implement sqlalchemy dbengine backend

implements bug #1021767

To sync db migration, for now use temporary
script tools/dbsync.  Modify it to point
to your db url (example 'sqlite:///ceilometer.db'
or 'mysql://user:mypass@localhost/ceilometer').
Also ensure the database_connection= in conf
files point to same db url.

Change-Id: I1c72b0a6b860738e94cf19666cb47db88ac9b251
This commit is contained in:
John H. Tran 2012-08-31 11:17:43 -07:00 committed by John Tran
parent a24e404aef
commit d8d2fe6990
15 changed files with 1392 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""SQLAlchemy storage backend
import copy
import datetime
from ceilometer.openstack.common import log
from ceilometer.openstack.common import cfg
from import base
from import Meter, Project, Resource
from import Source, User
from import get_session
import as session
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class SQLAlchemyStorage(base.StorageEngine):
"""Put the data into a SQLAlchemy database
- user
- { _id: user id
source: [ array of source ids reporting for the user ]
- project
- { _id: project id
source: [ array of source ids reporting for the project ]
- meter
- the raw incoming data
- resource
- the metadata for resources
- { _id: uuid of resource,
metadata: metadata dictionaries
timestamp: datetime of last update
user_id: uuid
project_id: uuid
meter: [ array of {counter_name: string, counter_type: string} ]
def register_opts(self, conf):
"""Register any configuration options used by this engine.
def get_connection(self, conf):
"""Return a Connection instance based on the configuration settings.
return Connection(conf)
def make_query_from_filter(query, event_filter, require_meter=True):
"""Return a query dictionary based on the settings in the filter.
:param filter: EventFilter instance
:param require_meter: If true and the filter does not have a meter,
raise an error.
if event_filter.meter:
query = query.filter(Meter.counter_name == event_filter.meter)
elif require_meter:
raise RuntimeError('Missing required meter specifier')
if event_filter.source:
query = query.filter_by(source=event_filter.source)
if event_filter.start:
query = query = query.filter(Meter.timestamp >= event_filter.start)
if event_filter.end:
query = query = query.filter(Meter.timestamp < event_filter.end)
if event_filter.user:
query = query.filter_by(user_id=event_filter.user)
elif event_filter.project:
query = query.filter_by(project_id=event_filter.project)
if event_filter.resource:
query = query.filter_by(resource_id=event_filter.resource)
return query
class Connection(base.Connection):
"""SqlAlchemy connection.
def __init__(self, conf):'connecting to %s', conf.database_connection)
self.session = self._get_connection(conf)
def _get_connection(self, conf):
"""Return a connection to the database.
return session.get_session()
def record_metering_data(self, data):
"""Write the data to the backend storage system.
:param data: a dictionary such as returned by
if data['source']:
source = self.session.query(Source).get(data['source'])
if not source:
source = Source(id=data['source'])
source = None
# create/update user && project, add/update their sources list
if data['user_id']:
user = self.session.merge(User(id=data['user_id']))
if not filter(lambda x: ==, user.sources):
user = None
if data['project_id']:
project = self.session.merge(Project(id=data['project_id']))
if not filter(lambda x: ==, project.sources):
project = None
# Record the updated resource metadata
rtimestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
rmetadata = data['resource_metadata']
resource = self.session.merge(Resource(id=data['resource_id']))
if not filter(lambda x: ==, resource.sources):
resource.project = project
resource.user = user
resource.timestamp = data['timestamp']
resource.received_timestamp = rtimestamp
# Current metadata being used and when it was last updated.
resource.resource_metadata = rmetadata
