#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015 Alexander Hirschfeld # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # This was build for python 2.7, The print statements are failing with # Python 3.X import json import sys def printHelpArrays(input): if(len(input) == 0): return 'None' output = "" for i in input: output = output + i.capitalize() + ', ' return output[0:-2] inFileName = "NONE" for potentialFile in sys.argv: if ".json" in potentialFile: inFileName = potentialFile if inFileName is "NONE": print "Please pass the JSON file" sys.exit(1) print "reading from", inFileName with open(inFileName) as f: data = json.load(f) if not isinstance(data, dict): print 'Make sure this is a valid file' sys.exit(1) outFileName = inFileName.replace("json", "rst") print "writing to", outFileName # intro with open(outFileName, "w") as outFile: if data.get('id') is None: print 'Make sure there is a valid id' sys.exit(1) line01 = "OpenStack DefCore %s" % data["id"] outFile.write('='*len(line01) + '\n') outFile.write(line01 + '\n') outFile.write('='*len(line01) + '\n') # Nonlooping if data.get('platform') is None: print "The platform section is not found" sys.exit(1) # Correct Source if data.get('source') != 'http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/defcore/': print "The expected DefCore source not found" sys.exit(1) outFile.write(""" :Status: {status} :Replaces: {replaces} This document outlines the mandatory capabilities and designated sections required to exist in a software installation in order to be eligible to use marks controlled by the OpenStack Foundation. This document was generated from the master JSON version. Releases Covered ============================== Applies to {releases} Platform Components ============================== :Required: {platformRequired} :Advisory: {platformAdvisory} :Deprecated: {platformDepric} :Removed: {platformRemoved} """.format(status=data.get("status"), replaces=data.get("replaces"), releases=printHelpArrays(data.get("releases")), platformRequired=printHelpArrays(data["platform"].get("required")), platformAdvisory=printHelpArrays(data["platform"].get("advisory")), platformDepric=printHelpArrays(data["platform"].get("deprecated")), platformRemoved=printHelpArrays(data["platform"].get("removed")))) # looping if data.get('components') is None: print "No components found" sys.exit(1) components = sorted(data["components"].keys()) order = ["required", "advisory", "deprecated", "removed"] for component in components: outFile.write(""" {component} Component Capabilities """.format(component=component.capitalize())) outFile.write('='*(len(component) + 23)) # footer for event in order: outFile.write("\n{event} Capabilities \n".format( event=event.capitalize())) outFile.write("-" * (len(event) + 15) + "\n") if(len(data['components'][component][event]) == 0): outFile.write("None \n") for req in data['components'][component][event]: if not data["capabilities"][req].get('name') is None: outFile.write("* {name} ({project})\n".format( name=data["capabilities"][req]["name"].capitalize(), project=data["capabilities"][req].get("project"))) else: print "{ capabilities /", req, "/ name } does not exist" outFile.write("* {name} ({project})\n".format( name=req.capitalize(), project=data["capabilities"][req].get("project"))) # Designated -Sections if 'designated-sections' not in data: print "designated-sections not in json file" sys.exit(1) outFile.write(""" Designated Sections ===================================== The following designated sections apply to the same releases as this specification.""") order = ['required', 'advisory', 'deprecated', 'removed'] desig = data.get("designated-sections") for event in order: outFile.write('\n\n{event} Designated Sections\n'.format( event=event.capitalize())) outFile.write('-'*(len(event) + 20)) # +20 is for length of header names = sorted(desig[event].keys()) if len(names) is 0: outFile.write('\nNone') for name in names: outFile.write("\n* {name} : {guide}".format( name=name.capitalize(), guide=desig[event][name].get('guidance'))) outFile.write('\n')