Use --non-admin for non admin users in zuul jobs

python-tempestconf-tempest-packstack/devstack-demo zuul job
uses generate-tempestconf-file role to generate tempest.conf.
Since demo is a non-admin user with non-admin user we cannot use
--create option but it was used since it is a bug, so we need to
check for admin/demo user then enable the proper option.

Used Jinja templates for creating tempest configuration script

Create test-demo-user role which prepares resources for a demo
Create generate-accounts-file role, which generates accounts.yaml
file for Tempest needed for running tests as user who doesn't
have persmissions to create resources.

Change-Id: I727a6cfd154cb3f95c33da02440f25ae1765153f
Story: #2001695
Co-Authored-By: Martin Kopec <>
This commit is contained in:
Chandan Kumar 2018-03-20 15:00:12 +05:30 committed by Martin Kopec
parent 73cbf531f5
commit 34f030b5a2
13 changed files with 350 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -66,6 +66,8 @@
user: demo
cloud_user: devstack
test_demo: True
cloud_admin: devstack-admin
- config_tempest/tests/.*$
- ^doc/.*$
@ -118,6 +120,8 @@
scenario: scenario000
user: demo
test_demo: True
cloud_admin: packstack-admin
- config_tempest/tests/.*$
- ^doc/.*$

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
# (mkopec) That would end up with an HTTP MaxRetryError to <host>:5000,
# therefor OS_AUTH_URL is defined manually
set_auth_url: "OS_AUTH_URL=$SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST/identity/v3"
devstack_base_dir: "/opt/stack"
test_demo_user: "{{ test_demo is defined }}"
# setup-tempest-* and acl-devstack-files roles are inherited from
# openstack/tempest project
@ -36,7 +38,29 @@
- name: Generate tempest configuration file based on cloud credentials
name: generate-tempestconf-file-cloud
# Let's create tempest.conf with admin permissions needed for
# tempest accounts file generation
- name: Generate configuration file for Tempest as admin
name: generate-tempestconf-file
aditional_tempestconf_params: "auth.tempest_roles Member"
output_path: "/etc/openstack/tempest_admin.conf"
source_credentials_commands: "export HOST_IP={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}; source {{ devstack_base_dir }}/devstack/openrc admin admin; {{ set_auth_url }}"
test_demo_user: False
user: admin
when: test_demo is defined
- name: Generate accounts file for Tempest
name: generate-accounts-file
accounts_file_destination: "/etc/openstack"
source_credentials_commands: "export HOST_IP={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}; source {{ devstack_base_dir }}/devstack/openrc admin admin; {{ set_auth_url }}"
tempest_config_file: "/etc/openstack/tempest_admin.conf"
when: test_demo is defined
# run-tempest role is inherited from openstack/tempest project
- name: Run Tempest Tests
name: run-tempest
tempest_concurrency: 2

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
- hosts: all
test_demo_user: "{{ test_demo is defined }}"
# packstack-integration-tempest role is inherited from
# openstack/packstack project
@ -36,11 +38,30 @@
cloudname: "packstack-admin"
source_credentials_commands: "source {{ ansible_user_dir }}/keystonerc_admin"
- name: Generate configuration file for python-tempestconf
- name: Generate configuration file for Tempest
name: generate-tempestconf-file
source_credentials_commands: "source {{ ansible_user_dir }}/keystonerc_{{ user }}"
# Let's create tempest.conf with admin permissions needed for
# tempest accounts file generation
- name: Generate configuration file for Tempest as admin
name: generate-tempestconf-file
output_path: "/etc/openstack/tempest_admin.conf"
source_credentials_commands: "source {{ ansible_user_dir }}/keystonerc_admin"
test_demo_user: False
user: admin
when: test_demo is defined
- name: Generate accounts file for Tempest
name: generate-accounts-file
accounts_file_destination: "/etc/openstack"
source_credentials_commands: "source {{ ansible_user_dir }}/keystonerc_admin"
tempest_config_file: "/etc/openstack/tempest_admin.conf"
when: test_demo is defined
# run-tempest role is inherited from openstack/tempest project
- name: Run Tempest Tests

