--- - hosts: localhost become: true gather_facts: true vars: # dir where refstack files for buidling an image, running a container # will be stored refstack_dir: /tmp/refstack-docker refstack_openid_endpoint: '' # ip address of the machine you're running this on refstack_url: # 'http://' # the default credentials for the refstack database refstack_db_username: refstack refstack_db_password: Jz4ooq9TL7nc3hX3 refstack_root_db_password: KbgY3r9HYnEYpgRP tasks: - name: Clone system-config repository git: repo: https://opendev.org/opendev/system-config.git dest: "{{ refstack_dir }}/system-config" - name: Extract docker files copy: src: "{{ refstack_dir }}/system-config/docker/refstack/" dest: "{{ refstack_dir }}/refstack-docker-files" remote_src: yes - name: Extract refstack role copy: src: "{{ refstack_dir }}/system-config/playbooks/roles/refstack/" dest: "{{ refstack_dir }}/refstack-role" remote_src: yes - name: Delete the rest of system-config content file: state: absent path: "{{ refstack_dir }}/system-config" - name: Install Docker apt: name: - docker - docker-compose state: present - name: Build refstack image command: docker image build -f Dockerfile -t refstack:1 . args: chdir: "{{ refstack_dir }}/refstack-docker-files" - include_role: name: "{{ refstack_dir }}/refstack-role"