Conflicts: registration/code/EditProfilePage.php
673 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
673 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
* Copyright 2014 Openstack Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class EditProfilePage extends Page
class EditProfilePage_Controller extends Page_Controller
static $allowed_actions = array(
* @var TrainingManager
private $training_manager;
* @var ICourseRepository
private $course_repository;
* @var ITrainingRepository
private $training_repository;
* @var CourseManager
private $course_manager;
function init()
Requirements::css("themes/openstack/css/chosen.css", "screen,projection");
Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js');
$this->course_repository = new SapphireCourseRepository;
$this->training_repository = new SapphireTrainingServiceRepository;
$this->course_manager = new CourseManager(
new SapphireTrainingCourseTypeRepository,
new SapphireTrainingCourseLevelRepository,
new SapphireCourseRelatedProjectRepository,
new TrainingFactory,
$this->training_manager = new TrainingManager($this->training_repository,
new SapphireMarketPlaceTypeRepository,
new TrainingAddPolicy,
new TrainingShowPolicy,
new SessionCacheService,
new MarketplaceFactory,
public function AffiliationEditForm()
if ($CurrentMember = Member::currentUser()) {
$AffiliationEditForm = new AffiliationEditForm($this, 'AffiliationEditForm');
return $AffiliationEditForm;
// The first tab of the profile page. This is called in the EditProfilePage.ss template.
public function EditProfileForm()
if ($CurrentMember = Member::currentUser()) {
$EditProfileForm = new EditProfileForm($this, 'EditProfileForm');
//Populate the form with the current members data
return $EditProfileForm;
public function EditSpeakerProfileForm()
if ($CurrentMember = Member::currentUser()) {
$speaker = Speaker::get()->filter('MemberID',$CurrentMember->ID)->first();;
$SpeakerProfileForm = New EditSpeakerProfileForm($this, 'EditSpeakerProfileForm', $speaker, $CurrentMember, null);
return $SpeakerProfileForm;
//Save profile
function SaveProfile($data, $form) {
//Check for a logged in member
if ($CurrentMember = Member::currentUser()) {
//Check for another member with the same email address
if (Member::get()->filter(array('Email'=>Convert::raw2sql($data['Email']) , 'ID:not'=>$CurrentMember->ID))->count() > 0) {
$form->addErrorMessage("Email", 'Sorry, that email address already exists.', "bad");
Session::set("FormInfo.Form_EditProfileForm.data", $data);
return $this->redirect($this->Link('?error=1'));
} //Otherwise save profile
else {
// Clean up bio
if ($data["Bio"]) {
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
// Remove any CSS or inline styles
$config->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', array());
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
$cleanedBio = $purifier->purify($data["Bio"]);
if (isset($cleanedBio)) $CurrentMember->Bio = $cleanedBio;
if($data['Gender'] == 'Specify'){
$CurrentMember->Gender = $data['GenderSpecify'];
$speaker = Speaker::get()->filter('MemberID', $CurrentMember->ID)->first();
if ($speaker) {
if ($data['ReplaceName'] == 1) {
$speaker->FirstName = $data['FirstName'];
if ($data['ReplaceSurname'] == 1) {
$speaker->Surname = $data['Surname'];
if ($data['ReplaceBio'] == 1) {
$speaker->Bio = $data['Bio'];
// If they do not have a photo uploaded, but they have provided a twitter URL, attempt to grab a photo from twitter
if ($CurrentMember->TwitterName && !$CurrentMember->Photo()->Exists()) {
return $this->redirect($this->Link('?saved=1'));
} //If not logged in then return a permission error
else {
return Security::PermissionFailure($this->controller, 'You must be <a href="/join">registered</a> and logged in to edit your profile:');
//Check for just saved
function Saved()
return $this->request->getVar('saved');
//Check for error
function Error()
return $this->request->getVar('error');
//Check for success status
function Success()
return $this->request->getVar('success');
public function SetCurrentTab($tab)
$this->CurrentTab = $tab;
function LegalAgreements()
$CurrentMember = Member::currentUser();
$LegalAgreements = LegalAgreement::get()->filter('MemberID', $CurrentMember->ID);
if ($LegalAgreements->count() > 0) {
return $LegalAgreements;
} else {
return NULL;
function FoundationMember()
// see if the member is in the foundation group
if (Member::currentUser() && Member::currentUser()->inGroup('foundation-members')) return TRUE;
function CompanyAdmin()
return Member::currentUser()->getManagedCompanies();
// look up the current election if there is one
function CurrentElection()
// Query the election system to look for a current election
$Elections = ElectionSystem::get()->first();
if ($Elections) {
// See if the current election is open.