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
shell: |
for key in $( set | awk '{FS="="} /^OS_/ {print $1}' ); do unset $key ; done
{{ source_credentials_commands }}
echo -n "{{cloudname}}: \
echo -n "clouds: \
{ {{cloudname}}: \
{'auth': \
{ 'auth-url': '$OS_AUTH_URL', \
'username': '$OS_USERNAME', \
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@
$(if [ -n "$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then echo "'user_domain_name': '${OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME}',"; fi) \
$(if [ -n "$OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then echo "'project_domain_name': '${OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME}',"; fi) \
'project-name': '${OS_PROJECT_NAME:-$OS_TENANT_NAME}' \
} $(if [ -n "$OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION" ]; then echo ", 'identity_api_version': '${OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION}'"; fi) }"
} $(if [ -n "$OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION" ]; then echo ", 'identity_api_version': '${OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION}'"; fi) } }"
register: cloud_details
executable: /bin/bash
@ -47,3 +48,8 @@
- "{{ cloud_details.stdout|from_yaml|to_nice_yaml(indent=4) }}"
- name: Cat the created clouds.yaml file
become: yes
shell: |
set -ex
cat {{ clouds_file_path }}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- debug:
var: ansible_all_ipv4_addresses
var: ansible_default_ipv4.address
- name: Create keystonerc_admin file
shell: |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Generate accounts.yaml file for tempest
Installs tempest cloned from git and generates accounts.yaml file.
accounts.yaml file will be saved inside the cloned folder in etc/ subfolder.
The tempest configuration file, which is needed to generate tempest
accounts.yaml file will be copied into etc/ as well, however it will be
renamed to tempest_admin.conf so that, it doesn't conflict with tempest.conf
which may be there.
**Role Variables**
.. zuul:rolevar:: tempest_concurrency
:default: 2
The number of parallel test processes.
.. zuul:rolevar:: tempest_config_file
:type: string
:default: None
A path to a tempest configuration file. It must contain credentials
which allows to create resources.
.. zuul:rolevar: source_credentials_commands
:type: string
:default: None
Commands divided by a semicolon which defines sourcing credentials for
a user who has permissions to create resources. They need to be defined
in the playbook the role is called from.
For example for devstack:
`source ./openrc admin admin`
and for packstack:
`source ./keystonerc_admin`
.. zuul:rolevar:: virtualenvs
:type: dict
A dictionary of paths to virtual environments.
.. zuul:rolevar:: tempest
:default: ~/.virtualenvs/.tempest
The path to the virtual environment of Tempest.
.. zuul:rolevar:: tempest_src_relative_path
:type: string
A relative path to Tempest project which is by default cloned to the
Zuul home directory. Value of the variable is set in the role to that
default path. If needed, the variable can be overridden from the
playbook where the role is called.
.. zuul:rolevar:: accounts_file_destination
:type: string
:default: None
If the variable is defined, the newly generated accounts.yaml file
will be copied to the directory specified by the variable.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
tempest_concurrency: 2
tempest: ~/.virtualenvs/.tempest

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
- block:
- name: Create tempest venv with latest pip, setuptools and pbr
virtualenv: "{{ virtualenvs.tempest }}"
name: "{{ item }}"
state: latest
- pip
- setuptools
- pbr
- name: Install tempest
name: "."
virtualenv: "{{ virtualenvs.tempest }}"
chdir: "{{ tempest_src_relative_path }}"
# Need to have these tasks until this bug:
# is resolved
# (mkopec) The bug should be resolved, but it's probably not,
# so meanwhile let's have these tasks
- name: Backup etc/tempest.conf if exists
shell: |
mv ./etc/tempest.conf ./etc/tempest.conf.orig
ignore_errors: yes
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ tempest_src_relative_path }}"
- name: Copy the provided tempest.conf to etc/
become: yes
shell: |
set -ex
cp {{ tempest_config_file }} ./etc/tempest.conf
ls -all ./etc/
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ tempest_src_relative_path }}"
- name: Generate tempest accounts.yaml file
shell: |
set -ex
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin
source {{ virtualenvs.tempest }}/bin/activate
{{ source_credentials_commands }}
tempest account-generator \
--config-file ./etc/tempest.conf \
--concurrency {{ tempest_concurrency }} \
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ tempest_src_relative_path }}"
- name: Restore etc/tempest.conf
shell: |
mv ./etc/tempest.conf.orig ./etc/tempest.conf
ignore_errors: yes
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ tempest_src_relative_path }}"
- name: Cat generated accounts.yaml file
shell: |
cat ./etc/accounts.yaml
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ tempest_src_relative_path }}"
- name: Copy generated accounts.yaml file
become: yes
shell: |
cp ./etc/accounts.yaml {{ accounts_file_destination }}/accounts.yaml
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ tempest_src_relative_path }}"
when: accounts_file_destination is defined
tempest_src_relative_path: "{{ zuul.projects[''].src_dir }}"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Generate configuration file for tempest
# Generate configuration file for tempest
Installs python-tempestconf cloned from git and generates tempest.conf which
is then copied to tempest directory.
@ -58,3 +58,42 @@ is then copied to tempest directory.
Additional parameters for tempestconf if more specific parameters are
needed, different from the ones which are the same for devstack and tempest.
.. zuul:rolevar:: test_demo_user
:type: Boolean
:default: False
If checking of demo user abilities is desired to be enabled, set this
variable to True.
When True, a set of tasks, where generation of tempest configuration is
intended to fail, is included. The set includes also tasks, which create
tempest resources. After that, the generation of the tempest configuration is
suppossed to pass.
NOTE: If the variable is set to True, it's needed to set cloud_admin variable
as well, see info below.
.. zuul:rolevar:: output_path
:type: string
:default: None
If the variable is defined, the newly generated tempest.conf will be saved
output_path: /etc/openstack/tempest.conf
The generated tempest.conf file will be saved as /etc/openstack/tempest.conf
.. zuul:rolevar:: cloud_admin
:type: string
:default: None
Name of credentials from clouds.yaml file, which will be used to create
tempest resources in case, test_demo_user variable is set to True.
.. zuul:rolevar:: test_accounts_file
:type: string
:default: /etc/openstack/accounts.yaml
A path to a tempest accounts file. This path will be injected to
test_accounts_file option in auth section of tempest.conf, when
test_demo_user is set to True.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
devstack_base_dir: /opt/stack
tempest: ~/.virtualenvs/.tempest
tempestconf: ~/.virtualenvs/.tempestconf
url_cirros_image: ""
aditional_tempestconf_params: ""
test_demo_user: False
test_accounts_file: /etc/openstack/accounts.yaml

