550 lines
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550 lines
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* Copyright 2014 Openstack Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class MemberListPage extends Page
static $db = array();
static $has_one = array();
static $has_many = array();
class MemberListPage_Controller extends Page_Controller
function init()
$('#SearchForm_MemberSearchForm_mq').autocomplete('" . $this->Link('results') . "', {
minChars: 3,
selectFirst: true,
autoFill: true,
// If we're in HTTPS mode, reset to HTTP for this page
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$destURL = str_replace('https:', 'http:', Director::absoluteURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
// check to make sure we're not already there to prevent redirect loop
if ($destURL != Director::absoluteURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
static $allowed_actions = array(
'idList' => 'ADMIN',
'assignGroup' => 'ADMIN',
'CSVExport' => 'ADMIN'
function MemberList()
if (isset($_GET['letter'])) {
$requestedLetter = Convert::raw2xml($_GET['letter']);
if ($requestedLetter == 'intl') {
$likeString = "NOT Surname REGEXP '[A-Za-z0-9]'";
} elseif (ctype_alpha($requestedLetter)) {
$likeString = "Surname LIKE '" . substr($requestedLetter, 0, 1) . "%'";
} else {
$likeString = "Surname LIKE 'a%'";
} else {
$likeString = "Surname LIKE 'a%'";
$list = Member::get()
->where("Group_Members.GroupID = 5 AND " . $likeString)
->leftJoin('Group_Members', 'Member.ID = Group_Members.MemberID')
return GroupedList::create($list);
// Return the currently running election
// This simple function primarily exists to be used in the template
function CurrentElection()
// Load the election system
$Elections = ElectionSystem::get()->first();
if ($Elections && $Elections->CurrentElectionID != 0) return $Elections->CurrentElection();
function alreadyNominated($candidateID, $CurrentElection)
$memberID = Member::currentUserID();
$NominationsForThisCandidate = $CurrentElection->CandidateNominations("`MemberID` = " . $memberID . " AND `CandidateID` = " . $candidateID);
if ($NominationsForThisCandidate->Count() >= 1) {
return TRUE;
function findMember($CandidateID)
$Candidate = Member::get()->byID($CandidateID);
// Check to make sure they are in the foundation membership group
If ($Candidate && $Candidate->inGroup(5, TRUE)) return $Candidate;
function confirmNomination()
$results = array();
$results["Success"] = FALSE;
// Grab candidate ID from the URL
$CandidateID = $this->request->param("ID");
// Check to see if the candidate ID is numeric and if the person is logged in
if ($this->validateNomation($CandidateID) == 'VALID') {
$Nominee = Member::get()->filter(array('ID' => $CandidateID))->first();
$results["Success"] = TRUE;
$results["Candidate"] = $Nominee;
$results["NominateLink"] = $this->Link() . "saveNomination/" . $CandidateID;
$results["BackLink"] = $this->Link() . "profile/" . $CandidateID;
} elseif ($this->validateNomation($CandidateID) == 'ALREADY NOMINATED') {
$Nominee = Member::get()->filter(array('ID' => $CandidateID))->first();
$CurrentElection = $this->CurrentElection();
$results["Election"] = $CurrentElection;
$results["Success"] = FALSE;
$results["NominatedByMe"] = TRUE;
$results["Candidate"] = $Nominee;
$results["BackLink"] = $this->Link() . "profile/" . $CandidateID;
} elseif ($this->validateNomation($CandidateID) == 'LIMIT EXCEEDED') {
$Nominee = Member::get()->filter(array('ID' => $CandidateID))->first();
$results["Success"] = FALSE;
$results["LimitExceeded"] = TRUE;
$results["Candidate"] = $Nominee;
$results["BackLink"] = $this->Link() . "profile/" . $CandidateID;
} else {
$results["Success"] = FALSE;
$results["BackLink"] = $this->Link() . "profile/" . $CandidateID;
return $results;
// Checks whether a nomination is valid:
// Requires there to be a current election, the member to be logged in, and the ID of a member that hasn't been nominated yet.
