Added keystone scoring for Mitaka release cycle.

Scored an existing advisory capability (identity-v3-api-discovery) and
made it required in next.json.

Scored 3 new capabilities for which I couldn't find tests, adding
them however for discussion. One of the new capabilities,
identity-v3-catalog refers to the catalog that is returned when calling
the current required capability identity-v3-tokens-create. Users may be
relying on the catalog to be there, so I think it is worth discussing.

identity-v3-list-projects and identity-v3-list-groups are worth
discussing and consider for addition of new tests.

The rationale for this scoring as well as input from keystone's PTL can
be found in working_materials/keystone_capabilities_info.csv.

Change-Id: Id444f5e982f2e81f140e285c305e9c322f5b9f42
This commit is contained in:
Gema Gomez 2016-03-25 20:24:48 +00:00
parent 97602567f5
commit 140139ab01
4 changed files with 59 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"compute": {
"required": [
@ -81,8 +82,7 @@
"deprecated": [
@ -1366,6 +1366,7 @@
@ -1376,7 +1377,7 @@
"admin": false,
"description": "API discovery operations within the Identity v3 API",
"project": "keystone",
"required-since": "",
"required-since": "2016.08",
"tests": {
"tempest.api.identity.v3.TestApiDiscovery.test_api_version_resources": {
"idempotent_id": "b9232f5e-d9e5-4d97-b96c-28d3db4de1bd"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Capability,Program,Status,Method,Endpoint,Test available?,interop relevant?,PTL Comments,From Defcore Discussion,Scorer Comments,
identity-v3-tokens-create,platform/compute/object,required,POST,/v3/auth/tokens,1,yes,The returned token value is in the X-Auth-Token header,stay?,tempest.api.identity.v3.test_tokens{test_create_token},
identity-v3-api-discovery,platform/compute,advisory,,,3,yes,,make required,"tempest.api.identity.v3.test_api_discovery{test_api_version_resources, test_api_media_types, test_api_version_statuses}",
identity-v2-list-versions,,,GET,/,1,yes,,soon to be deprecated,,
identity-v2-show-version,,,GET,/v2.0,1,yes,,soon to be deprecated,,
identity-v2-token-generation,,,POST,/v2.0/tokens,1,yes,,soon to be deprecated,,
identity-v2-tenants,,,GET,/v2.0/tenants,1,yes,,"is this an admin call? if so, not a candidate",,
identity-v2-list-extensions,,,GET,/v2.0/extensions,,,,soon to be deprecated,,
identity-v2-show-extension,,,GET,/v2.0/extensions/{alias},,,,soon to be deprecated,,
identity-v3-create-ec2-credentials,,,POST,/v3/credentials,1,yes,,Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear,,
identity-v3-list-ec2-credentials,,,GET,/v3/credentials,1,yes,,Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear,,
identity-v3-show-ec2-credentials,,,GET,/v3/credentials/{credential_id},1,yes,,Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear,,
identity-v3-delete-ec2-credentials,,,DELETE,/v3/credentials/{credential_id},1,yes,,Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear,,
identity-v3-update-ec2-credentials,,,PATCH,/v3/credentials/{credential_id},,,,Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear,,
identity-v3-catalog,(make sure it works on all supported releases),,,,,,returned with the token,,,
Untestable without changing user's password, security risk. Also password policies are very particular to different companies, making a test that would pass on all is near impossible.",tempest.api.identity.v3.test_users{test_update_own_password},
identity-v3-list-projects,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/users/{user_id}/projects,0,yes,,,no test available for this feature,
identity-v3-list-groups,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/users/{user_id}/groups,0,yes,,,no test available for this feature,
identity-v3-get-project,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/projects/{project_id},0,yes,,,admin required,
identity-v3-list-roles,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/roles,0,no,,,admin required,
identity-v3-get-role,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/roles/{role_id},,no,,,admin required,
identity-v3-list-domains,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/domains,,no,,,admin required,
identity-v3-get-domain,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/domains/{domain_id},,no,,,admin required,
identity-v3-validate-token,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/auth/tokens,,yes,Token to be validated is passed in the X-Subject-Token header,,,"This sounds backwards to me, need to check with steve, shouldn't it be POST for validating and GET for getting a token??"
identity-v3-revoke-token,platform/compute,,DELETE,/v3/auth/tokens,1,yes,Token to be revoked is passed in the X-Subject-Token header,keystone.keystone.tests.unit.test_revoke{test_revoke_by_user},,
identity-v3-get-catalog,platform/compute/object,,GET,/v3/auth/catalog,0,yes,,,"couldn't find a test specific for this, there are some tests related in",
identity-v3-get-auth-projects,platform/compute,,GET,/v3/auth/projects,0,yes,,,"equivalent as far as I can tell to identity-v3-list-projects. couldn't find a test specific for this, there are some tests related in",
1 Capability Program Status Method Endpoint Test available? interop relevant? PTL Comments From Defcore Discussion Scorer Comments
2 identity-v3-tokens-create platform/compute/object required POST /v3/auth/tokens 1 yes The returned token value is in the X-Auth-Token header stay? tempest.api.identity.v3.test_tokens{test_create_token}
3 identity-v3-api-discovery platform/compute advisory 3 yes make required tempest.api.identity.v3.test_api_discovery{test_api_version_resources, test_api_media_types, test_api_version_statuses}
5 identity-v2-list-versions GET / 1 yes soon to be deprecated
6 identity-v2-show-version GET /v2.0 1 yes soon to be deprecated
7 identity-v2-token-generation POST /v2.0/tokens 1 yes soon to be deprecated
8 identity-v2-tenants GET /v2.0/tenants 1 yes is this an admin call? if so, not a candidate
9 identity-v2-list-extensions GET /v2.0/extensions soon to be deprecated
10 identity-v2-show-extension GET /v2.0/extensions/{alias} soon to be deprecated
12 identity-v3-create-ec2-credentials POST /v3/credentials 1 yes Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear
13 identity-v3-list-ec2-credentials GET /v3/credentials 1 yes Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear
14 identity-v3-show-ec2-credentials GET /v3/credentials/{credential_id} 1 yes Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear
15 identity-v3-delete-ec2-credentials DELETE /v3/credentials/{credential_id} 1 yes Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear
16 identity-v3-update-ec2-credentials PATCH /v3/credentials/{credential_id} Should we make ec2 compatibility required? unclear
17 identity-v3-catalog (make sure it works on all supported releases) returned with the token
18 identity-v3-password-update POST /v3/users/{user_id}/password 1 yes Untestable without changing user's password, security risk. Also password policies are very particular to different companies, making a test that would pass on all is near impossible. tempest.api.identity.v3.test_users{test_update_own_password}
20 identity-v3-list-projects platform/compute GET /v3/users/{user_id}/projects 0 yes no test available for this feature
21 identity-v3-list-groups platform/compute GET /v3/users/{user_id}/groups 0 yes no test available for this feature
22 identity-v3-get-project platform/compute GET /v3/projects/{project_id} 0 yes admin required
23 identity-v3-list-roles platform/compute GET /v3/roles 0 no admin required
24 identity-v3-get-role platform/compute GET /v3/roles/{role_id} no admin required
25 identity-v3-list-domains platform/compute GET /v3/domains no admin required
26 identity-v3-get-domain platform/compute GET /v3/domains/{domain_id} no admin required
28 identity-v3-validate-token platform/compute GET /v3/auth/tokens yes Token to be validated is passed in the X-Subject-Token header This sounds backwards to me, need to check with steve, shouldn't it be POST for validating and GET for getting a token??
29 identity-v3-revoke-token platform/compute DELETE /v3/auth/tokens 1 yes Token to be revoked is passed in the X-Subject-Token header keystone.keystone.tests.unit.test_revoke{test_revoke_by_user}
30 identity-v3-get-catalog platform/compute/object GET /v3/auth/catalog 0 yes couldn't find a test specific for this, there are some tests related in
31 identity-v3-get-auth-projects platform/compute GET /v3/auth/projects 0 yes equivalent as far as I can tell to identity-v3-list-projects. couldn't find a test specific for this, there are some tests related in

