2014-10-31 16:21:41 -03:00

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* JQuery iFrame plugin for converting a link into an iframe.
* @author: Vlada Misic / http://www.lucidcrew.com
* @version: 1.0
* http://33rockers.com/2006/12/05/unobtrusive-iframe-with-jquery
* Thanks to M. Alsup http://www.malsup.com for his SWF plugin that was the basis for this code
* This plugin converts anchor tags into iframes.
* Sample HTML:
* before: <a href="myIframe.html" class="iframe">My Iframe Link</a>
* after: <div class=iframe>
<iframe id=content_iframe marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="myIframe.html" frameBorder=0 width=640 height=480>
* Usage:
* $('a.iframe').iframe();
* Notes:
* -----
* Options are passed to the 'flash' function using a single Object. The options
* Object is a hash of key/value pairs. The following option keys are supported:
* Options:
* -------
* width: width of iframe (default: 640) w:640
* height: height of iframe (default: 480) h:480
* scrolling: auto sc:auto
* frameborder: height of iframe (default: 0) fb:0
* marginwidth: margin of iframe (default: 0) wm:0
* marginheight: margin of iframe (default: 0) hm:0
* * height, width, version and background values can be embedded in the classname using the following syntax:
* <a class="iframe w:450 h:450 scr:no"></a>
jQuery.fn.iframe = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = jQuery(this);
var cls = this.className;
var opts = jQuery.extend({
frameborder: ((cls.match(/fb:(\d+)/)||[])[1]) || 0,
marginwidth: ((cls.match(/wm:(\d+)/)||[])[1]) || 0,
marginheight: ((cls.match(/hm:(\d+)/)||[])[1]) || 0,
width: ((cls.match(/w:(\d+)/)||[])[1]) || 640,
height: ((cls.match(/h:(\d+)/)||[])[1]) || 750,
scrolling: ((cls.match(/sc:(\w+)/)||[])[1]) || "auto",
version: '1,0,0,0',
cls: cls,
src: $this.attr('href') || $this.attr('src'),
id: $this.attr('id'),
caption: $this.attr('text'),
attrs: {},
elementType: 'div',
xhtml: true
}, options || {});
var endTag = opts.xhtml ? ' />' : '>';
var a = ['<iframe src="' + opts.src + '"'];
a.push(' id="' + opts.id + '"');
a.push(' id="content_iframe"');
a.push(' frameborder="' + opts.frameborder + '"');
a.push(' marginwidth="' + opts.marginwidth + '"');
a.push(' marginheight="' + opts.marginheight + '"');
a.push(' width="100%"');
a.push(' height="' + opts.height + '"');
a.push(' scrolling="' + opts.scrolling + '"');
// convert anchor to span/div/whatever...
var $el = jQuery('<' + opts.elementType + ' class="' + opts.cls + '"></' + opts.elementType + '>');
// $el.append('<br' + endTag + opts.caption);