/** * Copyright 2014 Openstack Foundation * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var form_id ="#EditProfileForm_EditProfileForm"; var edit_profile_form = $(form_id); if(edit_profile_form.length > 0){ $("#AffiliationEditForm_AffiliationEditForm").affiliations({ storage:'remote' }); var country = $(form_id+'_Country'); if(country.length > 0){ country.chosen(); } var default_country = country.val(); state_input = $(form_id + ' input[name="State"]'); $('.autocompleteoff').attr('autocomplete', 'off'); var country = $(form_id+'_Country'); //custom validation jQuery.validator.addMethod('checkAffiliations', function(value, element,params) { var count = $("#AffiliationEditForm_AffiliationEditForm").affiliations('count'); return count >0; },'You must add at least one Affiliation.'); jQuery.validator.addMethod( "regex", function(value, element, regexp) { var re = new RegExp(regexp,'g'); var res = re.test(value); return !res; }, "Please check your input." ); edit_profile_form.validate({ ignore: [], rules: { FirstName:{required: true,regex:'[\"()=<>]+' }, Surname:{required: true,regex:'[\"()=<>]+'}, Email: {required: true,email: true}, SecondEmail:{required: false,email: true}, StatementOfInterest:{required: true}, ThirdEmail:{required: false,email: true}, OrgName:{required: true}, Address:{required: true}, City:{required: true}, State:{required: true}, Postcode:{required: true}, 'Affiliations':{checkAffiliations:true}, 'Gender':{required:true} }, messages: { FirstName:{ required:'First Name is required.', regex:'First Name is not valid.' }, Surname:{ required:'Last Name is required.', regex:'Last Name is not valid.' }, OrgName:'Affiliations is required.', StatementOfInterest:'Statement of Interest is required.', Address:'Street Address (Line1) is required.', City:'City is required.', State:'State is required.', Postcode:'Postcode is required.', Email:{ required:'Primary Email Address is required.', email:'Primary Email Address is not valid.' }, SecondEmail:'Second Email Address is not valid.', ThirdEmail:'Third Email Address is not valid.', Gender:'Please specify your gender' } }); country.change( function(){ var state_input = $(form_id + ' input[name="State"]'); var country_selected = $(this).val(); if(country_selected == 'US'){ state_input.rules( "add", {required: true} ); }else{ state_input.rules( "remove", "required" ); } }); var GenderSpecify = $('input[name=GenderSpecify]'); var GenderField = $('input[name=Gender]'); if(GenderSpecify.val() != ''){ $('#GenderSpecify').show(); GenderSpecify.show(); $('#EditProfileForm_EditProfileForm_Gender_Specify').prop("checked", true); } GenderField.on('change',function(){ var value = $(this).val(); if(value == 'Specify'){ $('#GenderSpecify').removeClass('hide').fadeIn(); GenderSpecify.removeClass('hide').fadeIn(); } else { $('#GenderSpecify').fadeOut(); GenderSpecify.fadeOut(); } }); var state_input = $(form_id + ' input[name="State"]'); if(default_country != 'US'){ state_input.rules( "remove", "required" ); } $(form_id+'_FirstName').change(function(){ if (confirm("We see you just updated your Profile Name, would you like to copy this to your Speaker Name?") == true) { $(form_id+'_ReplaceName').val(1); } else { $(form_id+'_ReplaceName').val(0); } }); $(form_id+'_Surname').change(function(){ if (confirm("We see you just updated your Profile Last Name, would you like to copy this to your Speaker Last Name?") == true) { $(form_id+'_ReplaceSurname').val(1); } else { $(form_id+'_ReplaceSurname').val(0); } }); // see if Bio has been modified, we do it this way because we can't make the textarea onchange event work edit_profile_form.submit(function() { if (tinyMCE.activeEditor.isDirty()) { if (confirm("We see you just updated your Profile Bio, would you like to copy this to your Speaker Bio?") == true) { $(form_id+'_ReplaceBio').val(1); return true; } else { $(form_id+'_ReplaceBio').val(0); return true; } } }); } var speaker_form_id ="#EditSpeakerProfileForm_EditSpeakerProfileForm"; var edit_speaker_profile_form = $(speaker_form_id); if(edit_speaker_profile_form.length > 0){ //custom validation jQuery.validator.addMethod('checkAffiliations', function(value, element,params) { var count = $("#AffiliationEditForm_AffiliationEditForm").affiliations('count'); return count >0; },'You must add at least one Affiliation.'); jQuery.validator.addMethod( "regex", function(value, element, regexp) { var re = new RegExp(regexp,'g'); var res = re.test(value); return !res; }, "Please check your input." ); edit_speaker_profile_form.validate({ ignore: [], rules: { FirstName:{required: true, ValidPlainText:true }, Surname:{required: true, ValidPlainText:true }, Title: {required: true, ValidPlainText:true}, Bio:{required: true}, Expertise:{required: true, ValidPlainText:true }, 'IRCHandle':{ ValidPlainText:true }, 'TwitterName':{ ValidPlainText:true } }, messages: { FirstName:{ required:'First Name is required.', regex:'First Name is not valid.' }, Surname:{ required:'Last Name is required.', regex:'Last Name is not valid.' }, Title: { required: 'Title is required.', regex: 'Title is not valid.' }, Bio:'Bio is required.', Expertise: { required: 'Expertise is required.', regex: 'Expertise is not valid.' } } }); $(speaker_form_id+'_FirstName').change(function(){ if (confirm("We see you just updated your Speaker Name, would you like to copy this to your Profile Name?") == true) { $(speaker_form_id+'_ReplaceName').val(1); } else { $(speaker_form_id+'_ReplaceName').val(0); } }); $(speaker_form_id+'_LastName').change(function(){ if (confirm("We see you just updated your Speaker Last Name, would you like to copy this to your Profile Last Name?") == true) { $(speaker_form_id+'_ReplaceSurname').val(1); } else { $(speaker_form_id+'_ReplaceSurname').val(0); } }); // see if Bio has been modified, we do it this way because we can't make the textarea onchange event work edit_speaker_profile_form.submit(function() { if (tinyMCE.activeEditor.isDirty()) { if (confirm("We see you just updated your Speaker Bio, would you like to copy this to your Profile Bio?") == true) { $(speaker_form_id+'_ReplaceBio').val(1); return true; } else { $(speaker_form_id+'_ReplaceBio').val(0); return true; } } }); } });