--- # Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## STIG version selection # The RHEL 7 STIG content first appeared in the Ocata release and is compatible # with the following operating systems: # # * CentOS 8 # * Debian Buster # * Fedora 27 # * Ubuntu Bionic # * Ubuntu Focal # # Valid options: rhel7 stig_version: rhel7 ## APT Cache Options # This variable is used across multiple OpenStack-Ansible roles to handle the # apt cache updates as efficiently as possible. cache_timeout: 600 # Set the package install state for distribution packages # Options are 'present' and 'latest' security_package_state: present ## EPEL # Set the following variable to `no` to prevent the EPEL repository from being # installed by the role. This may prevent certain packages from installing, # such as ClamAV. security_epel_install_repository: yes # # Some deployers install a customized EPEL package that redirects servers to # their internal EPEL mirrors. Provide the name of the EPEL repository package # (epel-release by default on CentOS) or a URL to an EPEL release RPM file. security_epel_release_package: epel-release ############################################################################### # ____ _ _ _____ _ _____ ____ _____ ___ ____ # | _ \| | | | ____| | |___ | / ___|_ _|_ _/ ___| # | |_) | |_| | _| | | / / \___ \ | | | | | _ # | _ <| _ | |___| |___ / / ___) || | | | |_| | # |_| \_\_| |_|_____|_____| /_/ |____/ |_| |___\____| # # The following options are specific to the RHEL 7 STIG. For details on each # option, refer to the ansible-hardening documentation: # # https://docs.openstack.org/ansible-hardening/latest/domains.html # ############################################################################### ## Accounts (accounts) # Set minimum password lifetime to 1 day for interactive accounts. security_set_minimum_password_lifetime: no # V-71927 security_set_maximum_password_lifetime: no # V-71931 ## AIDE (aide) # Initialize the AIDE database immediately (may take time). security_rhel7_initialize_aide: no # V-71973 security_rhel7_enable_aide: yes # The default Ubuntu configuration for AIDE will cause it to wander into some # terrible places on the system, such as /var/lib/lxc and images in /opt. # The following three default exclusions are highly recommended for AIDE to # work properly, but additional exclusions can be added to this list if needed. security_aide_exclude_dirs: - /openstack - /opt - /run - /var ## Audit daemon (auditd) # Send audit records to a different system using audisp. # security_audisp_remote_server: '' # V-72083 # Encrypt audit records when they are transmitted over the network. # security_audisp_enable_krb5: yes # V-72085 # Set the auditd failure flag. WARNING: READ DOCUMENTATION BEFORE CHANGING! security_rhel7_audit_failure_flag: 1 # V-72081 # Set the action to take when the disk is full or network events cannot be sent. security_rhel7_auditd_disk_full_action: syslog # V-72087 security_rhel7_auditd_network_failure_action: syslog # V-72087 # Size of remaining disk space (in MB) that triggers alerts. security_rhel7_auditd_space_left: >- # V-72089 {{ (ansible_facts['mounts'] | selectattr('mount', 'equalto', '/') | map(attribute='size_total') | first * 0.25 / 1024 / 1024) | int }} # Action to take when the space_left threshold is reached. security_rhel7_auditd_space_left_action: email # V-72091 # Send auditd email alerts to this user. security_rhel7_auditd_action_mail_acct: root # V-72093 # Add audit rules for commands/syscalls. security_rhel7_audit_chsh: yes # V-72167 security_rhel7_audit_chage: yes # V-72155 security_rhel7_audit_chcon: yes # V-72139 security_rhel7_audit_chmod: no # V-72105 security_rhel7_audit_chown: no # V-72097 security_rhel7_audit_creat: "{{ (ansible_facts['architecture'] == 'aarch64') | ternary('no', 'yes') }}" # V-72123 security_rhel7_audit_crontab: yes # V-72183 security_rhel7_audit_delete_module: yes # V-72189 security_rhel7_audit_fchmod: no # V-72107 security_rhel7_audit_fchmodat: no # V-72109 security_rhel7_audit_fchown: no # V-72099 security_rhel7_audit_fchownat: no # V-72103 security_rhel7_audit_fremovexattr: no # V-72119 security_rhel7_audit_fsetxattr: no # V-72113 security_rhel7_audit_ftruncate: yes # V-72133 security_rhel7_audit_init_module: yes # V-72187 security_rhel7_audit_gpasswd: yes # V-72153 security_rhel7_audit_lchown: no # V-72101 security_rhel7_audit_lremovexattr: no # V-72121 security_rhel7_audit_lsetxattr: no # V-72115 security_rhel7_audit_mount: yes # V-72171 security_rhel7_audit_newgrp: yes # V-72165 security_rhel7_audit_open: "{{ (ansible_facts['architecture'] == 'aarch64') | ternary('no', 'yes') }}" # V-72125 security_rhel7_audit_openat: yes # V-72127 security_rhel7_audit_open_by_handle_at: yes # V-72129 security_rhel7_audit_pam_timestamp_check: yes # V-72185 security_rhel7_audit_passwd: yes # V-72149 security_rhel7_audit_postdrop: yes # V-72175 security_rhel7_audit_postqueue: yes # V-72177 security_rhel7_audit_removexattr: no # V-72117 security_rhel7_audit_rename: "{{ (ansible_facts['architecture'] == 'aarch64') | ternary('no', 'yes') }}" # V-72199 security_rhel7_audit_renameat: yes # V-72201 security_rhel7_audit_restorecon: yes # V-72141 security_rhel7_audit_rmdir: "{{ (ansible_facts['architecture'] == 'aarch64') | ternary('no', 'yes') }}" # V-72203 security_rhel7_audit_semanage: yes # V-72135 security_rhel7_audit_setsebool: yes # V-72137 security_rhel7_audit_setxattr: no # V-72111 security_rhel7_audit_ssh_keysign: yes # V-72179 security_rhel7_audit_su: yes # V-72159 security_rhel7_audit_sudo: yes # V-72161 security_rhel7_audit_sudoedit: yes # V-72169 security_rhel7_audit_truncate: yes # V-72131 security_rhel7_audit_umount: yes # V-72173 security_rhel7_audit_unix_chkpwd: yes # V-72151 security_rhel7_audit_unlink: "{{ (ansible_facts['architecture'] == 'aarch64') | ternary('no', 'yes') }}" # V-72205 security_rhel7_audit_unlinkat: yes # V-72207 security_rhel7_audit_userhelper: yes # V-72157 # Add audit rules for other events. security_rhel7_audit_account_access: yes # V-72143 security_rhel7_audit_sudo_config_changes: yes # V-72163 security_rhel7_audit_insmod: yes # V-72191 security_rhel7_audit_rmmod: yes # V-72193 security_rhel7_audit_modprobe: yes # V-72195 security_rhel7_audit_account_actions: yes # V-72197 ## Authentication (auth) # Check if sudoers has the NOPASSWD rule enabled security_sudoers_nopasswd_check_enable: yes # Disallow logins from accounts with blank/null passwords via PAM. security_disallow_blank_password_login: yes # V-71937 # Apply password quality rules. # NOTE: The security_pwquality_apply_rules variable is a "master switch". # Set the 'security_pwquality_apply_rules' variable to 'yes' to apply all of # the password quality rules. Each rule can be disabled with a value of 'no'. security_pwquality_apply_rules: no security_pwquality_require_uppercase: yes # V-71903 security_pwquality_require_lowercase: yes # V-71905 security_pwquality_require_numeric: yes # V-71907 security_pwquality_require_special: yes # V-71909 security_pwquality_require_characters_changed: yes # V-71911 security_pwquality_require_character_classes_changed: yes # V-71913 security_pwquality_limit_repeated_characters: yes # V-71915 security_pwquality_limit_repeated_character_classes: yes # V-71917 security_pwquality_require_minimum_password_length: no # V-71935 # Use pwquality when passwords are changed or established. security_enable_pwquality_password_set: no # V-73159 # Ensure passwords are stored using SHA512. security_password_encrypt_method: SHA512 # V-71921 # Ensure user/group admin utilities only store encrypted passwords. security_libuser_crypt_style_sha512: yes # V-71923 # Set a minimum/maximum lifetime limit for user passwords. # security_password_min_lifetime_days: 1 # V-71925 # security_password_max_lifetime_days: 60 # V-71929 # Set a delay (in seconds) between failed login attempts. security_shadow_utils_fail_delay: 4 # V-71951 # Set a umask for all authenticated users. # security_shadow_utils_umask: '077' # V-71995 # Create home directories for new users by default. security_shadow_utils_create_home: yes # V-72013 # How many old user password to remember to prevent password re-use. # security_password_remember_password: 5 # V-71933 # Disable user accounts if the password expires. security_disable_account_if_password_expires: no # V-71941 # Lock user accounts with excessive login failures. See documentation. security_pam_faillock_enable: no # V-71945 / V-71943 / RHEL-07-010373 security_pam_faillock_interval: 900 security_pam_faillock_attempts: 3 security_pam_faillock_deny_root: yes # RHEL-07-010373 security_pam_faillock_unlock_time: 604800 # V-71943 # Limit the number of concurrent connections per account. # security_rhel7_concurrent_session_limit: 10 # V-72217 # Remove .shosts and shosts.equiv files. security_rhel7_remove_shosts_files: no # V-72277 # Exclude these directories from the shosts files find security_rhel7_remove_shosts_exclude_dirs: - '/sys' - '/proc' - '/dev' ## File permissions (file_perms) # Reset file permissions and ownership for files installed via RPM packages. security_reset_perm_ownership: no # V-71849 # Search for files/directories owned by invalid users or groups. security_search_for_invalid_owner: no # V-72007 security_search_for_invalid_group_owner: no # V-72009 # Set user/group owners on