First of all, 'configure_horizon' function has a bad assumption that Horizon host is the same as Keystone host. But this patch won't fix it. The function was parsing the url without properly using urllib. Using netloc allows to get the actual host + port, and then we can remove the port part to build the horizon URL. That way, IPv6 hosts can be parsed, with brackets. In the future, we should make configure_horizon function working with external horizon hosts but it's unrelated to this ipv6 issue. Also, this patch adds unit tests so we now make sure both ipv4 and ipv6 can be used to configure horizon URL. Change-Id: I93530db89a0f8ac2bd5c10ae38e6b61e318a7c87
1113 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
1113 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
This script will generate the etc/tempest.conf file by applying a series of
specified options in the following order:
1. Values from etc/default-overrides.conf, if present. This file will be
provided by the distributor of the tempest code, a distro for example, to
specify defaults that are different than the generic defaults for tempest.
2. Values using the file provided by the --deployer-input argument to the
Some required options differ among deployed clouds but the right values cannot
be discovered by the user. The file used here could be created by an installer,
or manually if necessary.
3. Values provided in client's cloud config file or as an environment
variables, see documentation of os-client-config
4. Values provided on the command line. These override all other values.
5. Discovery. Values that have not been provided in steps [2-4] will be
obtained by querying the cloud.
import api_discovery
import argparse
import ConfigParser
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempest.config
import urllib2
import os_client_config
from oslo_config import cfg
from tempest.lib import auth
from tempest.lib import exceptions
from tempest.lib.services.compute import flavors_client
from tempest.lib.services.compute import networks_client as nova_net_client
from tempest.lib.services.compute import servers_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v2 import identity_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v2 import roles_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v2 import tenants_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v2 import users_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v3 \
import identity_client as identity_v3_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v3 import projects_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v3 import roles_client as roles_v3_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v3 import services_client as s_client
from tempest.lib.services.identity.v3 import users_client as users_v3_client
from tempest.lib.services.image.v2 import images_client
from tempest.lib.services.network import networks_client
from tempest.lib.services.volume.v2 import services_client
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
# Get the current tempest workspace path
DEFAULT_IMAGE = ("http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.5/"