// An election is open if either nominations are open or the election voting is open.
if (!$Elections->CurrentElectionID == 0) {
return $Elections->CurrentElection();
// Uses the twitter name of the person to fetch and set a profile image
function ProfilePhotoFromTwitter($Member)
$thumbnailURL = "https://api.twitter.com/1/users/profile_image?screen_name=" . $Member->TwitterName . "&size=bigger";
$folderToSave = 'assets/profile-images/'; //to save into another folder add one via the cms then change this path. Folders are a type of Folder DataObject.
$folderObject = Folder::get()->filter('Filename','folderToSave')->first();
if ($folderObject) {
//get image from url and save to folder
$thumbnailToCopy = @file_get_contents($thumbnailURL);
$thumbnailName = $Member->TwitterName . '.png';
// Make sure something was returned from twitter.
if ($thumbnailToCopy !== false) {
$thumbnailFile = fopen('./../' . $folderToSave . $thumbnailName, 'w'); // opens existing or creates a new file
fwrite($thumbnailFile, $thumbnailToCopy); //overwrites file
fclose($thumbnailFile); //close file
if (!Image::get()->filter('Name', $thumbnailName)->count()) //checks if dataObject already exists, stops multiple records being created.
$thumbnailObject = Object::create('BetterImage');
$thumbnailObject->ParentID = $folderObject->ID; //assign folder of image as parent
$thumbnailObject->Name = $thumbnailName; //this function also sets the images Filename and title in a round about way. (see setName() in File.php)
$thumbnailObject->OwnerID = (Member::currentUser() ? Member::currentUser()->ID : 0); //assign current user as Owner
} else { // Data object exists. Assign it to $thumbnailObject.
$thumbnailObject = Image::get()->filter('Name', $thumbnailName)->first();
// Set and save the profile image
if ($thumbnailObject) {
$Member->PhotoID = $thumbnailObject->ID;
// Candidate Application Form
function CandidateApplicationForm()
$CandidateApplicationForm = new CandidateApplicationForm($this, 'CandidateApplicationForm');
// Load the election system
$Elections = ElectionSystem::get()->first();
$CurrentElection = $Elections->CurrentElection();
$currentMember = Member::currentUser();
// Check for login
if ($currentMember) {
$Candidate = Candidate::get()->filter(array('MemberID' => $currentMember->ID , 'ElectionID' => $CurrentElection->ID))->first();
// Fill in the form
if ($Candidate) {
$CandidateApplicationForm->loadDataFrom($Candidate, False);
$CandidateApplicationForm->loadDataFrom($currentMember, False);
return $CandidateApplicationForm;
} elseif ($this->request->isPost()) {
// SS is returning to the form controller to post data
return $CandidateApplicationForm;
} else {
// No candidate for this member; create a new candidate entry
$Candidate = new Candidate();
$Candidate->MemberID = $currentMember->ID;
$Candidate->ElectionID = $CurrentElection->ID;
$CandidateApplicationForm->loadDataFrom($currentMember, False);
return $CandidateApplicationForm;
// Save an edited candidate
function save($data, $form)
$currentMember = Member::currentUser();
// A user is logged in
if ($currentMember) {
// Load the election system
$Elections = ElectionSystem::get()->first();
$CurrentElection = $Elections->CurrentElection();
if ($Candidate = Candidate::get()->filter(array('MemberID' => $currentMember->ID , 'ElectionID' => $CurrentElection->ID))->first()) {
// Candidate profile exists
// Clean up entries ////////////////
// Set up HTML Purifier
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
// Remove any CSS or inline styles
