2014-10-31 16:21:41 -03:00

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21 KiB

* Mapbox, the jQuery Map
* jQuery Map Plugin
* Version 0.6.0 beta
* Author Abel Mohler
* Released with the MIT License:
(function($) {// jQuery.noConflict compliant
$.fn.mapbox = function(o, callback) {
var defaults = {
zoom: true, // does map zoom?
pan: true, // does map move side to side and up to down?
defaultLayer: 0, // starting at 0, which layer shows up first
layerSplit: 4, // how many times to split each layer as a zoom level
mapContent: ".mapcontent", // the name of the class on the content inner layer
defaultX: null, // default positioning on X-axis
defaultY: null, // default positioning on Y-axis
zoomToCursor: true, // if true, position on the map where the cursor is set will stay the same relative distance from the edge when zooming
doubleClickZoom: false, // if true, double clicking zooms to mouse position
clickZoom: false, // if true, clicking zooms to mouse position
doubleClickZoomOut: false, // if true, double clicking zooms out to mouse position
clickZoomOut: false, // if true, clicking zooms out to mouse position
doubleClickMove: false, // if true, double clicking moves the map to the cursor position
clickMove: false, // if true, clicking moves the map to the cursor position
doubleClickDistance: 1, // number of positions (determined by layerSplit) to move on a double-click zoom event
clickDistance: 1, // number of positions (determined by layerSplit) to move on a click zoom event
callBefore: function(layer, xcoord, ycoord, viewport) {}, // this callback happens before dragging of map starts
callAfter: function(layer, xcoord, ycoord, viewport) {}, // this callback happens at end of drag after map is released "mouseup"
beforeZoom: function(layer, xcoord, ycoord, viewport) {}, // callback before a zoom happens
afterZoom: function(layer, xcoord, ycoord, viewport) {}, // callback after zoom has completed
mousewheel: false // requires mousewheel event plugin:
if(typeof callback == "function") {
o.callAfter = callback;
var command, arg = arguments;
if(typeof o == "string") {
command = o;//command passes "methods" such as "zoom", "left", etc.
o = $.extend(defaults, o || {});//inherit properties
overflow: "hidden",
position: "relative"
function _zoom(distance) {
if(!o.zoom) return false;
if(distance === 0) distance = 0;
else distance = distance || 1;
var layers = $(this).find(">div"), limit = layers.length - 1, current = $(this).find(".current-map-layer");
if(typeof o.beforeZoom == "function") {
o.beforeZoom(current[0], this.xPos, this.yPos, this);
var move = this.visible, eq = move;
move += (distance / o.layerSplit);
if(move < 0) move = 0;
if(move > limit) move = limit;
eq = Math.ceil(move);
var movement = (this.visible == move) ? false : true;
this.visible = move;
var oldWidth = current.width(), oldHeight = current.height();
var xPercent = (($(this).width() / 2) + this.xPos) / oldWidth,
yPercent = (($(this).height() / 2) + this.yPos) / oldHeight;
if ((o.layerSplit > 1 && eq > 0)) {
var percent = move - (eq -1), thisX = layers.eq(eq)[0].defaultWidth, thisY = layers.eq(eq)[0].defaultHeight, lastX = layers.eq(eq - 1).width(), lastY = layers.eq(eq - 1).height();
var differenceX = thisX - lastX, differenceY = thisY - lastY, totalWidth = lastX + (differenceX * percent), totalHeight = lastY + (differenceY * percent);
if(o.layerSplit > 1 && eq > 0) {
//left and top adjustment for new zoom level
var newLeft = (layers.eq(eq).width() * xPercent) - ($(this).width() / 2),
newTop = (layers.eq(eq).height() * yPercent) - ($(this).height() / 2);
newLeft = 0 - newLeft;
newTop = 0 - newTop;
var limitX = $(this).width() - layers.eq(eq).width(),
limitY = $(this).height() - layers.eq(eq).height();
if(newLeft > 0) newLeft = 0;
if(newTop > 0) newTop = 0;
if(newLeft < limitX) newLeft = limitX;
if(newTop < limitY) newTop = limitY;
this.xPos = 0 - newLeft;
this.yPos = 0 - newTop;
function doCallback() {
if(typeof o.afterZoom == "function") {
o.afterZoom(layers.eq(eq)[0], this.xPos, this.yPos, this);
left: newLeft + "px",
top: newTop + "px",
display: "block"
return movement;
function _move(x, y, node) {
node = node || $(this).find(".current-map-layer");
var limitX = 0, limitY = 0, mapWidth = $(this).width(), mapHeight = $(this).height(),
nodeWidth = $(node).width(), nodeHeight = $(node).height();
if(mapWidth < nodeWidth) limitX = mapWidth - nodeWidth;
if(mapHeight < nodeHeight) limitY = mapHeight - nodeHeight;
var left = 0 - (this.xPos + x), top = 0 - (this.yPos + y);
left = (left > 0) ? 0 : left;
left = (left < limitX) ? limitX : left;
top = (top > 0) ? 0 : top;
top = (top < limitY) ? limitY : top;