# services and their codenames
'baremetal': 'ironic',
'compute': 'nova',
'database': 'trove',
'data-processing': 'sahara',
'image': 'glance',
'network': 'neutron',
'object-store': 'swift',
'orchestration': 'heat',
'share': 'manila',
'telemetry': 'ceilometer',
'volume': 'cinder',
'messaging': 'zaqar',
'metric': 'gnocchi',
'event': 'panko',
# what API versions could the service have and should be enabled/disabled
# depending on whether they get discovered as supported. Services with only one
# version don't need to be here, neither do service versions that are not
# configurable in tempest.conf
'image': {'supported_versions': ['v1', 'v2'], 'catalog': 'image'},
'identity': {'supported_versions': ['v2', 'v3'], 'catalog': 'identity'},
'volume': {'supported_versions': ['v2', 'v3'], 'catalog': 'volumev3'}
# Keep track of where the extensions are saved for that service.
# This is necessary because the configuration file is inconsistent - it uses
# different option names for service extension depending on the service.
'compute': 'api_extensions',
'object-store': 'discoverable_apis',
'network': 'api_extensions',
'volume': 'api_extensions',
'identity': 'api_extensions'
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
args.remove = parse_values_to_remove(args.remove)
if args.debug:
elif args.verbose:
conf = TempestConf()
if os.path.isfile(DEFAULTS_FILE):
LOG.info("Reading defaults from file '%s'", DEFAULTS_FILE)
if args.deployer_input and os.path.isfile(args.deployer_input):
LOG.info("Adding options from deployer-input file '%s'",
deployer_input = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
for section in deployer_input.sections():
# There are no deployer input options in DEFAULT
for (key, value) in deployer_input.items(section):
conf.set(section, key, value, priority=True)
# get and set auth data from client's config (os-client-config support)
set_cloud_config_values(conf, args)
# set overrides - vales specified in CLI
for section, key, value in args.overrides:
conf.set(section, key, value, priority=True)
uri = conf.get("identity", "uri")
api_version = 2
if "v3" in uri:
api_version = 3
conf.set("identity", "auth_version", "v3")
conf.set("identity", "uri_v3", uri)
# TODO(arxcruz) make a check if v3 is enabled
conf.set("identity", "uri_v3", uri.replace("v2.0", "v3"))
if args.non_admin:
conf.set("auth", "admin_username", "")
conf.set("auth", "admin_project_name", "")
conf.set("auth", "admin_password", "")
# To maintain backward compatibilty
# Moved to auth
conf.set("identity", "admin_username", "")
# To maintain backward compatibility
# renamed as admin_project_name in auth section
conf.set("identity", "admin_tenant_name", "")
# To maintain backward compatibility
# Moved to auth
conf.set("identity", "admin_password", "")
conf.set("auth", "use_dynamic_credentials", "False")
if args.use_test_accounts:
# new way for running using accounts file
conf.set("auth", "use_dynamic_credentials", "False")
conf.set("auth", "test_accounts_file", "etc/accounts.yaml")
clients = ClientManager(conf, not args.non_admin)
swift_discover = conf.get_defaulted('object-storage-feature-enabled',
services = api_discovery.discover(
if args.create and not args.use_test_accounts:
create_tempest_users(clients.tenants, clients.roles, clients.users,
conf, services)
create_tempest_flavors(clients.flavors, conf, args.create)
create_tempest_images(clients.images, conf, args.image, args.create,
has_neutron = "network" in services
LOG.info("Setting up network")
LOG.debug("Is neutron present: {0}".format(has_neutron))
create_tempest_networks(clients, conf, has_neutron, args.network_id)
configure_discovered_services(conf, services)
check_volume_backup_service(clients.volume_service, conf, services)
check_ceilometer_service(clients.service_client, conf, services)
configure_boto(conf, services)
configure_keystone_feature_flags(conf, services)
# remove all unwanted values if were specified
if args.remove != {}:
LOG.info("Removing configuration: %s", str(args.remove))
LOG.info("Creating configuration file %s", os.path.abspath(args.out))
with open(args.out, 'w') as f:
def parse_arguments():
# TODO(tkammer): add mutual exclusion groups
cloud_config = os_client_config.OpenStackConfig()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__)
cloud_config.register_argparse_arguments(parser, sys.argv)
parser.add_argument('--create', action='store_true', default=False,
help='create default tempest resources')
parser.add_argument('--out', default="etc/tempest.conf",
help='the tempest.conf file to write')
parser.add_argument('--deployer-input', default=None,
help="""A file in the format of tempest.conf that will
override the default values. The
deployer-input file is an alternative to
providing key/value pairs. If there are also
key/value pairs they will be applied after the
deployer-input file.
parser.add_argument('overrides', nargs='*', default=[],
help="""key value pairs to modify. The key is
section.key where section is a section header
in the conf file.
For example: identity.username myname
identity.password mypass""")
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Print debugging information')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Print more information about the execution')
parser.add_argument('--non-admin', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Run without admin creds')
parser.add_argument('--use-test-accounts', action='store_true',
default=False, help='Use accounts from accounts.yaml')
parser.add_argument('--image-disk-format', default=DEFAULT_IMAGE_FORMAT,
help="""a format of an image to be uploaded to glance.
Default is '%s'""" % DEFAULT_IMAGE_FORMAT)
parser.add_argument('--image', default=DEFAULT_IMAGE,
help="""an image to be uploaded to glance. The name of
the image is the leaf name of the path which
can be either a filename or url. Default is
'%s'""" % DEFAULT_IMAGE)
help="""The ID of an existing network in our openstack
instance with external connectivity""")
parser.add_argument('--remove', action='append', default=[],
help="""key value pair to be removed from
configuration file.
For example: --remove identity.username=myname
--remove feature-enabled.api_ext=http,https""")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.create and args.non_admin:
raise Exception("Options '--create' and '--non-admin' cannot be used"
" together, since creating" " resources requires"
" admin rights")
args.overrides = parse_overrides(args.overrides)
cloud = cloud_config.get_one_cloud(argparse=args)
return cloud
def parse_values_to_remove(options):
"""Manual parsing of remove arguments.
:options list of arguments following --remove argument
:returns dict containing key paths with values to be removed
EXAMPLE: {'identity.username': [myname],
'identity-feature-enabled.api_extensions': [http, https]}
parsed = {}
for argument in options:
if len(argument.split('=')) == 2:
section, values = argument.split('=')
if len(section.split('.')) != 2:
raise Exception("Missing dot. The option --remove has to"
"come in the format 'section.key=value,"
" but got '%s'." % (argument))
parsed[section] = values.split(',')
# missing equal sign, all values in section.key will be deleted
parsed[argument] = []
return parsed
def parse_overrides(overrides):
"""Manual parsing of positional arguments.
