245 lines
11 KiB
245 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright 2014 Openstack Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class EditProfileForm extends SafeXSSForm {
function __construct($controller, $name)
// Name Set
$FirstNameField = new TextField('FirstName', "First Name");
$LastNameField = new TextField('Surname', "Last Name");
// Email Addresses
$PrimaryEmailField = new TextField('Email', "Primary Email Address");
$SecondEmailField = new TextField('SecondEmail', "Second Email Address");
$ThirdEmailField = new TextField('ThirdEmail', "Third Email Address");
// Replace Fields
$ReplaceBioField = new HiddenField('ReplaceBio', 'ReplaceBio',0);
$ReplaceNameField = new HiddenField('ReplaceName','ReplaceName',0);
$ReplaceSurnameField = new HiddenField('ReplaceSurname','ReplaceSurname',0);
// Shirt Size Field
$ShirtSizeField = new DropdownField(
'Choose A Shirt Size',
'Small' => "Men's Small",
'Medium' => "Men's Medium",
'Large' => "Men's Large",
'XL' => "Men's XL",
'XXL' => "Men's XXL",
'WS' => "Womens Small",
'WM' => "Womens Medium",
'WL' => "Womens Large",
'WXL' => "Womens XL",
'WXXL' => 'Womens XXL'
$affiliations = new FieldGroup(
new HeaderField('Affiliations'),
new LiteralField("add-affiliation", "<a class='roundedButton' id='add-affiliation' title='Add New Affiliation' href='#'>Add New Affiliation</a>"),
new LiteralField("affiliations-container", "<div id='affiliations-container'></div>")
$StatementOfInterestField = new TextField('StatementOfInterest', 'Statement of Interest');
// Photo
$PhotoField = new CustomUploadField('Photo', 'Photo <em>(Optional)</em>');
$sizeMB = 1; // 1 MB
$size = $sizeMB * 1024 * 1024; // 1 MB in bytes
$PhotoField->setCanPreviewFolder(false); // Don't show target filesystem folder on upload field
// Biography
$BioField = new TextAreaField('Bio', 'Bio: A Little Bit About You <em>(Optional)</em>', 10, 15);
// Food Preference
$FoodPreferenceField = new CheckboxSetField('FoodPreference', 'Do you have any food preferences we can help accomodate?', array(
'Vegan' => 'Vegan',
'Vegetarian' => 'Vegetarian',
'Gluten' => 'Gluten allergy',
'Peanut' => 'Peanut allergy'
// Other Field
$OtherFoodField = new TextField('OtherFood', 'Other Food Considerations');
// IRC and Twitter
$IRCHandleField = new TextField('IRCHandle', 'IRC Handle <em>(Optional)</em>');
$TwitterNameField = new TextField('TwitterName', 'Twitter Name <em>(Optional)</em>');
$LinkedInProfileField = new TextField('LinkedInProfile', 'LinkedIn Profile <em>(Optional)</em>');
// Associated Projects
$ProjectsField = new CheckboxSetField('Projects', 'What programs are you involved with? <em>(Optional)</em>', array(
'Nova' => 'Compute',
'Swift' => 'Object Storage',
'Glance' => 'Image Service',
'Keystone' => 'Identity Service',
'Horizon' => 'Dashboard',
'Quantum' => 'Networking',
'Cinder' => 'Block Storage',
'Ceilometer' => 'Metering/Monitoring',
'Heat' => 'Orchestration',
'Trove' => 'Database Service',
'Ironic' => 'Bare Metal',
'Queue' => 'Queue Service',
'DataProcessing' => 'Data Processing',
'Oslo' => 'Common Libraries',
'Openstack-ci' => 'Infrastructure',
'Openstack-manuals' => 'Documentation',
'QA' => 'Quality Assurance',
'Deployment' => 'Deployment',
'DevStack' => 'DevStack',
'Release' => 'Release Cycle Management'
// Other Projects Field
$OtherProjectField = new TextField('OtherProject', 'Other Project (if one above does not match)');
//Newsletter Field
$subscribedToNewsletterField = new CheckboxField('SubscribedToNewsletter', 'I don\'t mind occasionally receiving the OpenStack community newsletter.');
$DisplayOnSiteField = new CheckboxField('DisplayOnSite', 'Include this bio on openstack.org.');
// New Gender Field
$GenderField = new OptionSetField('Gender', 'I identify my gender as:', array(
'Male' => 'Male',
'Female' => 'Female',
'Specify' => 'Let me specify',
'Prefer not to say' => 'Prefer not to say'