$config->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', array());
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
// Clean Bio field
if ($data["Bio"]) {
$currentMember->Bio = $purifier->purify($data["Bio"]);
// Clean RelationshipToOpenStack field
if ($toClean = $data["RelationshipToOpenStack"]) {
$Candidate->RelationshipToOpenStack = $purifier->purify($toClean);
// Clean Experience field
if ($toClean = $data["Experience"]) {
$Candidate->Experience = $purifier->purify($toClean);
// Clean BoardsRole field
if ($toClean = $data["BoardsRole"]) {
$Candidate->BoardsRole = $purifier->purify($toClean);
// Clean HasAcceptedNomination field
if ($toClean = $data["TopPriority"]) {
$Candidate->TopPriority = $purifier->purify($toClean);
$questions = array('Bio' => 'Bio','RelationshipToOpenStack' => 'RelationshipToOpenStack','Experience' => 'Experience' ,'BoardsRole' => 'BoardsRole' ,'TopPriority' => 'TopPriority');
// Must answer all questions, but can save work as they go, so we're going to check here rather than set up validators
(strlen($data['Bio'])) < 4 ||
(strlen($data['RelationshipToOpenStack'])) < 4 ||
(strlen($data['Experience'])) < 4 ||
(strlen($data['BoardsRole'])) < 4 ||
(strlen($data['TopPriority'])) < 4
) {
$Candidate->HasAcceptedNomination = FALSE;
$this->setMessage('Success', 'Your edits have been saved but you will need to provide full answers to all these questions to be eligible as a candidate.');
$Candidate->HasAcceptedNomination = TRUE;
$this->setMessage('Success', 'Congratulations. You have accepted your nomination as a candidate. Good luck in the election!');
$this->redirect($this->Link() . 'election/');
} else {
$this->setMessage('Error', 'There was an error saving your edits.');
// Resigning membership in the foundation removes the member from the database entirely.
function resign()
$CurrentMember = Member::currentUser();
if ($CurrentMember && isset($_GET['confirmed'])) {
// Remove Member's Legal Agreements
if ($LegalAgreements = LegalAgreement::get()->filter('MemberID', $CurrentMember->ID)) {
foreach ($LegalAgreements->items as $item) {
// Remove member from Foundation group
// Logout and delete the user
$this->setMessage('Success', 'You have resigned your membership to the OpenStack Foundation.');
} else if ($CurrentMember) {
return $this->renderWith(array('EditProfilePage_resign', 'Page'));
// Training
// Helpers
function Trainings(){
return new ArrayList($this->training_manager->getAllowedTrainings(Member::currentUser()));
function AddTrainingCourseForm() {
Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js');
// Name Set
$Name = new TextField('Name', "Name");
$Link = new TextField('Link', "Link");
$Link->addExtraClass('course-online-link url');
$Description = new TextareaField('Description', "Description");
$Online = new CheckboxField('Online', "Is Online?");
$Paid = new CheckboxField('Paid', "Is Paid?");
$Level = new DropdownField('LevelID', 'Level', TrainingCourseLevel::get()->map('ID', 'Level') );
$Projects = new CheckboxSetField('Projects', '', Project::get()->map('ID', 'Name') );
$Program = new HiddenField('TrainingServiceID', "TrainingServiceID", $this->training_id);
$Course = new HiddenField('ID', "course", 0);
$show_blank_schedule = true;
$locations_dto = $this->course_repository->getLocations($this->EditCourseID);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($locations_dto); $i++) {
$dto = $locations_dto[$i];
$show_blank_schedule = false;
$City[$i] = new TextField('City[' . $i . ']', "City", $dto->getCity() );
$State[$i] = new TextField('State[' . $i . ']', "State", $dto->getState());