TODO(mkollaro) find a way to do it in argparse
if len(overrides) % 2 != 0:
raise Exception("An odd number of override options was found. The"
" overrides have to be in 'section.key value' format.")
i = 0
new_overrides = []
while i < len(overrides):
section_key = overrides[i].split('.')
value = overrides[i + 1]
if len(section_key) != 2:
raise Exception("Missing dot. The option overrides has to come in"
" the format 'section.key value', but got '%s'."
% (overrides[i] + ' ' + value))
section, key = section_key
new_overrides.append((section, key, value))
i += 2
return new_overrides
def set_cloud_config_values(conf, args):
"""Set values from client's cloud config file.
If the cloud config files was provided, set admin and non-admin credentials
and uri.
Note: the values may be later overriden by values specified in CLI.
:conf TempestConf object
:args parsed arguments including client config values
cloud_creds = args.config.get('auth')
if cloud_creds:
if args.non_admin:
conf.set('identity', 'username', cloud_creds['username'])
conf.set('identity', 'password', cloud_creds['password'])
conf.set('identity', 'admin_username', cloud_creds['username'])
conf.set('identity', 'admin_password', cloud_creds['password'])
conf.set('identity', 'uri', cloud_creds['auth_url'])
except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
'Could not load some identity options from cloud config file')
class ProjectsClient(object):
def __init__(self, auth, catalog_type, identity_region, endpoint_type,
identity_version, **default_params):
self.identity_version = identity_version
self.project_class = tenants_client.TenantsClient if \
self.identity_version == "v2" else projects_client.ProjectsClient
self.client = self.project_class(auth, catalog_type, identity_region,
endpoint_type, **default_params)
def get_project_by_name(self, project_name):
if self.identity_version == "v2":
projects = self.client.list_tenants()['tenants']
projects = self.client.list_projects()['projects']
for project in projects:
if project['name'] == project_name:
return project
raise exceptions.NotFound(
'No such tenant/project (%s) in %s' % (project_name, projects))
def create_project(self, name, description):
if self.identity_version == "v2":
self.client.create_tenant(name=name, description=description)
self.client.create_project(name=name, description=description)
class ClientManager(object):
"""Manager of various OpenStack API clients.
Connections to clients are created on-demand, i.e. the client tries to
connect to the server only when it's being requested.
def get_credentials(self, conf, username, tenant_name, password,
creds_kwargs = {'username': username,
'password': password}
if identity_version == 'v3':
creds_kwargs.update({'project_name': tenant_name,
'domain_name': 'Default',
'user_domain_name': 'Default'})
creds_kwargs.update({'tenant_name': tenant_name})
return auth.get_credentials(
def get_auth_provider(self, conf, credentials):
disable_ssl_certificate_validation = conf.get_defaulted(
ca_certs = conf.get_defaulted(
if isinstance(credentials, auth.KeystoneV3Credentials):
return auth.KeystoneV3AuthProvider(
credentials, conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'uri_v3'),
return auth.KeystoneV2AuthProvider(
credentials, conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'uri'),
def get_identity_version(self, conf):
if "v3" in conf.get("identity", "uri"):
return "v3"
return "v2"
def set_users_client(self, auth, conf, endpoint_type, default_params):
users_class = users_client.UsersClient
if "v3" in self.identity_version:
users_class = users_v3_client.UsersClient
self.users = users_class(
conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'catalog_type'),
def set_roles_client(self, auth, conf, endpoint_type, default_params):
roles_class = roles_client.RolesClient
if "v3" in self.identity_version:
roles_class = roles_v3_client.RolesClient
self.roles = roles_class(
conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'catalog_type'),
def __init__(self, conf, admin):
self.identity_version = self.get_identity_version(conf)
username = None
password = None
tenant_name = None
if admin:
username = conf.get_defaulted('auth', 'admin_username')
if username is None:
username = conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'admin_username')
password = conf.get_defaulted('auth', 'admin_password')
if password is None:
password = conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'admin_password')
tenant_name = conf.get_defaulted('auth',
if tenant_name is None:
tenant_name = conf.get_defaulted('identity',
except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
'Could not load some identity admin options from %s',
username = conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'username')
password = conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'password')
tenant_name = conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'tenant_name')
except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