each home directory and set mode to 0750. security_set_home_directory_permissions_and_owners: no # V-72017 / V-72019 / V-72021 # Find all world-writable directories and display them. security_find_world_writable_dirs: no # V-72047 ## Graphical interfaces (graphical) # Disable automatic gdm logins security_disable_gdm_automatic_login: yes # V-71953 # Disable timed gdm logins for guests security_disable_gdm_timed_login: yes # V-71955 # Enable session locking for graphical logins. security_lock_session: no # V-71891 # Set a timer (in seconds) when an inactive session is locked. security_lock_session_inactive_delay: 900 # V-71893 # Prevent users from modifying session lock settings. security_lock_session_override_user: yes # RHEL-07-010071 # Lock a session (start screensaver) when a session is inactive. security_lock_session_when_inactive: yes # V-71893 # Time after screensaver starts when user login is required. security_lock_session_screensaver_lock_delay: 5 # V-71901 # Enable a login banner and set the text for the banner. security_enable_graphical_login_message: yes # V-71859 security_enable_graphical_login_message_text: > You are accessing a secured system and your actions will be logged along with identifying information. Disconnect immediately if you are not an authorized user of this system. ## Linux Security Module (lsm) # Enable SELinux on Red Hat/CentOS and AppArmor on Ubuntu. security_rhel7_enable_linux_security_module: yes # V-71989 / V-71991 ## Miscellaneous (misc) # Disable the autofs service. security_rhel7_disable_autofs: yes # V-71985 # Enable virus scanning with clamav security_enable_virus_scanner: no # V-72213 # Run the virus scanner update during the deployment (if scanner is deployed) security_run_virus_scanner_update: yes # Disable ctrl-alt-delete key sequence on the console. security_rhel7_disable_ctrl_alt_delete: yes # V-71993 # Install and enable firewalld for iptables management. security_enable_firewalld: no # V-72273 # Rate limit TCP connections to 25/min and burstable to 100. security_enable_firewalld_rate_limit: no # V-72271 security_enable_firewalld_rate_limit_per_minute: 25 security_enable_firewalld_rate_limit_burst: 100 # Update the grub configuration. security_enable_grub_update: yes # Require authentication in GRUB to boot into single-user or maintenance modes. security_require_grub_authentication: no # V-71961 / V-71963 # The default password for grub authentication is 'secrete'. security_grub_password_hash: grub.pbkdf2.sha512.10000.7B21785BEAFEE3AC71459D8210E3FB42EC0F5011C24A2DF31A8127D43A0BB4F1563549DF443791BE8EDA3AE4E4D4E04DB78D4CA35320E4C646CF38320CBE16EC.4B46176AAB1405D97BADB696377C29DE3B3266188D9C3D2E57F3AE851815CCBC16A275B0DBF6F79D738DAD8F598BEE64C73AE35F19A28C5D1E7C7D96FF8A739B # noqa: yaml[line-length] # Set session timeout. security_rhel7_session_timeout: 600 # V-72223 # Enable chrony for NTP time synchronization. security_rhel7_enable_chrony: yes # V-72269 # Use the following NTP servers. security_ntp_servers: - 0.pool.ntp.org - 1.pool.ntp.org - 2.pool.ntp.org - 3.pool.ntp.org # NTP server options. security_ntp_server_options: iburst # Configure Chrony to synchronize the hardware clock security_ntp_sync_rtc: false # Chrony limits access to clients that are on certain subnets. Adjust the # following subnets here to limit client access to chrony servers. security_allowed_ntp_subnets: - 10/8 - 192.168/16 - 172.16/12 # Listen for NTP requests only on local interfaces. security_ntp_bind_local_interfaces_only: yes # Restrict mail relaying. security_rhel7_restrict_mail_relaying: yes # V-72297 # Deploy a login banner. # V-72225 / V-71863 security_login_banner_text: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * WARNING * * You are accessing a secured system and your actions will be logged along * * with identifying information. Disconnect immediately if you are not an * * authorized user of this system. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Packages (packages) # Remove packages from the system as required by the STIG. Set any of these # to 'no' to skip their removal. security_rhel7_remove_rsh_server: yes # V-71967 security_rhel7_remove_telnet_server: yes # V-72077 security_rhel7_remove_tftp_server: yes # V-72301 security_rhel7_remove_xorg: yes # V-72307 security_rhel7_remove_ypserv: yes # V-71969 # Automatically remove dependencies when removing packages. security_package_clean_on_remove: no # V-71987 # Automatically update packages. security_rhel7_automatic_package_updates: no # V-71999 # Install packages for multi-factor authentication. security_install_multifactor_auth_packages: yes # V-72417 security_check_package_checksums: no # V-71855 ## RPM (rpm) # Enable GPG checks for packages and repository data. security_enable_gpgcheck_packages: yes # V-71977 security_enable_gpgcheck_packages_local: yes # V-71979 security_enable_gpgcheck_repo: no # V-71981 ## ssh server (sshd) # Ensure sshd is running and enabled at boot time. security_enable_sshd: yes # V-72235 # Disallow logins from users with empty/null passwords. security_sshd_disallow_empty_password: yes # V-71939 / RHEL-07-010440 # Disallow users from overriding the ssh environment variables. security_sshd_disallow_environment_override: yes # V-71957 # Disallow host based authentication. security_sshd_disallow_host_based_auth: yes # V-71959 # Set a list of allowed ssh ciphers. security_sshd_cipher_list: 'aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr' # V-72221 # Specify a text file to be displayed as the banner/MOTD for all sessions. security_sshd_banner_file: /etc/motd # V-71861 / V-72225 # Disable dynamic MOTD banner that is provided by /run/motd.dynamic security_sshd_dynamic_banner_disable: True # Set the interval for max session length and the number of intervals to allow. security_sshd_client_alive_interval: 600 # V-72237 security_sshd_client_alive_count_max: 0 # V-72241 # Print the last login for a user when they log in over ssh. security_sshd_print_last_log: yes # V-72245 # Permit direct root logins ('yes', 'no', 'without-password', 'prohibit-password', 'forced-commands-only') security_sshd_permit_root_login: no # V-72247 # Disallow authentication using known hosts authentication. security_sshd_disallow_known_hosts_auth: yes # V-72249 / V-72239 # Disallow rhosts authentication. security_sshd_disallow_rhosts_auth: yes # V-72243 # Enable X11 forwarding. security_sshd_enable_x11_forwarding: yes # V-72303 # Set the allowed ssh protocols. security_sshd_protocol: 2 # V-72251 # Set the list of allowed Message Authentication Codes (MACs) for ssh. security_sshd_allowed_macs: 'hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512' # V-72253 # Disallow Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSSAPI) auth. security_sshd_disallow_gssapi: yes # V-72259 # Disallow compression or delay after login. security_sshd_compression: 'delayed' # V-72267 # Require privilege separation at every opportunity. security_sshd_enable_privilege_separation: no # V-72265 # Require strict mode checking of home directory configuration files. security_sshd_enable_strict_modes: yes # V-72263 # Disallow Kerberos authentication. security_sshd_disable_kerberos_auth: yes # V-72261 # Disallow GSSAPI authentication. security_sshd_disable_gssapi_auth: yes # V-204598 ## Kernel settings (kernel) # Disallow forwarding IPv4/IPv6 source routed packets on all interfaces # immediately and by default on new interfaces. security_disallow_source_routed_packet_forward_ipv4: yes # V-72283 / V-72285 security_disallow_source_routed_packet_forward_ipv6: yes # V-72319 # Disallow responses to IPv4 ICMP echoes sent to broadcast address. security_disallow_echoes_broadcast_address: yes # V-72287 # Disallow IPV4 ICMP redirects on all interfaces immediately and by default on # new interfaces. security_disallow_icmp_redirects: yes # V-73175 / V-72289 / V-72291 / V-72293 # Disallow IP forwarding. security_disallow_ip_forwarding: no # V-72309 # Disable USB storage support. security_rhel7_disable_usb_storage: yes # V-71983 # Disable kdump. security_disable_kdump: yes # V-72057 # Disable Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP). security_rhel7_disable_dccp: yes # V-77821 # Enable Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). security_enable_aslr: yes # V-77825 ############################################################################### # ____ _ _ _ # / ___|___ _ __ | |_ _ __(_) |__ # | | / _ \| '_ \| __| '__| | '_ \ # | |__| (_) | | | | |_| | | | |_) | # \____\___/|_| |_|\__|_| |_|_.__/ # # # The following configurations apply to tasks that are contributed by # ansible-hardening developers and may not be part of a hardening standard # or compliance program. For more information on the 'contrib' tasks, review # the documentation: # # https://docs.openstack.org/ansible-hardening/latest/contrib.html # ############################################################################### # To enable the contrib tasks, set this variable to 'yes'. security_contrib_enabled: no # Disable IPv6. # DANGER: This option causes IPv6 networking to be disabled for the ENTIRE # DANGER: SYSTEM. This will cause downtime for any services that depend on # DANGER: IPv6 network connectivity. security_contrib_disable_ipv6: no # C-00001 security_sysctl_file: "{{ openstack_sysctl_file | default('/etc/sysctl.conf') }}"