this.xPos = 0 - left;
this.yPos = 0 - top;
left: left + "px",
top: top + "px"
function _position(x, y, node) {
node = node || $(this).find(".current-map-layer");
x = 0 - x;
y = 0 - y;
var limitX = 0 - ($(node).width() - $(this).width());
var limitY = 0 - ($(node).height() - $(this).height());
if(x > 0) x = 0;
if(y > 0) y = 0;
if(x < limitX) x = limitX;
if(y < limitY) y = limitY;
this.xPos = 0 - x;
this.yPos = 0 - y;
left: x + "px",
top: y + "px"
function _makeCoords(s) {
s = s.replace(/px/, "");
s = 0 - s;
return s;
var method = {//public methods
zoom: function(distance) {
distance = distance || 1;, distance);
back: function(distance) {
distance = distance || 1;, 0 - distance);
left: function(amount) {
amount = amount || 10;, 0 - amount, 0);
right: function(amount) {
amount = amount || 10;, amount, 0);
up: function(amount) {
amount = amount || 10;, 0, 0 - amount);
down: function(amount) {
amount = amount || 10;, 0, amount);
center: function(coords) {
coords = coords || {
x: $(this).find(".current-map-layer").width() / 2,
y: $(this).find(".current-map-layer").height() / 2
var node = $(this).find(".current-map-layer");
var newX = coords.x - ($(this).width() / 2), newY = coords.y - ($(this).height() / 2);, newX, newY, node[0]);
zoomTo: function(level) {
var distance = Math.round((level - this.visible) / (1 / this.layerSplit));, distance);
return this.each(function() {
if(typeof command == "string") {//execute public methods if called
var execute = method[command];
o.layerSplit = this.layerSplit || o.layerSplit;, callback);
else {
this.visible = o.defaultLayer, this.layerSplit = o.layerSplit;//magic
var viewport = this, layers = $(this).find(">div"), mapHeight = $(this).height(), mapWidth = $(this).width(), mapmove = false, first = true;
position: "absolute"
display: "block",
left: "",
top: ""
position: "absolute",
left: "0",
top: "0",
height: mapHeight + "px",
width: "100%"
layers.each(function() {
this.defaultWidth = $(this).width();
this.defaultHeight = $(this).height();
position: "absolute",
top: "0",
left: "0"
if($(this).find(o.mapContent).length > 0) $(this).find(">img").css({
width: "100%",
position: "absolute",
left: "0",
top: "0"
}).after('<div class="map-layer-mask"></div>')
position: "absolute",
left: "0",
top: "0",
background: "white",// omg, horrible hack,
opacity: "0",// but only way IE will not freak out when
filter: "alpha(opacity=0)"// mouseup over IMG tag occurs after mousemove event
if (o.defaultLayer > 0) {
if(o.defaultX == null) {
o.defaultX = Math.floor((mapWidth / 2) - ($(this).find(".current-map-layer").width() / 2));
if(o.defaultX > 0) o.defaultX = 0;
if(o.defaultY == null) {
o.defaultY = Math.floor((mapHeight / 2) - ($(this).find(".current-map-layer").height() / 2));
if(o.defaultY > 0) o.defaultY = 0;
this.xPos = 0 - o.defaultX;
this.yPos = 0 - o.defaultY;
this.layerSplit = o.layerSplit;
var mapStartX = o.defaultX;
var mapStartY = o.defaultY;
var clientStartX;
var clientStartY;
left: o.defaultX + "px",
top: o.defaultY + "px"
* Event Handling and Callbacks
var weveMoved = false;
$(this).mousedown(function() {
var layer = $(this).find(".current-map-layer");
var x = layer[0].style.left, y = layer[0];
x = _makeCoords(x);
y = _makeCoords(y);
o.callBefore(layer, x, y, viewport);
mapmove = true;
first = true;
return false;//otherwise dragging on IMG elements etc inside the map will cause problems
$(document).mouseup(function() {
var layer = $(viewport).find(".current-map-layer");
var x = layer[0].style.left, y = layer[0];
x = _makeCoords(x);
y = _makeCoords(y);
o.callAfter(layer, x, y, viewport);
mapmove = false;
if(weveMoved) {
clickDefault = false;
weveMoved = false;
return false;
$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
var layer = $(viewport).find(".current-map-layer");
if(mapmove && o.pan) {
if(first) {
clientStartX = e.clientX;
clientStartY = e.clientY;
mapStartX = layer[0].style.left.replace(/px/, "");
mapStartY = layer[0], "");
first = false;
else {
weveMoved = true;
var limitX = 0, limitY = 0;
if(mapWidth < layer.width()) limitX = mapWidth - layer.width();
if(mapHeight < layer.height()) limitY = mapHeight - layer.height();
var mapX = mapStartX - (clientStartX - e.clientX);
mapX = (mapX > 0) ? 0 : mapX;
mapX = (mapX < limitX) ? limitX : mapX;
var mapY = mapStartY - (clientStartY - e.clientY);
mapY = (mapY > 0) ? 0 : mapY;
mapY = (mapY < limitY) ? limitY : mapY;
left: mapX + "px",
top: mapY + "px"
viewport.xPos = _makeCoords(layer[0].style.left);
viewport.yPos = _makeCoords(layer[0];
if(o.mousewheel && typeof $.fn.mousewheel != "undefined") {
$(viewport).mousewheel(function(e, distance) {
if(o.zoomToCursor) {
//should probably DRY this.
