<% if CurrentMember %> <% if Success %>

Please confirm your nomination

Are you sure you would officially like to nominate $Candidate.FirstName $Candidate.Surname to the OpenStack Board?

Yes, Nominate $Candidate.FirstName   No

<% else %> <% if NominatedByMe %>

You have already nominated $Candidate.FirstName $Candidate.Surname.

See Nominations See All Members

<% else_if LimitExceeded %>

This candidate has already received 10 nominations.

That's all the nominations that are required to appear on the election ballot. You may want to nominate someone else who you think would be a good candidate.

Go Back Nominate Someone Else

<% else %>

There was an error nominating this candidate. Please try again.

Go Back

<% end_if %> <% end_if %> <% else %>

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In order to nominate a candidate, you will first need to login as a member. Don't have an account? Join The Foundation

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<% end_if %>