$GenderSpecifyField = new TextField('GenderSpecify', 'Specify your gender');
$fields = new FieldList(
new LiteralField('header', '<h3 class="section-divider">Public Information</h3>'),
new HeaderField("First & Last Name"),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new HiddenField("Affiliations","Affiliations",""),
new LiteralField('instructions', '<p>For our purposes, an affiliation is defined as any company where you are an officer, director or employee, or any person or company that has paid you more than $60,000 USD as an independent contractor in the last 12 months. Please list all affiliations which meet this criteria.</p>'),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new LiteralField('instructions', '<p>Your statement of interest should be a few words describing your objectives or plans for OpenStack.</p>'),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new LiteralField('header', '<h3 class="section-divider">Private Information</h3>'),
new HeaderField("Email Addresses"),
new LiteralField('instructions', '<p class="info"><strong>If you\'re an active developer on the OpenStack project, please list any email addresses you use to commit code.</strong> (This will really help us avoid duplicates!) If you contributed code ONLY using gerrit, all email addresses you used will be listed on the <a href="https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/web-identities" target="_blank">web identities page</a>. If you have contributed also <em>before</em> gerrit was put in place, please make an effort to remember other email addresses you may have used. Interested in how to <a href="http://wiki.openstack.org/HowToContribute" target="_blank">become a contributor</a>?</p>'),
new LiteralField('instructions', '<p class="info">This email address is also the account name you use to login.</p>'),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new LiteralField('instructions', '<p>It\'s perfectly acceptable if you choose not to tell us: we appreciate you becoming a member of OpenStack Foundation. The information will remain private and only used to monitor our effort to improve gender diversity in our community.</p>'),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'),
new TextField('Address', _t('Addressable.ADDRESS', 'Street Address (Line1)')),
new TextField('Suburb', _t('Addressable.SUBURB', 'Street Address (Line2)')),
new TextField('City', _t('Addressable.CITY', 'City'))
// Address Continued
$label = _t('Addressable.STATE', 'State');
if (is_array($this->allowedStates)) {
$fields->push(new DropdownField('State', $label, $this->allowedStates));
} elseif (!is_string($this->allowedStates)) {
$fields->push(new TextField('State', $label));
$fields->push(new TextField(
'Postcode', _t('Addressable.POSTCODE', 'Postcode')
$label = _t('Addressable.COUNTRY', 'Country');
if (is_array($this->allowedCountries)) {
$fields->push(new DropdownField('Country', $label, $this->allowedCountries));
} elseif (!is_string($this->allowedCountries)) {
$fields->push(new CountryDropdownField('Country', $label));
$fields->push(new LiteralField('break', '<hr/>'));
$fields->push(new LiteralField('changepassword','<a href="/Security/changepassword">Click here to change your password</a>'));
// Create action
$actions = new FieldList(
new FormAction('SaveProfile', 'Save')
// Create validators
$validator = new ConditionalAndValidationRule(array(new HtmlPurifierRequiredValidator('FirstName','Surname','StatementOfInterest','Address','City'), new RequiredFields('Email','Country')));
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $validator);
public function loadDataFrom($data, $mergeStrategy = 0, $fieldList = null) {
if(count($_POST) == 0){
$Gender = is_array($data)? @$data['Gender']:$data->Gender;
if($Gender != 'Male' && $Gender != 'Female' && $Gender != 'Prefer not to say'){
parent::loadDataFrom($data, $mergeStrategy, $fieldList);