$Country[$i] = new DropdownField('Country[' . $i . ']', $dto->getCountry(), CountryCodes::$iso_3166_countryCodes, $dto->getCountry());
$LinkS[$i] = new TextField('LinkS[' . $i . ']', "Link", $dto->getLink());
$StartDate[$i] = new TextField('StartDate[' . $i . ']', "Start Date", is_null( $dto->getStartDate()) ? '' : $dto->getStartDate());
$StartDate[$i]->addExtraClass('dateSelector start');
$EndDate[$i] = new TextField('EndDate[' . $i . ']', "End Date", is_null($dto->getEndDate()) ? '' : $dto->getEndDate());
$EndDate[$i]->addExtraClass('dateSelector end');
if($show_blank_schedule) {
$City = new TextField('City[]', "City");
$State = new TextField('State[]', "State");
$Country = new DropdownField('Country[]', 'Country', CountryCodes::$iso_3166_countryCodes );
$StartDate = new TextField('StartDate[]', "Start Date");
$StartDate->addExtraClass('dateSelector start');
$EndDate = new TextField('EndDate[]', "End Date");
$EndDate->addExtraClass('dateSelector end');
$LinkS = new TextField('LinkS[]', "Link");
$fields = new FieldList(
new LiteralField('break','<hr/><div class="horizontal-fields">'),
new LiteralField('break','</div><hr/>'),
new LiteralField('projects','<h4>Projects</h4>'),
new LiteralField('schedule','<h4>Schedule</h4>'),
new LiteralField('instruction','<p class="note_online">City, State and Country can\'t be edited when a course is marked <em>Online</em>.</p>'),
new LiteralField('scheduleDiv','<div id="schedules">')
$fields->push(new LiteralField('scheduleDiv','<div class="scheduleRow">'));
$fields->push(new LiteralField('scheduleDiv','</div>'));
$fields->push(new LiteralField('scheduleDiv','<div class="scheduleRow">'));
$fields->push(new LiteralField('scheduleDiv','</div>'));
$fields->push(new LiteralField('scheduleDivC','</div>'));
$fields->push(new LiteralField('addSchedule','<button id="addSchedule" class="action">Add Another</button>'));
$actions = new FieldList(
new FormAction('AddCourse', 'Submit')
$validators = new ConditionalAndValidationRule(array(new RequiredFields('Name','Level'), new HtmlPurifierRequiredValidator('Description')));
$form = new Form($this, 'AddTrainingCourseForm', $fields, $actions, $validators);
return $form;
* @param $data
* @param $form
function AddCourse($data,$form){
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', array());
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
$data['Description'] = $purifier->purify($data['Description']);
function trainingEdit(){
$this->EditCourseID = intval($_GET['course_id']);
return $this->renderWith(array('EditProfilePage_TrainingAddCourse', 'Page'));
function trainingDelete(){
$course_id = intval(Convert::raw2sql( @$_GET['course_id']));
if($course_id > 0 ) {
$course = $this->course_repository->getBydId($course_id);
$training = $course->training();
// Views
function training(){
return $this->renderWith(array('EditProfilePage_Training', 'Page'));
function trainingAddCourse(){
$data = $this->request->postVars();
$training_id = $data['training_id'];
$training_id = intval(@$_GET['training_id']);
// Validation if it belongs to the program
$context = array('Training' => $this->training_repository->getById($training_id));
$this->training_id = $training_id;
return $this->renderWith(array('EditProfilePage_TrainingAddCourse', 'Page'), $context);
} else {
echo "You are not allowed to do this.";
function getMarketPlaceManagerLink(){
$marketplace_admin_page = MarketPlaceAdminPage::get()->first();
return $marketplace_admin_page?$marketplace_admin_page->URLSegment:'#';
function getNavActionsExtensions(){
$html = '';
return $html;
} |