'Could not load some identity options from %s',
self.identity_region = conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'region')
default_params = {
'ca_certs': conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'ca_certificates_file')
compute_params = {
'service': conf.get_defaulted('compute', 'catalog_type'),
'region': self.identity_region,
'endpoint_type': conf.get_defaulted('compute', 'endpoint_type')
if self.identity_version == "v2":
_creds = self.get_credentials(conf, username, tenant_name,
_creds = self.get_credentials(
conf, username, tenant_name, password,
_auth = self.get_auth_provider(conf, _creds)
self.auth_provider = _auth
if "v2.0" in conf.get("identity", "uri"):
self.identity = identity_client.IdentityClient(
_auth, conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'catalog_type'),
self.identity_region, endpoint_type='publicURL',
self.identity = identity_v3_client.IdentityClient(
_auth, conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'catalog_type'),
self.identity_region, endpoint_type='publicURL',
self.tenants = ProjectsClient(
conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'catalog_type'),
self.images = images_client.ImagesClient(
conf.get_defaulted('image', 'catalog_type'),
self.servers = servers_client.ServersClient(_auth,
self.flavors = flavors_client.FlavorsClient(_auth,
self.networks = None
self.service_client = s_client.ServicesClient(
conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'catalog_type'),
self.volume_service = services_client.ServicesClient(
conf.get_defaulted('volume', 'catalog_type'),
def create_nova_network_client():
if self.networks is None:
self.networks = nova_net_client.NetworksClient(
_auth, **compute_params)
return self.networks
def create_neutron_client():
if self.networks is None:
self.networks = networks_client.NetworksClient(
conf.get_defaulted('network', 'catalog_type'),
return self.networks
self.get_nova_net_client = create_nova_network_client
self.get_neutron_client = create_neutron_client
# Set admin tenant id needed for keystone v3 tests.
if admin:
tenant_id = self.tenants.get_project_by_name(tenant_name)['id']
conf.set('identity', 'admin_tenant_id', tenant_id)
class TempestConf(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
# causes the config parser to preserve case of the options
optionxform = str
# set of pairs `(section, key)` which have a higher priority (are
# user-defined) and will usually not be overwritten by `set()`
priority_sectionkeys = set()
CONF = tempest.config.TempestConfigPrivate(parse_conf=False)
def get_bool_value(self, value):
strval = str(value).lower()
if strval == 'true':
return True
elif strval == 'false':
return False
raise ValueError("'%s' is not a boolean" % value)
def get_defaulted(self, section, key):
if self.has_option(section, key):
return self.get(section, key)
return self.CONF.get(section).get(key)
def set(self, section, key, value, priority=False):
"""Set value in configuration, similar to `SafeConfigParser.set`
Creates non-existent sections. Keeps track of options which were
specified by the user and should not be normally overwritten.
:param priority: if True, always over-write the value. If False, don't
over-write an existing value if it was written before with a
priority (i.e. if it was specified by the user)
:returns: True if the value was written, False if not (because of
if not self.has_section(section) and section.lower() != "default":
if not priority and (section, key) in self.priority_sectionkeys:
LOG.debug("Option '[%s] %s = %s' was defined by user, NOT"
" overwriting into value '%s'", section, key,
self.get(section, key), value)
return False
if priority:
self.priority_sectionkeys.add((section, key))
LOG.debug("Setting [%s] %s = %s", section, key, value)
ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.set(self, section, key, value)
return True
def remove_values(self, args):
"""Remove values from configuration file specified in arguments.
:args - arguments object
for key_path in args.remove:
section, key = key_path.split('.')
conf_values = self.get(section, key).split(',')
remove = args.remove[key_path]
if len(remove) == 0:
# delete all values in section.key
self.remove_option(section, key)
elif len(conf_values) == 1:
# make sure only the value specified by user
# will be deleted if in the key is other value
# than expected, ignore it
if conf_values[0] in args.remove[key_path]:
self.remove_option(section, key)
# exclude all unwanted values from the list
# and preserve the original order of items
conf_values = [v for v in conf_values if v not in remove]
self.set(section, key, ",".join(conf_values))
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
# only inform a user, option specified by him doesn't exist
except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
# only inform a user, section specified by him doesn't exist
def create_tempest_users(tenants_client, roles_client, users_client, conf,
"""Create users necessary for Tempest if they don't exist already."""