var layer = $(this).find('.current-map-layer'),
positionTop = e.pageY - layer.offset().top,//jQuery normalizes pageX and pageY for us.
positionLeft = e.pageX - layer.offset().left,
//recalculate this position on current layer as a percentage
relativeTop = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top,
relativeLeft = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left,
percentTop = positionTop / layer.height(),
percentLeft = positionLeft / layer.width();
if(, distance) && o.zoomToCursor/* && distance > 0*/) {
//only center when zooming in, since it feels weird on out. Don't center if we've reached the floor
//convert percentage to pixels on new layer
layer = $(this).find('.current-map-layer');
var x = layer.width() * percentLeft,
y = layer.height() * percentTop;
//and set position, x - relativeLeft, y - relativeTop, layer[0]);
return false;//don't scroll the window
var clickTimeoutId = setTimeout(function(){},0), clickDefault = true;
if(o.doubleClickZoom || o.doubleClickZoomOut || o.doubleClickMove) {
$(viewport).dblclick(function(e) {
//TODO: DRY this
//prevent single-click default
clickDefault = false;
var layer = $(this).find('.current-map-layer'),
positionTop = e.pageY - layer.offset().top,//jQuery normalizes pageX and pageY for us.
positionLeft = e.pageX - layer.offset().left,
//recalculate this position on current layer as a percentage
percentTop = positionTop / layer.height(),
percentLeft = positionLeft / layer.width();
if(o.doubleClickZoom) {
distance = o.doubleClickDistance;
else if (o.doubleClickZoomOut) {
distance = 0 - o.doubleClickDistance;
else {
distance = 0;
}, distance);
//convert percentage to pixels on new layer
layer = $(this).find('.current-map-layer');
var x = layer.width() * percentLeft,
y = layer.height() * percentTop;
//and center,{x: x, y: y});
return false;
if(o.clickZoom || o.clickZoomOut || o.clickMove) {
$(viewport).click(function(e) {
function clickAction() {
if(clickDefault) {
//TODO: DRY this
var layer = $(this).find('.current-map-layer'),
positionTop = e.pageY - layer.offset().top,//jQuery normalizes pageX and pageY for us.
positionLeft = e.pageX - layer.offset().left,
//recalculate this position on current layer as a percentage
percentTop = positionTop / layer.height(),
percentLeft = positionLeft / layer.width();
var distance;
if(o.clickZoom) {
distance = o.clickDistance;
else if (o.clickZoomOut) {
distance = 0 - o.clickDistance;
else {
distance = 0;
}, distance);
//convert percentage to pixels on new layer
layer = $(this).find('.current-map-layer');
var x = layer.width() * percentLeft,
y = layer.height() * percentTop;
//and center,{x: x, y: y});
clickDefault = true;
if(o.doubleClickZoom || o.doubleClickZoomOut || o.doubleClickMove) {
//if either of these are registered we need to set the clickAction
//into a timeout so that a double click clears it
clickTimeoutId = setTimeout(function(){}, 400);
else {;
* End Event Handling and Callbacks
//deferred, load images in hidden layers
$(window).load(function() {
layers.each(function() {
var img = $(this).find("img")[0];
if(typeof img == "object") $("<img>").attr("src", img.src);