The driver file in this pull are placeholders for the actual content in the files. In the case of the coretests and capabilities list, preliminary values have been provided for discussion and review of the schema. ** THEY ARE NOT OFFICIAL RESULTS ** These files will contain approved information that is managed by the DefCore committee relating to core and driver test. For more information about this process please review https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/CoreCriteria and Rob Hirschfeld's post: http://robhirschfeld.com/tag/defcore/ Changes to these files must be +1 by a DefCore chair. Change-Id: I7ebc6f482f062725ce2cdb83a5102eaba05d8cfe
DefCore Managed Files
This folder contains DefCore committee managed files that provide trusted guidance for the OpenStack community.
Assets for each release are tracked in dedicated subdirectories so JSON schema may change per release if needed.
NOTE: Changes to files in these subdirectories requires approval of the Defcore committee chair(s).
Havana Release
## coretests.json
Contains the list of tests that are considered must-pass for the Havana Core.
## capabilities.json
Contains a grouping map between Capabilities and tests. This file should contain all tests, not just the core ones.
## drivers.json
Contains the list of OpenStack drivers and their qualified status.
NOTE: Changes to the drivers list requires involvement of the parties impacted by that change via +1 vote.