With keystone v3 to get a public endpoint for a service, we need to check for interface="public". Change-Id: I36de9adf04352073c9727bd3cc88379fbc353aa8
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import logging
import re
import requests
import urllib3
import urlparse
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MULTIPLE_SLASH = re.compile(r'/+')
class ServiceError(Exception):
class Service(object):
def __init__(self, name, service_url, token, disable_ssl_validation):
self.name = name
self.service_url = service_url
self.headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token}
self.disable_ssl_validation = disable_ssl_validation
def do_get(self, url, top_level=False, top_level_path=""):
parts = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))
# 2 is the path offset
if top_level:
parts[2] = '/' + top_level_path
parts[2] = MULTIPLE_SLASH.sub('/', parts[2])
url = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)
if self.disable_ssl_validation:
http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE')
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('GET', url, headers=self.headers)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Request on service '%s' with url '%s' failed",
(self.name, url))
raise e
if r.status >= 400:
raise ServiceError("Request on service '%s' with url '%s' failed"
" with code %d" % (self.name, url, r.status))
return r.data
def get_extensions(self):
return []
def get_versions(self):
return []
class VersionedService(Service):
def get_versions(self, top_level=True):
body = self.do_get(self.service_url, top_level=top_level)
body = json.loads(body)
return self.deserialize_versions(body)
def deserialize_versions(self, body):
return map(lambda x: x['id'], body['versions'])
def no_port_cut_url(self):
# if there is no port defined, cut the url from version to the end
u = urllib3.util.parse_url(self.service_url)
url = self.service_url
if u.port is None:
found = re.findall(r'v\d', url)
if len(found) > 0:
index = url.index(found[0])
url = self.service_url[:index]
return (url, u.port is not None)
class ComputeService(VersionedService):
def get_extensions(self):
body = self.do_get(self.service_url + '/extensions')
body = json.loads(body)
return map(lambda x: x['alias'], body['extensions'])
def get_versions(self):
url, top_level = self.no_port_cut_url()
body = self.do_get(url, top_level=top_level)
body = json.loads(body)
return self.deserialize_versions(body)
class ImageService(VersionedService):
def get_versions(self):
return super(ImageService, self).get_versions(top_level=False)
class NetworkService(VersionedService):
def get_extensions(self):
body = self.do_get(self.service_url + '/v2.0/extensions.json')
body = json.loads(body)
return map(lambda x: x['alias'], body['extensions'])
class VolumeService(VersionedService):
def get_extensions(self):
body = self.do_get(self.service_url + '/extensions')
body = json.loads(body)
return map(lambda x: x['alias'], body['extensions'])
def get_versions(self):
url, top_level = self.no_port_cut_url()
body = self.do_get(url, top_level=top_level)
body = json.loads(body)
return self.deserialize_versions(body)
class IdentityService(VersionedService):
def __init__(self, name, service_url, token, disable_ssl_validation):
super(VersionedService, self).__init__(
name, service_url, token, disable_ssl_validation)
version = ''
if 'v2' in self.service_url:
version = '/v2.0'
url_parse = urlparse.urlparse(self.service_url)
self.service_url = '{}://{}{}'.format(url_parse.scheme,
url_parse.netloc, version)
def get_extensions(self):
if 'v2' in self.service_url:
body = self.do_get(self.service_url + '/extensions')
body = json.loads(body)
return map(lambda x: x['alias'], body['extensions']['values'])
# Keystone api changed in v3, the concept of extensions change. Right
# now, all the existin extensions are part of keystone core api, so,
# there's no longer the /extensions endpoint. The extensions that are
# stable, are enabled by default, the ones marked as experimental are
# disabled by default. Checking the tempest source, there's no test
# pointing to extensions endpoint, so I am very confident that this
# will not be an issue. If so, we need to list all the /OS-XYZ
# extensions to identify what is enabled or not. This would be a manual
# check every time keystone change, add or delete an extension, so I
# rather prefer to return empty here for now.
return []
def deserialize_versions(self, body):
if 'v2' in self.service_url:
return map(lambda x: x['id'], body['versions']['values'])
return []
def get_versions(self):
return super(IdentityService, self).get_versions(top_level=False)
class ObjectStorageService(Service):
def get_extensions(self):
body = self.do_get(self.service_url, top_level=True,
body = json.loads(body)
# Remove Swift general information from extensions list
return body.keys()
service_dict = {'compute': ComputeService,
'image': ImageService,
'network': NetworkService,
'object-store': ObjectStorageService,
'volumev3': VolumeService,
'identity': IdentityService}
def get_service_class(service_name):
return service_dict.get(service_name, Service)
def get_identity_v3_extensions(keystone_v3_url):
"""Returns discovered identity v3 extensions
As keystone V3 uses a JSON Home to store the extensions,
this method is kept here just for the sake of functionality, but it
implements a different discovery method.
:param keystone_v3_url: Keystone V3 auth url
:return: A list with the discovered extensions
r = requests.get(keystone_v3_url,
headers={'Accept': 'application/json-home'})
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as re:
LOG.error("Request on service '%s' with url '%s' failed",
'identity', keystone_v3_url)
raise re
ext_h = 'http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/ext/'
res = [x for x in json.loads(r.content)['resources'].keys()]
ext = [ex for ex in res if 'ext' in ex]
return list(set([str(e).replace(ext_h, '').split('/')[0] for e in ext]))
def discover(auth_provider, region, object_store_discovery=True,
api_version=2, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True):
"""Returns a dict with discovered apis.
:param auth_provider: An AuthProvider to obtain service urls.
:param region: A specific region to use. If the catalog has only one region
then that region will be used.
:return: A dict with an entry for the type of each discovered service.
Each entry has keys for 'extensions' and 'versions'.
token, auth_data = auth_provider.get_auth()
services = {}
service_catalog = 'serviceCatalog'
public_url = 'publicURL'
identity_port = urlparse.urlparse(auth_provider.auth_url).port
if identity_port is None:
identity_port = ""
identity_port = ":" + str(identity_port)
identity_version = urlparse.urlparse(auth_provider.auth_url).path
if api_version == 3:
service_catalog = 'catalog'
public_url = 'url'
# FIXME(chandankumar): It is a workaround to filter services whose
# endpoints does not exist. Once it is merged. Let's rewrite the whole
# stuff.
auth_data[service_catalog] = [data for data in auth_data[service_catalog]
if data['endpoints']]
for entry in auth_data[service_catalog]:
name = entry['type']
services[name] = dict()
for _ep in entry['endpoints']:
if api_version == 3:
if _ep['region'] == region and _ep['interface'] == 'public':
ep = _ep
if _ep['region'] == region:
ep = _ep
ep = entry['endpoints'][0]
if 'identity' in ep[public_url]:
services[name]['url'] = ep[public_url].replace(
"/identity", "{0}{1}".format(
identity_port, identity_version))
services[name]['url'] = ep[public_url]
service_class = get_service_class(name)
service = service_class(name, services[name]['url'], token,
if name == 'object-store' and not object_store_discovery:
services[name]['extensions'] = []
elif 'v3' not in ep[public_url]: # is not v3 url
services[name]['extensions'] = service.get_extensions()
services[name]['versions'] = service.get_versions()
return services