# {{ ansible_managed }} [Unit] Description=Auto mount for {{ systemd_mount_item }} {# make unit dependent on network-online.target if network filesystem is being mounted #} {# dependency is also added for strings starting with '//' because it may indicate that CIFS/Samba is being used. #} {% if not (item.what is search("^(/[^/]|UUID=|LABEL=).*")) %} Requires=network-online.target After=network-online.target {% endif %} [{{ systemd_mount_suffix | capitalize }}] What={{ item.what }} {% if item.type == 'swap' %} Priority={{ item.priority | default(0) }} {% else %} Where={{ item.where }} Type={{ item.type }} {% endif %} Options={{ item.options | default(systemd_default_mount_options) }}{% if 'credentials' in item and item.type == 'fuse.s3fs' %},passwd_file=/etc/passwd-{{ mount_service_name.stdout }}{% endif %} [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target