function validateNomation($CandidateID)
$CurrentElection = $this->CurrentElection();
// Look for nominations for this candidate
$CandidateNominations = CandidateNomination::get()->where("CandidateID = " . $CandidateID . " AND ElectionID = " . $CurrentElection->ID);
$NumberOfNominations = 0;
if ($CandidateNominations) $NumberOfNominations = $CandidateNominations->Count();
// 1. Check to see if there's a current, active election
if (!$CurrentElection || !$CurrentElection->NominationsAreOpen()) {
// 2. Check to see if a member is logged in
if (!Member::currentUserID()) {
return 'NOT LOGGED IN';
// 3. Check to make sure there's a valid Candidate ID
if (!is_numeric($CandidateID) || !$this->findMember($CandidateID)) {
// 4. Check to see if the member has already nominated this person
if ($this->alreadyNominated($CandidateID, $CurrentElection)) {
// 5. Check to see if this person already has 10 nominations
if ($NumberOfNominations >= 10) {
// 6. Make sure that the person nominating is a foundation member
$CurrentMember = Member::currentUser();
If (!$CurrentMember->isFoundationMember()) {
// If all of the above tests pass, this is a valid nomination
return 'VALID';
function saveNomination()
// Grab candidate ID from the URL
$CandidateID = $this->request->param("ID");
$NominationStatus = $this->validateNomation($CandidateID);
// Check to see if this is a valid nomination
if ($NominationStatus == 'VALID') {
// Grab the currently logged in member
$currentMember = Member::currentUser();
$CurrentElection = $this->CurrentElection();
// Record the nomination
$CandidateNomination = new CandidateNomination();
$CandidateNomination->MemberID = Member::currentUserID();
$CandidateNomination->CandidateID = $CandidateID;
$CandidateNomination->ElectionID = $CurrentElection->ID;
// Create a candidate record for the nominations page if one does not exist
$Candidate = Candidate::get()->filter(array('MemberID'=>$CandidateID,'ElectionID'=>$CurrentElection->ID))->first();
if (!$Candidate) {
// Create a new candidate entry
$Candidate = new Candidate();
$Candidate->MemberID = $CandidateID;
$Candidate->ElectionID = $CurrentElection->ID;
// Log this new candidate
$logLine = $currentMember->FirstName . " " . $currentMember->Surname . " nominated " . $Candidate->Member()->FirstName . " " . $Candidate->Member()->Surname . " (ID " . $Candidate->Member()->ID . ") on " . $CandidateNomination->Created . " \n";
$file = fopen(ASSETS_PATH . '/candidate-nomination-log.txt', 'a');
fwrite($file, $logLine);
// Email the member
// In dev and testing, send the nomination emails to the person who did the nomination
$To = $currentMember->Email;
// In live mode, send the email to the candidate
if (Director::isLive()) $To = $Candidate->Member()->Email;
$Subject = "You have been nominated in the " . $CurrentElection->Title;
$email = EmailFactory::getInstance()->buildEmail(CANDIDATE_NOMINATION_FROM_EMAIL, $To, $Subject);
// Gather Data to send to template
$data["Candidate"] = $Candidate;
$data["Election"] = $CurrentElection;
$this->setMessage('Success', "You've just nominated " . $Candidate->Member()->FirstName . ' for the OpenStack Board.');
$this->redirect($this->Link('candidateStats/' . $Candidate->Member()->ID));
} elseif ($NominationStatus = 'ALREADY NOMINATED') {
$this->setMessage('Error', "Oops, you have already nominated this person.");
} elseif ($NominationStatus = 'INVALID CANDIDATE') {
$this->setMessage('Error', "Oops, no candidate was selected.");
} else {
$this->setMessage('Error', "There was an error logging your nomination.");
//Show the profile of the member using the MemberListPage_profile.ss template
function profile()
// Grab member ID from the URL
$MemberID = Convert::raw2sql($this->request->param("ID"));
// Check to see if the ID is numeric
if (is_numeric($MemberID)) {
// Check to make sure there's a member with the current id
if ($Profile = $this->findMember($MemberID)) {
$CurrentElection = $this->CurrentElection();
if ($CurrentElection) {
$Candidate = Candidate::get()->filter(array('MemberID'=>$MemberID,'ElectionID'=>$CurrentElection->ID))->first();
$data["Candidate"] = $Candidate;
$data["CurrentElection"] = $CurrentElection;
$data["Profile"] = $Profile;
// A member is looking at own profile
if (Member::currentUserID() == $MemberID) $data["OwnProfile"] = TRUE;
//return our $Data to use on the page
return $this->Customise($data);
return $this->httpError(404, 'Sorry that member could not be found');
function candidateStats()
// Grab candidate ID from the URL
$CandidateID = $this->request->param("ID");
// Check to see if the candidate is valid
if (is_numeric($CandidateID) && $this->findMember($CandidateID)) {
$CurrentElection = $this->CurrentElection();
$Candidate = $CurrentElection->Candidates("MemberID = " . $CandidateID);
$results["Success"] = TRUE;
$results["Candidate"] = $Candidate;
return $results;
} else {
//Member not found
return $this->httpError(404, 'Sorry that candidate could not be found');
public function MemberSearchForm()
$fields = new FieldList(
new TextField('mq', 'Search Member name', $this->getSearchQuery())
$form = new SearchForm($this, 'MemberSearchForm', $fields);
return $form;
public function results()
if ($query = $this->getSearchQuery()) {
// Search for only foundation members (Group 5) against the query.