# autoflush didn't catch this one, requires manual flush
# Record the raw data for the event.
meter = Meter(counter_type=data['counter_type'],
counter_name=data['counter_name'], resource=resource)
if not filter(lambda x: ==, meter.sources):
meter.project = project
meter.user = user
meter.timestamp = data['timestamp']
meter.resource_metadata = rmetadata
meter.counter_duration = data['counter_duration']
meter.counter_volume = data['counter_volume']
meter.message_signature = data['message_signature']
meter.message_id = data['message_id']
def get_users(self, source=None):
"""Return an iterable of user id strings.
:param source: Optional source filter.
query = model_query(, session=self.session)
if source is not None:
query = query.filter(User.sources.any(id=source))
return (x[0] for x in query.all())
def get_projects(self, source=None):
"""Return an iterable of project id strings.
:param source: Optional source filter.
query = model_query(, session=self.session)
if source:
query = query.filter(Project.sources.any(id=source))
return (x[0] for x in query.all())
def get_resources(self, user=None, project=None, source=None,
start_timestamp=None, end_timestamp=None,
"""Return an iterable of dictionaries containing resource information.
{ 'resource_id': UUID of the resource,
'project_id': UUID of project owning the resource,
'user_id': UUID of user owning the resource,
'timestamp': UTC datetime of last update to the resource,
'metadata': most current metadata for the resource,
'meter': list of the meters reporting data for the resource,
:param user: Optional ID for user that owns the resource.
:param project: Optional ID for project that owns the resource.
:param source: Optional source filter.
:param start_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp start range.
:param end_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp end range.
query = model_query(Resource, session=session)
if user is not None:
query = query.filter(Resource.user_id == user)
if source is not None:
query = query.filter(Resource.sources.any(id=source))
if start_timestamp is not None:
query = query.filter(Resource.timestamp >= start_timestamp)
if end_timestamp:
query = query.filter(Resource.timestamp < end_timestamp)
if project is not None:
query = query.filter(Resource.project_id == project)
for resource in query.all():
r = row2dict(resource)
# Replace the '_id' key with 'resource_id' to meet the
# caller's expectations.
r['resource_id'] = r['id']
del r['id']
yield r
def get_raw_events(self, event_filter):
"""Return an iterable of raw event data as created by
query = model_query(Meter, session=self.session)
query = make_query_from_filter(query, event_filter,
events = query.all()
for e in events:
# Remove the id generated by the database when
# the event was inserted. It is an implementation
# detail that should not leak outside of the driver.
e = row2dict(e)
del e['id']
yield e
def get_volume_sum(self, event_filter):
# it isn't clear these are used
def get_volume_max(self, event_filter):
# it isn't clear these are used
def get_event_interval(self, event_filter):
"""Return the min and max timestamps from events,
using the event_filter to limit the events seen.
( datetime.datetime(), datetime.datetime() )
func = session.func()
query = self.session.query(func.min(Meter.timestamp),
query = make_query_from_filter(query, event_filter)
results = query.all()
a_min, a_max = results[0]
return (a_min, a_max)
def model_query(*args, **kwargs):
"""Query helper
:param session: if present, the session to use
session = kwargs.get('session') or get_session()
query = session.query(*args)
return query
def row2dict(row, srcflag=None):
"""Convert User, Project, Meter, Resource instance to dictionary object
with nested Source(s)
d = copy.copy(row.__dict__)
for col in ['_sa_instance_state', 'sources']:
if col in d:
del d[col]
if not srcflag:
d['sources'] = map(lambda x: row2dict(x, True), row.sources)
return d

