_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = 1;
$export["comment_subject_field_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "field_bundle_settings_node__$bundle";
$strongarm->value = array(
'view_modes' => array(
'teaser' => array(
'custom_settings' => TRUE,
'full' => array(
'custom_settings' => FALSE,
'rss' => array(
'custom_settings' => FALSE,
'search_index' => array(
'custom_settings' => FALSE,
'search_result' => array(
'custom_settings' => FALSE,
'diff_standard' => array(
'custom_settings' => FALSE,
'token' => array(
'custom_settings' => FALSE,
'extra_fields' => array(
'form' => array(
'title' => array(
'weight' => '-5',
'display' => array(),
$export["field_bundle_settings_node__$bundle"] = $strongarm;
// Add some additional default settings if the node implements the commons
// Specific entity integrations hook.
if (isset($commons_groups['node'])) {
foreach ($commons_groups['node'] as $bundle => $group_info) {
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "node_options_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = array(
0 => 'revision',
$export["node_options_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "node_preview_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = '1';
$export["node_preview_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "node_submitted_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = 0;
$export["node_submitted_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "og_group_manager_default_rids_node_$bundle";
$strongarm->value = array(
3 => '3',
$export["og_group_manager_default_rids_node_$bundle"] = $strongarm;
// These following settings are ONLY for the group content type.
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = "pathauto_node_group_pattern";
$strongarm->value = 'groups/[node:title]';
$export["pathauto_node_group_pattern"] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = 'menu_options_group';
$strongarm->value = array(
0 => 'main-menu',
$export['menu_options_group'] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = 'menu_parent_group';
$strongarm->value = 'main-menu:0';
$export['menu_parent_group'] = $strongarm;
$strongarm = new stdClass();
$strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
$strongarm->api_version = 1;
$strongarm->name = 'pathauto_node_pattern';
$strongarm->value = 'groups/[node:og-group-ref:0:title]/[node:title]';
$export['pathauto_node_pattern'] = $strongarm;
return $export;