Generate configuration file for tempest from cloud credentials ============================================================== Installs python-tempestconf cloned from git and generates tempest.conf with credentials saved in clouds.yaml file. The tempest configuration file is printed to the output after that. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: branch :type: string :default: master Branch name upper-constraints will be taken into account from when python-tempestconf is installed in a venv. .. zuul:rolevar:: cloud_user :type: string :default: devstack Named cloud with demo user credentials as a default value. .. zuul:rolevar:: virtualenvs :type: dict A dictionary of paths to virtual environments. .. zuul:rolevar:: tempestconf :default: ~/.virtualenvs/.tempestconf A path to the virtual environment of python-tempestconf tool. .. zuul:rolevar:: tempestconf_src_relative_path :type: string A relative path to a python-tempestconf project which is by default cloned to the Zuul home directory. Value of the variable is set in the role to that default path. If needed, the variable can be overridden from the playbook where the role is called from.