'HTMLText', 'TrademarkURL' => 'Text' ); static $has_many = array( ); public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextField('TrademarkURL','Path to page 2, the trademark agreement (URL)'), 'Content'); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new HTMLEditorField('Preamble','Welcome Message'), 'Content'); $fields->renameField("Content", "Logo Guidelines"); return $fields; } } class LogoGuidelinesPage_Controller extends Page_Controller { // enables the form to be submitted static $allowed_actions = array( 'GuidelinesForm' ); function GuidelinesForm() { // Create fields $fields = new FieldList( new HiddenField('ReadGuidelines',TRUE) ); // Create action $actions = new FieldList( new FormAction('doReadGuidelines', 'AGREE & CONTINUE') ); // Create Validators // Form(controller, form name, fields, actions, validator) return new Form($this, 'GuidelinesForm', $fields, $actions); } // called when the form is submitted (see 'form action' above) function doReadGuidelines($data, $form) { Session::set('ReadGuidelines', true); $this->redirect($this->TrademarkURL); } function init() { parent::init(); Requirements::customCSS("fieldset {display:none}"); Requirements::javascript("http://assets.zendesk.com/external/zenbox/v2.5/zenbox.js"); Requirements::css("http://assets.zendesk.com/external/zenbox/v2.5/zenbox.css"); Requirements::customScript(' if (typeof(Zenbox) !== "undefined") { Zenbox.init({ dropboxID: "20115046", url: "https://openstack.zendesk.com", tabID: "Ask Us", tabColor: "black", tabPosition: "Right" }); } '); } function BrandingMenu() { return TRUE; } }