This schema file defines a Server and all internal entities related to servers including Addresses and Files.
Common types used by multiple entities and possibly spanning several types of requests.
Types related to images.
Types related to flavors.
All fault types.
The element defines a server.
A collection of servers.
The element defines list of addresses by network: (public, private, ...).
The element defines a list of addresses in a network.
The element defines an individual IP address.
A server is a virtual machine instance in the Cloud Servers system. Note that this complex type defines all elements and attributes as optional because a server instance may take many different forms depending on the operation. When creating a server, for example, the name, imageRef, and flavorRef attributes are required. In addition, optional metadata and personality file elements may be specified:
The response to such a crate operation will include the administration password, host ID, and addresses associated with the server:
When modifying a server only the name and administration password should be specified as these are the only attributes that are modifiable.
A reference to an image used to create the server. External images must contain a link that provides the full path to the image resource.
The current server flavor. This may not contains all flavor details but will always contain an ID, a name, as well as self and bookmark links.
A collection of meta data items associated with the server.
A server's public and private address.
A collection of small files used to personalize a new server instance.
The details of a fault that may have occurred while creating the server or performing a server action.
The name of the server.
A reference to an image. This is used exclusively when creating a server. Using an image ID here indicates that the image is locally hosted.
A reference to a flavor. This is used exclusively when creating a server. Using a flavorRef here indicates that the flavor is locally hosted.
The IPv4 primary IP.
The IPv6 primary IP.
The ID of the server.
The server's administration password.
A unique ID that identifies the tenant that contains the server.
A unique ID that identifies the user who created the server.
A unique ID that identifies the physical host that the VM is running on. This ID is unique per account and not globally unique.
The progress of the current server operation.
The current state (or status) of the server.
The time the server was updated.
The time the server was created.
The only allowed attribute for this Server type is the name, ID, and links. This type is used for non-detailed server lists.
Here the server MUST contain a name, an ID, a bookmark link, and a self link.
The only allowed attribute for this Server type is the ID, and links. This type is used for for holding external references to servers.
Here the server MUST contain an ID, a bookmark link, and a self link.
When creating a server the server must contain a name and a reference to an image and flavor.
A collection of meta data items associated with the server.
A collection of small files used to personalize a new server instance.
When updating a server. The server MUST contain either a name or metadata or access address. The other fields are not editable on a server update.
A collection of servers.
A collection of servers with only IDs, names, and links. A collection of this type is returned in non-detailed server list.
A collection of files.
A file is simply a full path along with base64 file content. The name of the file is specified in the path attribute and the file content is included inline.
Full file path.
A collection of addresses.
A id of an address list. This is typically a name used to identify a network.
An IP address.
The IP Address version can be 4 or 6. The version attribute is optional if it is left off, the type of address will be determined by from its address format. If it is specified it should match the address format.
The OpenStack compute API will always fill in the version number as a convenience to the client.
An extensible server status type allows all of the strings defined in ServerStatus or an alias prefixed status.
The server is ready to use.
The server is in an inactive (suspended) state.
The server has been deleted.
The server is being resized.
The server is waiting for the resize operation to be confirmed so that the original server may be removed.
A resized server is being reverted to its previous size.
The requested operation failed, the server is in an error state.
The server is being built.
The server password is being changed.
The server is being rebuilt.
The server is going through a SOFT reboot.
The server is going through a HARD reboot.
The server is in an unknown state.
Denotes IPv4.
Denotes IPv6.