Attribute | Type | Required | CRUD |
Default Value | Validation Constraints | Notes |
id | uuid-str | N/A | R | generated | N/A | UUID for the network. |
name | String | No | CRU | None | N/A | Human-readable name for the network. Might not be unique. |
admin_state_up | Bool | No | CRU | true | {true|false} | The administrative state of network. If false (down), the network does not forward packets. |
status | String | N/A | R | N/A | N/A | |
subnets | list(uuid-str) | No | R | Empty List | N/A | subnets associated with this network. |
shared | Bool | No | CRU | False | { True | False } | Specifies whether the network resource can be accessed by any tenant or not. |
tenant_id | uuid-str | No |
CR | N/A | No constraint | Owner of network. Only admin users can specify a tenant_id other than its own. |
Attribute | Type | Required | CRUD |
Default Value | Validation Constraints | Notes |
id | uuid-str | N/A | R | generated | N/A | UUID representing the subnet |
network_id | uuid-str | Yes | CR | N/A | network this subnet is associated with. | |
name | String | No | CRU | None | N/A | Human-readable name for the subnet. Might not be unique. |
ip_version | int | Yes | CR | 4 | { 4 | 6 } | IP version |
cidr | string | Yes | CR | N/A | valid cidr in the form <network_address>/<prefix> | cidr representing IP range for this subnet, based on IP version |
gateway_ip | string | No | CRUD | first address in |
Valid IP address or null | default gateway used by devices in this subnet |
dns_nameservers | list(str) | No | CRU | Empty list | No constraint | DNS name servers used by hosts in this subnet. |
allocation_pools | list(dict) | No | CR | Every address in |
star/end of range must be valid ip | Sub-ranges of cidr available for dynamic allocation to ports [ { "start": "", "end": ""} ] |
host_routes | list(dict) | No | CRU | Empty List |
Routes that should be used by devices with IPs from this subnet (not including local subnet route). |
enable_dhcp | Bool | No | CRU | True | { True | False } | Specifies whether DHCP is enabled for this subnet or not. |
tenant_id | uuid-str | No |
CR | N/A | No constraint | Owner of network. Only admin users can specify a tenant_id other than its own. |
Attribute | Type | Required | CRUD |
Default Value | Validation Constraints | Notes |
id | uuid-str | N/A | R | generated | N/A | UUID for the port. |
network_id | uuid-str | Yes | CR | N/A | existing network identifier | Network that this port is associated with. |
name | String | No | CRU | None | N/A | Human-readable name for the port. Might not be unique. |
admin_state_up | bool | No | CRU | true | {true|false} | Administrative state of port. If false (down), port does not forward packets. |
status | string | N/A | R | N/A | N/A | |
mac_address | string | No | CR | generated | valid MAC in 6-octet form separated by colons | Mac address to use on this port. |
fixed_ips | list(dict) | No | CRU | automatically allocated from pool | Valid IP address and existing subnet identifier | Specifies IP addresses for the port thus associating the port itself with the subnets where the IP addresses are picked from |
device_id | str | No | CRUD | None | No constraint | identifies the device (e.g., virtual server) using this port. |
device_owner | str | No | CRUD | None | No constraint | Identifies the entity (e.g.: dhcp agent) using this port. |
tenant_id | uuid-str | No |
CR | N/A | No constraint | Owner of network. Only admin users can specify a tenant_id other than its own. |
security_groups | list(dict) | No | CRUD | None | Existing security group IDs | Specifies the IDs of any security groups associated with a port. |