Marton Kiss 8ac59801be Refactor commons build process
Update commons modules to release 7.12, and move the codebase under
modules/commons instead of constant fetching from remote repository.
The commons.make file removed so it is not required to rebuild
groups distribution.

Change-Id: I3be393ba1af34427e2915b18ab1ad718fd4e54db
2014-05-28 15:58:33 +02:00

235 lines
8.0 KiB

* @file
* Code for the Commons Wikis feature.
include_once '';
* Implements hook_commons_entity_integration().
function commons_wikis_commons_entity_integration() {
return array(
'node' => array(
'wiki' => array(
'auto_title_instance' => FALSE,
'is_group_content' => TRUE,
* Implements hook_commons_bw_group_widget().
function commons_wikis_commons_bw_group_widget() {
return array(
'commons_wikis' => array(
'title' => t('Wikis'),
'type' => 'view',
'vid' => 'commons_bw_wikis',
'display' => 'default',
'weight' => 8,
'bundle' => 'wiki',
* Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function commons_wikis_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
// We need to override access control for revision view callbacks
// in order to give all users permission to view wiki node revisions.
if ($hook == 'menu_alter') {
$group = $implementations['commons_wikis'];
$implementations['commons_wikis'] = $group;
* Implements hook_commons_bw_create_all_widget().
function commons_wikis_commons_bw_create_all_widget($group) {
if (og_user_access('node', $group->nid, 'create wiki content')) {
$link = l(t('Start a wiki'), 'node/add/wiki',
array('attributes' => array('class' => 'commons-wikis-create'), 'query' => array('og_group_ref' => $group->nid))
return array(
'commons_wikis' => array(
'link' => $link,
'text' => t('Collaborate on a document'),
'#weight' => 8,
* Implements hook_menu_alter().
function commons_wikis_menu_alter(&$items) {
// Alter the two node menu revision items and change the
// access callback to our custom one.
$items['node/%node/revisions']['access arguments'][] = $items['node/%node/revisions']['access callback'];
$items['node/%node/revisions']['access callback'] = 'commons_wikis_user_revision_access';
$items['node/%node/revisions/%/view']['access arguments'][] = $items['node/%node/revisions']['access callback'];
$items['node/%node/revisions/%/view']['access callback'] = 'commons_wikis_user_revision_access';
* Implements hook_views_default_views_alter().
* Display wikis on the browsing widget main view.
function commons_wikis_views_default_views_alter(&$views) {
if (!empty($views['commons_bw_all'])) {
$views['commons_bw_all']->display['default']->display_options['filters']['type']['value']['wiki'] = 'wiki';
* Custom access callback for viewing revision info.
function commons_wikis_user_revision_access($node = NULL, $old_callback = '_node_revision_access') {
// Only use custom revision access for wikis. Access to other content types
// should be handled by the standard callback.
if ($node->type == 'wiki') {
// The content was posted to specific groups.
if (isset($node->og_group_ref[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'])) {
return og_user_access('node', $node->og_group_ref[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'], 'update any wiki content');
// The content was posted privately to all trusted contacts.
elseif (isset($node->og_user_group_ref[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'])) {
return og_user_access('user', $node->og_user_group_ref[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'], 'update any wiki content');
return $old_callback($node, 'view');
* Implements hook_og_user_access_alter().
function commons_wikis_og_user_access_alter(&$temp_perm, $context) {
// Only alter if we're dealing with updating wiki content.
if ($context['string'] != 'update any wiki content') {
$account = $context['account'];
$group = $context['group'];
$group_type = $context['group_type'];
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($group_type, $group);
$entity_id = $wrapper->getIdentifier();
$group_content_restricted = (bool) !isset($wrapper->field_og_subscribe_settings) || (isset($wrapper->field_og_subscribe_settings) && $wrapper->field_og_subscribe_settings->value() != 'anyone');
$user_is_member = (bool) og_is_member($group_type, $entity_id, 'user', $account, array(OG_STATE_ACTIVE));
// Allow group members to be able to edit any wiki content within the group.
// Also grant access to non-members if both the group and content is public.
if (user_access('edit any wiki content', $account) && (!$group_content_restricted || $user_is_member)) {
$temp_perm['update any wiki content'] = TRUE;
* Implements hook_form_FROM_ID_alter().
function commons_wikis_form_commons_bw_partial_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
if (empty($form['#entity']) || $form['#entity']->type != 'wiki') {
$language = $form['title_field']['#language'];
$form['title_field'][$language][0]['value']['#title_display'] = 'invisible';
$form['title_field'][$language][0]['value']['#placeholder'] = t('Enter a Wiki title');
$language = $form['body']['#language'];
$form['body'][$language][0]['#title_display'] = 'invisible';
$form['body'][$language][0]['#resizable'] = FALSE;
// Set fields as hideable so the forms can be compacted.
$form['title_field']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'trigger-field';
foreach (array('body', 'og_group_ref', 'actions') as $field) {
if (isset($form[$field])) {
$form[$field]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'hideable-field';
$form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Create');
$form['#pre_render'][] = 'commons_wikis_form_commons_bw_partial_node_form_after_build';
* After-build call-back.
* See commons_wikis_form_commons_bw_partial_node_form_alter().
function commons_wikis_form_commons_bw_partial_node_form_after_build($form) {
$language = $form['body']['#language'];
$form['body'][$language][0]['format']['#access'] = FALSE;
$form['body'][$language][0]['value']['#rows'] = 10;
return $form;
* Implements hook_strongarm_alter().
function commons_wikis_strongarm_alter(&$items) {
// Expose the wiki content type for 'liking' via the Commons_like module
// by altering the configuration for the Rate.module widget that it provides.
if (!empty($items['rate_widgets']->value)) {
foreach($items['rate_widgets']->value as $key => $widget) {
if ($widget->name == 'commons_like') {
if (!in_array('wiki', $items['rate_widgets']->value[$key]->node_types)) {
$items['rate_widgets']->value[$key]->node_types[] = 'wiki';
if (!in_array('wiki', $items['rate_widgets']->value[$key]->comment_types)) {
$items['rate_widgets']->value[$key]->comment_types[] = 'wiki';
// Expose the wiki content type for integration with Commons Radioactivity
// and Commons Groups.
foreach (array('commons_radioactivity_entity_types', 'commons_groups_entity_types') as $key) {
if (isset($items[$key])) {
$items[$key]->value['node']['wiki'] = 1;
* Implements hook_node_update().
function commons_wikis_node_update($node) {
if ($node->type == 'wiki' && module_exists('message')) {
global $user;
commons_groups_first_contribution($user, $node);
$message = message_create('commons_wikis_wiki_updated', array('uid' => $user->uid, 'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME));
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('message', $message);
// Save reference to the node in the node reference field.
// We use a multiple value field in case we wish to use the same
// field for grouping messages in the future
// (eg
$wrapper->field_target_nodes[] = $node;
* Implements hook_views_pre_render().
function commons_wikis_views_pre_render(&$view) {
// Improve the browsing widget empty text when displayed outside of a group.
// TODO: Enable og_context and check group context instead of looking for an
// empty first argument.
if (empty($view->args[0]) && $view->name == 'commons_bw_wikis') {
$view->display_handler->handlers['empty']['area']->options['content'] = t('No wikis have been created.');