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Database setup and migration commands."""
import as IMPL
def db_sync(version=None):
"""Migrate the database to `version` or the most recent version."""
return IMPL.db_sync(version=version)
def db_version():
"""Display the current database version."""
return IMPL.db_version()

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This is a database migration repository.
More information at

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
# template repository default module

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from import main
if __name__ == '__main__':

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# Used to identify which repository this database is versioned under.
# You can use the name of your project.
# The name of the database table used to track the schema version.
# This name shouldn't already be used by your project.
# If this is changed once a database is under version control, you'll need to
# change the table name in each database too.
# When committing a change script, Migrate will attempt to generate the
# sql for all supported databases; normally, if one of them fails - probably
# because you don't have that database installed - it is ignored and the
# commit continues, perhaps ending successfully.
# Databases in this list MUST compile successfully during a commit, or the
# entire commit will fail. List the databases your application will actually
# be using to ensure your updates to that database work properly.
# This must be a list; example: ['postgres','sqlite']
# When creating new change scripts, Migrate will stamp the new script with
# a version number. By default this is latest_version + 1. You can set this
# to 'true' to tell Migrate to use the UTC timestamp instead.

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from sqlalchemy import *
from ceilometer.openstack.common import timeutils
meta = MetaData()
meter = Table(
'meter', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
Column('counter_name', String(255)),
Column('user_id', String(255), index=True),
Column('project_id', String(255), index=True),
Column('resource_id', String(255)),
Column('resource_metadata', String(5000)),
Column('counter_type', String(255)),
Column('counter_volume', Integer),
Column('counter_duration', Integer),
Column('timestamp', DateTime(timezone=False), index=True),
Column('message_signature', String(1000)),
Column('message_id', String(1000))
resource = Table(
'resource', meta,
Column('id', String(255), primary_key=True, index=True),
Column('resource_metadata', String(5000)),
Column('project_id', String(255), index=True),
Column('received_timestamp', DateTime(timezone=False)),
Column('timestamp', DateTime(timezone=False), index=True),
Column('user_id', String(255), index=True)
user = Table(
'user', meta,
Column('id', String(255), primary_key=True, index=True),
project = Table(
'project', meta,
Column('id', String(255), primary_key=True, index=True),
sourceassoc = Table(
'sourceassoc', meta,
Column('source_id', String(255), index=True),
Column('user_id', String(255)),
Column('project_id', String(255)),
Column('resource_id', String(255)),
Column('meter_id', Integer),
Index('idx_su', 'source_id', 'user_id'),
Index('idx_sp', 'source_id', 'project_id'),
Index('idx_sr', 'source_id', 'resource_id'),
Index('idx_sm', 'source_id', 'meter_id')
source = Table(
'source', meta,
Column('id', String(255), primary_key=True, index=True),
tables = [meter, project, resource, user, source, sourceassoc]
def upgrade(migrate_engine):
meta.bind = migrate_engine
for i in sorted(tables):
def downgrade(migrate_engine):
meta.bind = migrate_engine
for i in sorted(tables, reverse=True):

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
# template repository default versions module

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import distutils.version as dist_version
import os
from import get_engine
from ceilometer.openstack.common import log as logging
import migrate
from migrate.versioning import util as migrate_util
import sqlalchemy
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def patched_with_engine(f, *a, **kw):
url = a[0]
engine = migrate_util.construct_engine(url, **kw)
kw['engine'] = engine
return f(*a, **kw)
if isinstance(engine, migrate_util.Engine) and engine is not url:
migrate_util.log.debug('Disposing SQLAlchemy engine %s', engine)
# TODO(jkoelker) When migrate 0.7.3 is released and nova depends
# on that version or higher, this can be removed
MIN_PKG_VERSION = dist_version.StrictVersion('0.7.3')
if (not hasattr(migrate, '__version__') or
dist_version.StrictVersion(migrate.__version__) < MIN_PKG_VERSION):
migrate_util.with_engine = patched_with_engine
# NOTE(jkoelker) Delay importing migrate until we are patched
from migrate import exceptions as versioning_exceptions
from migrate.versioning import api as versioning_api
from migrate.versioning.repository import Repository
def db_sync(version=None):
if version is not None:
version = int(version)
except ValueError:
raise Exception(_("version should be an integer"))
current_version = db_version()
repository = _find_migrate_repo()
if version is None or version > current_version:
return versioning_api.upgrade(get_engine(), repository, version)
return versioning_api.downgrade(get_engine(), repository,
def db_version():
repository = _find_migrate_repo()
return versioning_api.db_version(get_engine(), repository)
except versioning_exceptions.DatabaseNotControlledError:
meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
engine = get_engine()
tables = meta.tables
if len(tables) == 0:
return versioning_api.db_version(get_engine(), repository)
def db_version_control(version=None):
repository = _find_migrate_repo()
versioning_api.version_control(get_engine(), repository, version)
return version
def _find_migrate_repo():
"""Get the path for the migrate repository."""
path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
assert os.path.exists(path)
if _REPOSITORY is None:
_REPOSITORY = Repository(path)