create_user_with_tenant(tenants_client, users_client,
conf.get('identity', 'username'),
conf.get('identity', 'password'),
conf.get('identity', 'tenant_name'))
username = conf.get_defaulted('auth', 'admin_username')
if username is None:
username = conf.get_defaulted('identity', 'admin_username')
give_role_to_user(tenants_client, roles_client, users_client,
conf.get('identity', 'tenant_name'), role_name='admin')
# Prior to juno, and with earlier juno defaults, users needed to have
# the heat_stack_owner role to use heat stack apis. We assign that role
# to the user if the role is present.
if 'orchestration' in services:
give_role_to_user(tenants_client, roles_client, users_client,
conf.get('identity', 'username'),
conf.get('identity', 'tenant_name'),
create_user_with_tenant(tenants_client, users_client,
conf.get('identity', 'alt_username'),
conf.get('identity', 'alt_password'),
conf.get('identity', 'alt_tenant_name'))
def give_role_to_user(tenants_client, roles_client, users_client, username,
tenant_name, role_name, role_required=True):
"""Give the user a role in the project (tenant).""",
tenant_id = tenants_client.get_project_by_name(tenant_name)['id']
users = users_client.list_users()
user_ids = [u['id'] for u in users['users'] if u['name'] == username]
user_id = user_ids[0]
roles = roles_client.list_roles()
role_ids = [r['id'] for r in roles['roles'] if r['name'] == role_name]
if not role_ids:
if role_required:
raise Exception("required role %s not found" % role_name)
LOG.debug("%s role not required", role_name)
role_id = role_ids[0]
roles_client.create_user_role_on_project(tenant_id, user_id, role_id)
LOG.debug("User '%s' was given the '%s' role in project '%s'",
username, role_name, tenant_name)
except exceptions.Conflict:
LOG.debug("(no change) User '%s' already has the '%s' role in"
" project '%s'", username, role_name, tenant_name)
def create_user_with_tenant(tenants_client, users_client, username,
password, tenant_name):
"""Create a user and a tenant if it doesn't exist."""
LOG.info("Creating user '%s' with tenant '%s' and password '%s'",
username, tenant_name, password)
tenant_description = "Tenant for Tempest %s user" % username
email = "%s@test.com" % username
# create a tenant
except exceptions.Conflict:
LOG.info("(no change) Tenant '%s' already exists", tenant_name)
tenant_id = tenants_client.get_project_by_name(tenant_name)['id']
# create a user
users_client.create_user(**{'name': username, 'password': password,
'tenantId': tenant_id, 'email': email})
except exceptions.Conflict:
LOG.info("User '%s' already exists.", username)
def create_tempest_flavors(client, conf, allow_creation):
"""Find or create flavors 'm1.nano' and 'm1.micro' and set them in conf.
If 'flavor_ref' and 'flavor_ref_alt' are specified in conf, it will first
try to find those - otherwise it will try finding or creating 'm1.nano' and
'm1.micro' and overwrite those options in conf.
:param allow_creation: if False, fail if flavors were not found
# m1.nano flavor
flavor_id = None
if conf.has_option('compute', 'flavor_ref'):
flavor_id = conf.get('compute', 'flavor_ref')
flavor_id = find_or_create_flavor(client,
flavor_id, 'm1.nano',
allow_creation, ram=64)
conf.set('compute', 'flavor_ref', flavor_id)
# m1.micro flavor
alt_flavor_id = None
if conf.has_option('compute', 'flavor_ref_alt'):
alt_flavor_id = conf.get('compute', 'flavor_ref_alt')
alt_flavor_id = find_or_create_flavor(client,
alt_flavor_id, 'm1.micro',
allow_creation, ram=128)
conf.set('compute', 'flavor_ref_alt', alt_flavor_id)
def find_or_create_flavor(client, flavor_id, flavor_name,
allow_creation, ram=64, vcpus=1, disk=0):
"""Try finding flavor by ID or name, create if not found.