$filter = "(MATCH (FirstName, Surname) AGAINST ('{$query}')
OR FirstName LIKE '%{$query}%'
OR Surname LIKE '%{$query}%') AND Group_Members.GroupID=5";
$Results = Member::get()
->leftJoin("Group_Members", "Member.ID = Group_Members.MemberID");
// No Member was found
if (!isset($Results)) {
$this->setMessage("Error", "No member by that name could be found.");
// For AutoComplete
if (Director::is_ajax()) {
$Members = $Results->map('ID', 'Name');
$Suggestions = '';
foreach ($Members as $Member) {
$Suggestions = $Suggestions . $Member . '|' . '1' . "\n";
return $Suggestions;
} // For Results Template
else {
$filter = "(CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', Surname) LIKE '%$query%') AND Group_Members.GroupID=5";
$OneMember = Member::get()
->leftJoin("Group_Members", "Member.ID = Group_Members.MemberID");
// see if one member exactly matches the search term
if ($OneMember) {
$Results = $OneMember;
// If there is only one person with this name, go straight to the resulting profile page
if ($OneMember && $OneMember->Count() == 1) {
$this->redirect($this->Link() . 'profile/' . $OneMember->First()->ID);
$Output = new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'Results',
'Results' => $Results
return $this->customise($Output);
function getSearchQuery()
if ($this->request){
$query = $this->request->getVar("mq");
return Convert::raw2sql($query);
return false;
private function GetMembersInDateRange($StartTime = NULL, $EndTime = NULL)
$DateRange = "";
if ($StartTime && $EndTime) {
$DateRange = " AND (LastEdited BETWEEN '" . $StartTime . "' AND '" . $EndTime . "')";
} elseif ($EndTime) {
$DateRange = " AND (LastEdited <= '" . $EndTime . "')";
} elseif ($StartTime) {
$DateRange = " AND (LastEdited >= '" . $StartTime . "')";
} else {
$DateRange = "";
// Pull Members using a custom db query. This returns a MySQLQuery object
$MemberList = DB::query("
SELECT Member.ID, `FirstName`, `Surname`, `IRCHandle`, `TwitterName`, `Email`, `SecondEmail`, `ThirdEmail`
FROM `Member`
LEFT JOIN `Group_Members` ON `Member`.`ID` = `Group_Members`.`MemberID`
WHERE `Group_Members`.`GroupID`= 5" . $DateRange
return $MemberList;
function ListExport()
if (isset($_GET['token']) && $_GET['token'] == "fcv4x7Nl8v") {
// Check URL parameters for start and end times
$Start = isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : NULL;
$End = isset($_GET['end']) ? $_GET['end'] : NULL;
$StartTime = $Start ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($Start)) : NULL;
$EndTime = $End ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($End)) : NULL;
$MemberList = $this->GetMembersInDateRange($StartTime, $EndTime);
$results = array();
// Transform the MySQLQuery object created above into an ArrayData object
if ($MemberList) {
foreach ($MemberList as $Member) {
$dbMember = Member::get()->byID($Member['ID']);
if (!is_null($dbMember)) {
$AffiliationList = $dbMember->OrderedAffiliations();
// If there are Affiliation updates, push a new copy of the member to the results array filled in with the org and date from the update
if ($AffiliationList && $AffiliationList->Count() > 0) {
foreach ($AffiliationList as $a) {
$currentMemberOrg = $a->Organization();
$Member['OrgAffiliations'] = $currentMemberOrg->Name;
if ($a->Current)
$Member['untilDate'] = NULL;
$Member['untilDate'] = $a->EndDate;
// Push the member to the results
array_push($results, $Member);
} else {
//no affiliations
$Member['OrgAffiliations'] = NULL;
$Member['untilDate'] = NULL;
array_push($results, $Member);
// Finally, convert the array from the ArrayData object to JSON
$json = Convert::Array2JSON($results);
return $json;
function FullMemberList(){
return Member::get()->leftJoin('Group_Members','`Member`.`ID` = `Group_Members`.`MemberID` AND Group_Members.GroupID=5');