View File

@ -184,4 +184,22 @@ volumes-v2-readonly: [1,0,0] [1,1,1] [1,1,0] [1,1,0] [1] [67]
identity-v3-api-discovery: [0,0,1] [1,1,1] [1,1,0] [1,1,1] [1] [77]
identity-v3-api-discovery: [1,0,1] [1,1,1] [1,1,0] [1,1,1] [1] [85]
identity-v3-catalog: [1,0,1] [1,1,1] [1,1,0] [1,1,1] [1] [85]
identity-v3-list-projects: [1,0,1] [1,1,1] [1,1,0] [0,1,0] [1] [68]
identity-v3-list-groups: [1,0,1] [1,1,1] [1,1,0] [0,1,0] [1] [68]
* identity-v3-catalog is returned when the api for
identity-v3-tokens-create is called (GET /v3/auth/tokens). It is
important to consider it because end users may be relying on this
catalog for their apps (even though there are other API calls that
also show the catalog such as GET /v3/auth/catalog). There is one test
available for this capability but it is in the admin part of the test
suite, so not yet tested for non-admin users. Even though it scores enough
to be included as advisory, we cannot do this due to lack of non-admin
test case.
* identity-v3-list-projects and identity-v3-list-groups are here because
they deserve some visibility and some explicit test cases, which at the
moment they are lacking. It seems important for users to be able to
discriminate between projects and groups when running their apps.

View File

@ -58,4 +58,7 @@ volumes-v2-metadata,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,67

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 24.