:param flavor_id: first try finding the flavor by this
:param flavor_name: find by this if it was not found by ID, create new
flavor with this name if not found at all
:param allow_creation: if False, fail if flavors were not found
:param ram: memory of created flavor in MB
:param vcpus: number of VCPUs for the flavor
:param disk: size of disk for flavor in GB
flavor = None
flavors = client.list_flavors()['flavors']
# try finding it by the ID first
if flavor_id:
found = [f for f in flavors if f['id'] == flavor_id]
if found:
flavor = found[0]
# if not found previously, try finding it by name
if flavor_name and not flavor:
found = [f for f in flavors if f['name'] == flavor_name]
if found:
flavor = found[0]
if not flavor and not allow_creation:
raise Exception("Flavor '%s' not found, but resource creation"
" isn't allowed. Either use '--create' or provide"
" an existing flavor" % flavor_name)
if not flavor:
LOG.info("Creating flavor '%s'", flavor_name)
flavor = client.create_flavor(name=flavor_name,
ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus,
disk=disk, id=None)
return flavor['flavor']['id']
LOG.info("(no change) Found flavor '%s'", flavor['name'])
return flavor['id']
def create_tempest_images(client, conf, image_path, allow_creation,
img_path = os.path.join(conf.get("scenario", "img_dir"),
name = image_path[image_path.rfind('/') + 1:]
alt_name = name + "_alt"
image_id = None
if conf.has_option('compute', 'image_ref'):
image_id = conf.get('compute', 'image_ref')
image_id = find_or_upload_image(client,
image_id, name, allow_creation,
alt_image_id = None
if conf.has_option('compute', 'image_ref_alt'):
alt_image_id = conf.get('compute', 'image_ref_alt')
alt_image_id = find_or_upload_image(client,
alt_image_id, alt_name, allow_creation,
conf.set('compute', 'image_ref', image_id)
conf.set('compute', 'image_ref_alt', alt_image_id)
def check_ceilometer_service(client, conf, services):
services = client.list_services(**{'type': 'metering'})
if services and len(services['services']):
metering = services['services'][0]
if 'ceilometer' in metering['name'] and metering['enabled']:
conf.set('service_available', 'ceilometer', 'True')
def check_volume_backup_service(client, conf, services):
"""Verify if the cinder backup service is enabled"""
if 'volumev3' not in services:
LOG.info("No volume service found, skipping backup service check")
params = {'binary': 'cinder-backup'}
backup_service = client.list_services(**params)
if backup_service:
# We only set backup to false if the service isn't running otherwise we
# keep the default value
service = backup_service['services']
if not service or service[0]['state'] == 'down':
conf.set('volume-feature-enabled', 'backup', 'False')
def find_or_upload_image(client, image_id, image_name, allow_creation,
image_source='', image_dest='', disk_format=''):
image = _find_image(client, image_id, image_name)
if not image and not allow_creation:
raise Exception("Image '%s' not found, but resource creation"
" isn't allowed. Either use '--create' or provide"
" an existing image_ref" % image_name)
if image:
LOG.info("(no change) Found image '%s'", image['name'])
path = os.path.abspath(image_dest)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
_download_image(client, image['id'], path)
LOG.info("Creating image '%s'", image_name)
if image_source.startswith("http:") or \
_download_file(image_source, image_dest)
shutil.copyfile(image_source, image_dest)
image = _upload_image(client, image_name, image_dest, disk_format)
return image['id']
def create_tempest_networks(clients, conf, has_neutron, public_network_id):
label = None
public_network_name = None
# TODO(tkammer): separate logic to different func of Nova network
# vs Neutron
if has_neutron:
client = clients.get_neutron_client()
# if user supplied the network we should use
if public_network_id:
LOG.info("Looking for existing network id: {0}"
# check if network exists
network_list = client.list_networks()
for network in network_list['networks']:
if network['id'] == public_network_id:
public_network_name = network['name']
raise ValueError('provided network id: {0} was not found.'
# no network id provided, try to auto discover a public network
LOG.info("No network supplied, trying auto discover for network")
network_list = client.list_networks()
for network in network_list['networks']:
if network['router:external'] and network['subnets']:
LOG.info("Found network, using: {0}".format(network['id']))
public_network_id = network['id']
public_network_name = network['name']
# Couldn't find an existing external network
LOG.error("No external networks found. "
"Please note that any test that relies on external "
"connectivity would most likely fail.")
if public_network_id is not None:
conf.set('network', 'public_network_id', public_network_id)
if public_network_name is not None:
conf.set('network', 'floating_network_name', public_network_name)
client = clients.get_nova_net_client()
networks = client.list_networks()
if networks:
label = networks['networks'][0]['label']
if label:
conf.set('compute', 'fixed_network_name', label)
elif not has_neutron:
raise Exception('fixed_network_name could not be discovered and'
' must be specified')
def configure_keystone_feature_flags(conf, services):
"""Set keystone feature flags based upon version ID."""
