Fix formating of compute-nova measurements table
Fixes bug 1276554 Avoid nova meters being ommitted from the generated docs. Change-Id: I4f5871fd74bdb20c0867b5ba9300eb2fa28df632
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,34 +65,34 @@ Compute (Nova)
All meters are related to the guest machine, not the host.
============================= ========== ======== ======== ============ ==================================================================
Name Type Unit Resource Origin Note
============================= ========== ======== ======== ============ ==================================================================
instance Gauge instance inst ID both Existence of instance
instance:<type> Gauge instance inst ID both Existence of instance <type> (openstack types)
memory Gauge MB inst ID notification Volume of RAM in MB
cpu Cumulative ns inst ID pollster CPU time used
cpu_util Gauge % inst ID pollster Average CPU utilisation
vcpus Gauge vcpu inst ID notification Number of VCPUs
|||| Cumulative request inst ID pollster Number of read requests
|||| Gauge request/s inst ID pollster Average rate of read requests per second
disk.write.requests Cumulative request inst ID pollster Number of write requests
disk.write.requests.rate Cumulative request/s inst ID pollster Average rate of write requests per second
|||| Cumulative B inst ID pollster Volume of reads in B
|||| Cumulative B/s inst ID pollster Average rate of reads in B per second
disk.write.bytes Cumulative B inst ID pollster Volume of writes in B
disk.write.bytes.rate Cumulative B/s inst ID pollster Average volume of writes in B per second
disk.root.size Gauge GB inst ID notification Size of root disk in GB
disk.ephemeral.size Gauge GB inst ID notification Size of ephemeral disk in GB
network.incoming.bytes Cumulative B iface ID pollster Number of incoming bytes on a VM network interface
network.incoming.bytes.rate Gauge B/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of incoming bytes on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.bytes Cumulative B iface ID pollster Number of outgoing bytes on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.bytes.rate Gauge B/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of outgoing bytes on a VM network interface
network.incoming.packets Cumulative packet iface ID pollster Number of incoming packets on a VM network interface
network.incoming.packets.rate Gauge packet/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of incoming packets on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.packets Cumulative packet iface ID pollster Number of outgoing packets on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.packets.rate Gauge packet/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of outgoing packets on a VM network interface
============================= ========== ======== ======== ============ ==================================================================
============================= ========== ========= ======== ============ ==================================================================
Name Type Unit Resource Origin Note
============================= ========== ========= ======== ============ ==================================================================
instance Gauge instance inst ID both Existence of instance
instance:<type> Gauge instance inst ID both Existence of instance <type> (openstack types)
memory Gauge MB inst ID notification Volume of RAM in MB
cpu Cumulative ns inst ID pollster CPU time used
cpu_util Gauge % inst ID pollster Average CPU utilisation
vcpus Gauge vcpu inst ID notification Number of VCPUs
|||| Cumulative request inst ID pollster Number of read requests
|||| Gauge request/s inst ID pollster Average rate of read requests per second
disk.write.requests Cumulative request inst ID pollster Number of write requests
disk.write.requests.rate Cumulative request/s inst ID pollster Average rate of write requests per second
|||| Cumulative B inst ID pollster Volume of reads in B
|||| Cumulative B/s inst ID pollster Average rate of reads in B per second
disk.write.bytes Cumulative B inst ID pollster Volume of writes in B
disk.write.bytes.rate Cumulative B/s inst ID pollster Average volume of writes in B per second
disk.root.size Gauge GB inst ID notification Size of root disk in GB
disk.ephemeral.size Gauge GB inst ID notification Size of ephemeral disk in GB
network.incoming.bytes Cumulative B iface ID pollster Number of incoming bytes on a VM network interface
network.incoming.bytes.rate Gauge B/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of incoming bytes on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.bytes Cumulative B iface ID pollster Number of outgoing bytes on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.bytes.rate Gauge B/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of outgoing bytes on a VM network interface
network.incoming.packets Cumulative packet iface ID pollster Number of incoming packets on a VM network interface
network.incoming.packets.rate Gauge packet/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of incoming packets on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.packets Cumulative packet iface ID pollster Number of outgoing packets on a VM network interface
network.outgoing.packets.rate Gauge packet/s iface ID pollster Average rate per sec of outgoing packets on a VM network interface
============================= ========== ========= ======== ============ ==================================================================
At present, most of the Nova meters will only work with libvirt front-end
hypervisors while test coverage was mostly done based on KVM. Contributors
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