"Men's Small", 'Medium' => "Men's Medium", 'Large' => "Men's Large", 'XL' => "Men's XL", 'XXL' => "Men's XXL", 'WS' => "Womens Small", 'WM' => "Womens Medium", 'WL' => "Womens Large", 'WXL' => "Womens XL", 'WXXL' => 'Womens XXL' )); $affiliations = new FieldGroup( new HeaderField('Affiliations'), new LiteralField("add-affiliation", "Add New Affiliation"), new LiteralField("affiliations-container", "
") ); $StatementOfInterestField = new TextField('StatementOfInterest', 'Statement of Interest'); $StatementOfInterestField->addExtraClass('autocompleteoff'); // Photo $PhotoField = new CustomUploadField('Photo', 'Photo (Optional)'); $PhotoField->setCanAttachExisting(false); $PhotoField->setAllowedMaxFileNumber(1); $PhotoField->setAllowedFileCategories('image'); $PhotoField->setTemplateFileButtons('CustomUploadField_FrontEndFIleButtons'); $PhotoField->setFolderName('profile-images'); $sizeMB = 1; // 1 MB $size = $sizeMB * 1024 * 1024; // 1 MB in bytes $PhotoField->getValidator()->setAllowedMaxFileSize($size); $PhotoField->setCanPreviewFolder(false); // Don't show target filesystem folder on upload field // Biography $BioField = new TextAreaField('Bio', 'Bio: A Little Bit About You (Optional)', 10, 15); // Food Preference $FoodPreferenceField = new CheckboxSetField('FoodPreference', 'Do you have any food preferences we can help accomodate?', array( 'Vegan' => 'Vegan', 'Vegetarian' => 'Vegetarian', 'Gluten' => 'Gluten allergy', 'Peanut' => 'Peanut allergy' )); // Other Field $OtherFoodField = new TextField('OtherFood', 'Other Food Considerations'); $OtherFoodField->addExtraClass('other-field'); // IRC and Twitter $IRCHandleField = new TextField('IRCHandle', 'IRC Handle (Optional)'); $TwitterNameField = new TextField('TwitterName', 'Twitter Name (Optional)'); $LinkedInProfileField = new TextField('LinkedInProfile', 'LinkedIn Profile (Optional)'); // Associated Projects $ProjectsField = new CheckboxSetField('Projects', 'What programs are you involved with? (Optional)', array( 'Nova' => 'Compute', 'Swift' => 'Object Storage', 'Glance' => 'Image Service', 'Keystone' => 'Identity Service', 'Horizon' => 'Dashboard', 'Quantum' => 'Networking', 'Cinder' => 'Block Storage', 'Ceilometer' => 'Metering/Monitoring', 'Heat' => 'Orchestration', 'Trove' => 'Database Service', 'Ironic' => 'Bare Metal', 'Queue' => 'Queue Service', 'DataProcessing' => 'Data Processing', 'Oslo' => 'Common Libraries', 'Openstack-ci' => 'Infrastructure', 'Openstack-manuals' => 'Documentation', 'QA' => 'Quality Assurance', 'Deployment' => 'Deployment', 'DevStack' => 'DevStack', 'Release' => 'Release Cycle Management' )); // Other Projects Field $OtherProjectField = new TextField('OtherProject', 'Other Project (if one above does not match)'); $OtherProjectField->addExtraClass('other-field'); //Newsletter Field $subscribedToNewsletterField = new CheckboxField('SubscribedToNewsletter', 'I don\'t mind occasionally receiving the OpenStack community newsletter.'); $DisplayOnSiteField = new CheckboxField('DisplayOnSite', 'Include this bio on openstack.org.'); // New Gender Field $GenderField = new OptionSetField('Gender', 'I identify my gender as:', array( 'Male' => 'Male', 'Female' => 'Female', 'Specify' => 'Let me specify', 'Prefer not to say' => 'Prefer not to say' )); $GenderSpecifyField = new TextField('GenderSpecify', 'Specify your gender'); $GenderSpecifyField->addExtraClass('hide'); $fields = new FieldList( new LiteralField('header', 'For our purposes, an affiliation is defined as any company where you are an officer, director or employee, or any person or company that has paid you more than $60,000 USD as an independent contractor in the last 12 months. Please list all affiliations which meet this criteria.
'), new LiteralField('break', 'Your statement of interest should be a few words describing your objectives or plans for OpenStack.
'), new LiteralField('break', 'If you\'re an active developer on the OpenStack project, please list any email addresses you use to commit code. (This will really help us avoid duplicates!) If you contributed code ONLY using gerrit, all email addresses you used will be listed on the web identities page. If you have contributed also before gerrit was put in place, please make an effort to remember other email addresses you may have used. Interested in how to become a contributor?
'), $PrimaryEmailField, new LiteralField('instructions', 'This email address is also the account name you use to login.
'), $SecondEmailField, $ThirdEmailField, new LiteralField('break', 'It\'s perfectly acceptable if you choose not to tell us: we appreciate you becoming a member of OpenStack Foundation. The information will remain private and only used to monitor our effort to improve gender diversity in our community.
'), new LiteralField('break', '