20 lines
670 B
20 lines
670 B
<% loop Candidate %>
<h2>$Member.Name has $Nominations.Count nomination<% if CountNominations = 1 %><% else %>s<% end_if %>.</h2>
<% loop Nominations %>
<li>Nominated by $Member.Name on $Created.Month $Created.format(d), $Created.Year</li>
<% end_loop %>
<% if MoreThanTen %>
<p>This candidate has enough nominations to appaer on the election ballet.</p>
<% else %>
<p>This candidate needs at least 10 nominations to appear on the election ballet.</p>
<% end_if %>
<p><a class="roundedButton" href="{$Top.Link}profile/$Member.ID">Done</a> <a class="roundedButton" href="{$Top.Link}">Nominate Someone Else</a></p>
<% end_loop %> |