Guiding core priciple number 7 from the DefCore core definition is [1]: "7. Tests can be remotely or self-administered" Tests that require multiple tenants and users create a barrier to remote adminstration and independent verification of test results. Requiring users to enroll for multiple tenant-isolated accounts on a public cloud creates a resource cost that may be insurmountable for end users, especially when comparing multiple public clouds. In addition, tenant isolation is less a capability for writing interoperable applications, and more a security concern for cloud implementers. While important, the goal of interopearbility is orthgonal to the security goals of tenant isolation. The flagged tests in this patch require multiple tenant-isloated accounts, and are marked to to be fixed where possible, or removed where not possible. This list was determined by successfully running the defcore suite against a test cloud[2], then re-running the tests configured with only one account against the same test cloud[3]. At the January QA meetup, this test list was refined by refactoring Server Negative tests into two classes, one that requires multi-tenant access, one one that does not[4]. This significantly reduced the number of flagged tests.[5] [1] https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/doc/source/process/CoreDefinition.rst [2] https://refstack.openstack.org/#/results/0b8ac51d-3288-42d8-b276-4a54046e41bd [3] https://refstack.openstack.org/#/results/01f29358-8870-4e15-8f7a-f6a082d44e29 [4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/283819/ [5] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/multi-tenant-defcore-tests Change-Id: I5ec801ae48e8220abdaecebe43e77465684e8b5b
Understanding the DefCore Guidelines
This repository contains DefCore committee managed files that provide guidance for the OpenStack community.
NOTE: Changes to file requires approval of the DefCore committee chair(s).
DefCore Process Documentation
Want to certify as a vendor? Consult OpenStack Interop.
The /doc/source/process directory contains details about the DefCore process.
The /doc/source/schema directory contains details about the JSON schema versions used to express Guidelines.
The /doc/source/guidelines directory contains RST versions of the DefCore Guidelines approved by the OpenStack Board of Directors.
- Core Definition
- Process Goverance
doc/source/process/2015A.rst (please check for latest)
- Designated Sections
- Core Criteria
- DefCore Governance
- Platform and Components
- DefCore Cycles
- Terminology