--- # Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Set the available build targets for all nodes within an environment. # build targets are grouped based on operating system and CPU # architecture. # # This is the data structure used to determine the build host. # venv_build_targets: # { # ansible_facts['distribution'] + '_' + # ansible_facts['distribution_version'] + '_' + # ansible_facts['architecture']: inventory_hostname # } # } # # Auto generation process: # * The current inventory hostname is inserted as the first build target # and will be used if no other suitable targets are found. # * It then iterates over the group defined by {{ venv_build_group }} and if any # targets are found it will catagorize them by distro and cpu architecture # and add them to the list of targets. # * If no build target is found for matching the distro and cpu # criteria of the active inventory item, the generator will fall # back to using the active inventory host as the build target. # # NOTE: (cloudnull): While there may be multiple inventory items # that match a single distro and CPU architecture # type, only one build target will ever be used. # To make more than one build target effective, # deployers should be using a shared file system # for the repo servers. venv_build_targets: |- {% set targets = {} %} {% for item in ((groups[venv_build_group] | default([])) | reverse) %} {% set distro = (hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['distribution'] | default('none') | lower) | replace(' ', '_') %} {% if distro == 'ubuntu' %} {% set distro_ver = (hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['distribution_version'] | default('none.none')).split('.')[:2] | join('.') %} {% else %} {% set distro_ver = hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['distribution_major_version'] | default('none') %} {% endif %} {% set arch = hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['architecture'] | default('none') %} {% set distro_arch = [distro, distro_ver, arch] | join('-') %} {% if distro_arch not in targets %} {% set _ = targets.update({distro_arch: item | string}) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ targets }} _venv_wheels_play_hosts: |- {% set wheel_groups = {} %} {% for host in ansible_play_hosts %} {% set arch = hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['architecture'] %} {% set distro = (hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['distribution'] | lower) | replace(' ', '_') %} {% if distro == 'ubuntu' %} {% set distro_ver = hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['distribution_version'].split('.')[:2] | join('.') %} {% else %} {% set distro_ver = hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['distribution_major_version'] %} {% endif %} {% set distro_arch = [distro, distro_ver, arch] | join('-') %} {% if distro_arch not in wheel_groups %} {% set _ = wheel_groups.update({distro_arch: [host]}) %} {% else %} {% set _ = wheel_groups[distro_arch].append(host) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ wheel_groups }} _venv_wheels_first_play_hosts: |- {% set first_hosts = [] %} {% for distro_arch_hosts in _venv_wheels_play_hosts.values() %} {% set _ = first_hosts.append(distro_arch_hosts | first) %} {% endfor %} {{ first_hosts }} _venv_pip_packages: "{{ (venv_default_pip_packages | union(venv_pip_packages)) | sort | select | list }}" _venv_build_dist: >- {{ (ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower == 'ubuntu') | ternary( ansible_facts['distribution_version'].split('.')[:2] | join('.'), ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] ) }} _venv_build_dist_arch: >- {{ ((ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower) | replace(' ', '_')) ~ '-' ~ _venv_build_dist ~ '-' ~ (ansible_facts['architecture'] | lower) }} _venv_build_requirements_prefix: "{{ venv_build_host_requirements_path }}/{{ venv_install_destination_path | basename }}"