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Script to generate tempest.conf
set -ex
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin
source {{ virtualenvs.tempestconf }}/bin/activate
{{ source_credentials_commands }}
discover-tempest-config \
--debug \
-v \
{% if user == "admin" %}
--create \
{% else %}
--non-admin \
{% endif %}
{% if test_demo_user %}
--test-accounts {{ test_accounts_file }} \
{% endif %}
identity.uri $OS_AUTH_URL \
identity.admin_password $OS_PASSWORD \
service_available.swift False \
{{ aditional_tempestconf_params }} \
image.http_image {{ url_cirros_image }}

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- setuptools
- pbr
- name: Debug, list tempetsconf dir
- name: Debug, list tempestconf dir
shell: |
set -ex
ls -all .
@ -34,34 +34,42 @@
executable: /bin/bash
- name: Generate tempest configuration file
- name: Generate tempest configuration script
dest: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/"
mode: 0744
- include: test-demo-user.yaml
when: test_demo_user
- name: Generate tempest configuration filea
shell: |
set -ex
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin
source {{ virtualenvs.tempestconf }}/bin/activate
{{ source_credentials_commands }}
discover-tempest-config \
--debug \
-v \
--create \
identity.uri $OS_AUTH_URL \
identity.admin_password $OS_PASSWORD \
service_available.swift False \
{{ aditional_tempestconf_params }} \
image.http_image {{ url_cirros_image }}
chdir: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}"
executable: /bin/bash
- name: Print generated tempest.conf and copy it to tempest directory
- name: Print generated tempest.conf
shell: |
set -x
cat {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/tempest.conf
ls /opt/stack/
ls /opt/stack/tempest
ls /opt/stack/tempest/etc
cat {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/tempest.conf
# tempest role which will run tests has tempest in {{ devstack_base_dir }}
# location, therefore the file is copied there
- name: Copy tempest.conf to the tempest directory
shell: |
set -x
cp {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/tempest.conf {{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/etc/tempest.conf
when: output_path is not defined
- name: Copy tempest.conf to the specified location
become: yes
shell: |
set -x
cp {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/tempest.conf {{ output_path }}
when: output_path is defined
tempestconf_src_relative_path: "{{ zuul.projects[''].src_dir }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
- name: Generate tempest configuration file as demo user (expected to fail)
shell: |
chdir: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}"
executable: /bin/bash
register: result
failed_when: result.rc == 0
- name: Create m1.nano and m1.micro flavors for demo user
shell: |
set -x
openstack flavor create --os-cloud {{ cloud_admin }} \
--public \
--ram {{ item.ram }} \
--vcpus 1 \
--disk 0 \
{{ }}
- { name: "m1.nano", ram: 64 }
- { name: "m1.micro", ram: 128 }
- name: Download cirros image
url: "{{ url_cirros_image }}"
dest: "{{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/"
mode: 0660
- name: Create image and image alt for demo user
shell: |
set -x
openstack image create --os-cloud {{ cloud_admin }} \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--public \
--file {{ tempestconf_src_relative_path }}/etc/{{ url_cirros_image | basename }} \
{{ item }}
- "{{ url_cirros_image | basename }}"
- '{{ url_cirros_image | basename }}_alt'