Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests

Change-Id: Iaaf96fcf00ce4df7c126f386d42e45a522e1db92
This commit is contained in:
OpenStack Proposal Bot 2017-07-12 18:21:55 +00:00
parent e4142c2894
commit f900089c9c
2 changed files with 40 additions and 18 deletions

Vagrantfile vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
# Note:
# This file is maintained in the openstack-ansible-tests repository.
# https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests/tree/Vagrantfile
# If you need to perform any change on it, you should modify the central file,
# then, an OpenStack CI job will propagate your changes to every OSA repository
# since every repo uses the same Vagrantfile
# Verify whether required plugins are installed.
required_plugins = [ "vagrant-disksize" ]
required_plugins.each do |plugin|
@ -8,7 +16,7 @@ end
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.memory = 2048
v.memory = 4096
v.cpus = 2

View File

@ -9,41 +9,55 @@
# is better to have this file empty, otherwise OpenStack-CI
# will fall back to installing its default packages which
# will potentially be detrimental to the tests executed.
# Note:
# This file is maintained in the openstack-ansible-tests repository.
# https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests/tree/bindep.txt
# If you need to remove or add extra dependencies, you should modify
# the central file instead and once your change is accepted then update
# this file as well. The purpose of this file is to ensure that Python and
# Ansible have all their necessary binary requirements on the test host before
# tox executes. Any binary requirements needed by services/roles should be
# installed by those roles in their applicable package install tasks, not through
# using this file.
# Base requirements for Ubuntu and Debian
# Base requirements for Ubuntu
build-essential [platform:dpkg]
git-core [platform:dpkg]
libssl-dev [platform:dpkg]
libffi-dev [platform:dpkg]
libxslt1-dev [platform:dpkg]
python2.7 [platform:dpkg]
python-dev [platform:dpkg]
python-apt [platform:dpkg]
python-dev [platform:dpkg]
# Base requirements for CentOS and Fedora
redhat-rpm-config [platform:rpm]
# Base requirements for RPM distros
gcc [platform:rpm]
gcc-c++ [platform:rpm]
git [platform:rpm]
libxslt-devel [platform:rpm]
libffi-devel [platform:rpm !platform:opensuseproject-42]
libffi-devel-gcc5 [platform:opensuseproject-42]
openssl-devel [platform:redhat]
libopenssl-devel [platform:suse]
python-devel [platform:rpm]
# Requirements for Paramiko 2.0
libffi-devel [platform:rpm]
openssl-devel [platform:rpm]
python2-dnf [platform:fedora]
# For SELinux
libselinux-python [platform:rpm]
libselinux-python [platform:redhat]
libsemanage-python [platform:redhat]
# For SSL SNI support
python-pyasn1 [platform:dpkg]
python-pyasn1 [platform:dpkg platform:suse]
python-openssl [platform:dpkg]
python2-pyasn1 [platform:rpm]
python2-pyOpenSSL [platform:centos]
python-ndg-httpsclient [platform:ubuntu !platform:ubuntu-14]
python2-pyasn1 [platform:redhat]
python2-pyOpenSSL [platform:redhat !platform:fedora]
pyOpenSSL [platform:fedora]
# Other Ansible requirements
python2-dnf [platform:fedora]
python-pyOpenSSL [platform:opensuseproject-42]
python2-pyOpenSSL [platform:suse !platform:opensuseproject-42]
python-ndg_httpsclient [platform:redhat !platform:fedora]
python2-ndg_httpsclient [platform:fedora]
python-ndg-httpsclient [platform:suse]
# Required for compressing collected log files in CI