supported_versions = services.get('identity', {}).get('versions', [])
for version in supported_versions:
major, minor = version.split('.')[:2]
# Enable the domain specific roles feature flag. For more information,
# see https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/identity/v3
if major == 'v3' and int(minor) >= 6:
def configure_boto(conf, services):
"""Set boto URLs based on discovered APIs."""
if 'ec2' in services:
conf.set('boto', 'ec2_url', services['ec2']['url'])
if 's3' in services:
conf.set('boto', 's3_url', services['s3']['url'])
def configure_horizon(conf):
"""Derive the horizon URIs from the identity's URI."""
uri = conf.get('identity', 'uri')
u = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(uri)
base = '%s://%s%s' % (u.scheme, u.netloc.replace(
':' + str(u.port), ''), '/dashboard')
assert base.startswith('http:') or base.startswith('https:')
has_horizon = True
except urllib2.URLError:
has_horizon = False
conf.set('service_available', 'horizon', str(has_horizon))
conf.set('dashboard', 'dashboard_url', base + '/')
conf.set('dashboard', 'login_url', base + '/auth/login/')
def configure_discovered_services(conf, services):
"""Set service availability and supported extensions and versions.
Set True/False per service in the [service_available] section of `conf`
depending of wheter it is in services. In the [<service>-feature-enabled]
section, set extensions and versions found in `services`.
:param conf: ConfigParser configuration
:param services: dictionary of discovered services - expects each service
to have a dictionary containing 'extensions' and 'versions' keys
# check if volume service is disabled
if conf.has_section('services') and conf.has_option('services', 'volume'):
if not conf.getboolean('services', 'volume'):
# set service availability
for service, codename in SERVICE_NAMES.iteritems():
# ceilometer is still transitioning from metering to telemetry
if service == 'telemetry' and 'metering' in services:
service = 'metering'
conf.set('service_available', codename, str(service in services))
# TODO(arxcruz): Remove this once/if we get the following reviews merged
# in all branches supported by tempestconf, or once/if tempestconf do not
# support anymore the OpenStack release where those patches are not
# available.
# https://review.openstack.org/#/c/492526/
# https://review.openstack.org/#/c/492525/
if 'alarming' in services:
conf.set('service_available', 'aodh', 'True')
conf.set('service_available', 'aodh_plugin', 'True')
# set supported API versions for services with more of them
for service, service_info in SERVICE_VERSIONS.iteritems():
supported_versions = services.get(
service_info['catalog'], {}).get('versions', [])
section = service + '-feature-enabled'
for version in service_info['supported_versions']:
is_supported = any(version in item
for item in supported_versions)
conf.set(section, 'api_' + version, str(is_supported))
# set service extensions
keystone_v3_support = conf.get('identity-feature-enabled', 'api_v3')
for service, ext_key in SERVICE_EXTENSION_KEY.iteritems():
if service in services:
extensions = ','.join(services[service].get('extensions', ""))
if service == 'object-store':
# tempest.conf is inconsistent and uses 'object-store' for the
# catalog name but 'object-storage-feature-enabled'
service = 'object-storage'
elif service == 'identity' and keystone_v3_support:
identity_v3_ext = api_discovery.get_identity_v3_extensions(
conf.get("identity", "uri_v3"))
extensions = list(set(extensions.split(',') + identity_v3_ext))
extensions = ','.join(extensions)
conf.set(service + '-feature-enabled', ext_key, extensions)
def _download_file(url, destination):
LOG.info("Downloading '%s' and saving as '%s'", url, destination)
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data = f.read()
with open(destination, "wb") as dest:
def _download_image(client, id, path):
"""Download file from glance."""
LOG.info("Downloading image %s to %s", id, path)
body = client.show_image_file(id)
with open(path, 'wb') as out:
def _upload_image(client, name, path, disk_format):
"""Upload image file from `path` into Glance with `name."""
LOG.info("Uploading image '%s' from '%s'", name, os.path.abspath(path))
with open(path) as data:
image = client.create_image(name=name,
client.store_image_file(image['id'], data)
return image
def _find_image(client, image_id, image_name):
"""Find image by ID or name (the image client doesn't have this)."""
if image_id:
return client.show_image(image_id)
except exceptions.NotFound:
found = filter(lambda x: x['name'] == image_name,
if found:
return found[0]
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":