================================= OpenStack DefCore 2015.next ================================= Status: Draft Replaces: 2015.03 This document outlines the mandatory and advisory capabilities required to exist in a software installation in order to be eligible to use marks controlled by the OpenStack Foundation. This document supersedes the companion JSON version. Releases Covered ============================== Applies to Havana, Icehouse Platform Components ============================== Required: Compute and Object Advisory: None Deprecated: None Removed: None Compute Component Capabilities ============================== ======================== ==================== Capability Name Associated Project ------------------------ -------------------- compute-auth Nova compute-flavors Nova compute-images Nova compute-instance-actions Nova compute-keypairs Nova compute-quotas Nova compute-servers Nova compute-volume Nova images-v2 Glance ======================== ==================== Advisory Capabilities ------------------------------ ======================== ==================== Capability Name Associated Project ------------------------ -------------------- auth-token Keystone compute-servers-metadata Nova ======================== ==================== Deprecated Capabilities ------------------------------ None. Removed Capabilities ------------------------------ None. Object Component Capabilities ============================== ======================== ==================== Capability Name Associated Project ------------------------ -------------------- objectstore-object Swift ======================== ==================== Advisory Capabilities ------------------------------ None. Deprecated Capabilities ------------------------------ None. Removed Capabilities ------------------------------ None. Designated Sections ============================== The following designated sections apply to the same releases as this specification. * Nova is by default designated except scheduler, filter, drivers, API extensions and networking. * Glance designated sections are the API implementation code and domain model. * Swift designated sections are proxy server, object server, container server, account server and select middleware (complete list provided by community in linked json document). Advisory Designated Sections ------------------------------------ None. Functional Information ====================== Format: RestructuredText Layout: 1.0