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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
SQLAlchemy models for nova data.
import json
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Table
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, DateTime
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator, VARCHAR
from urlparse import urlparse
import ceilometer.openstack.common.cfg as cfg
from ceilometer.openstack.common import timeutils
sql_opts = [
help='MySQL engine')
def table_args():
engine_name = urlparse(cfg.CONF.database_connection).scheme
if engine_name == 'mysql':
return {'mysql_engine': cfg.CONF.mysql_engine}
return None
class JSONEncodedDict(TypeDecorator):
"Represents an immutable structure as a json-encoded string."
impl = VARCHAR
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
if value is not None:
value = json.dumps(value)
return value
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
if value is not None:
value = json.loads(value)
return value
class CeilometerBase(object):
"""Base class for Ceilometer Models."""
__table_args__ = table_args()
__table_initialized__ = False
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
setattr(self, key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
Base = declarative_base(cls=CeilometerBase)
sourceassoc = Table('sourceassoc', Base.metadata,
Column('meter_id', Integer, ForeignKey("")),
Column('project_id', String(255), ForeignKey("")),
Column('resource_id', String(255), ForeignKey("")),
Column('user_id', String(255), ForeignKey("")),
Column('source_id', String(255), ForeignKey(""))
class Source(Base):
__tablename__ = 'source'
id = Column(String(255), primary_key=True)
class Meter(Base):
"""Metering data"""
__tablename__ = 'meter'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
counter_name = Column(String(255))
sources = relationship("Source", secondary=lambda: sourceassoc,
user_id = Column(String(255), ForeignKey(''))
project_id = Column(String(255), ForeignKey(''))
resource_id = Column(String(255), ForeignKey(''))
resource_metadata = Column(JSONEncodedDict)
counter_type = Column(String(255))
counter_volume = Column(Integer)
counter_duration = Column(Integer)
timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=timeutils.utcnow)
message_signature = Column(String)
message_id = Column(String)
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'user'
id = Column(String(255), primary_key=True)
sources = relationship("Source", secondary=lambda: sourceassoc,
resources = relationship("Resource", backref='user', lazy='joined')
meters = relationship("Meter", backref='user', lazy='joined')
class Project(Base):
__tablename__ = 'project'
id = Column(String(255), primary_key=True)
sources = relationship("Source", secondary=lambda: sourceassoc,
resources = relationship("Resource", backref='project', lazy='joined')
meters = relationship("Meter", backref='project', lazy='joined')
class Resource(Base):
__tablename__ = 'resource'
id = Column(String(255), primary_key=True)
sources = relationship("Source", secondary=lambda: sourceassoc,
timestamp = Column(DateTime)
resource_metadata = Column(JSONEncodedDict)
received_timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=timeutils.utcnow)
user_id = Column(String(255), ForeignKey(''))
project_id = Column(String(255), ForeignKey(''))
meters = relationship("Meter", backref='resource', lazy='joined')

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@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Session Handling for SQLAlchemy backend."""
import re
import time
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.exc import DisconnectionError, OperationalError
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool, StaticPool
import ceilometer.openstack.common.cfg as cfg
import ceilometer.openstack.common.log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_MAKER = None
_ENGINE = None
sql_opts = [
help='Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, '
help='Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings'),
help='If passed, use synchronous mode for sqlite'),
help='timeout before idle sql connections are reaped'),
help='maximum db connection retries during startup. '
'(setting -1 implies an infinite retry count)'),
help='interval between retries of opening a sql connection'),
def get_session(autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=False, autoflush=True):
"""Return a SQLAlchemy session."""
global _MAKER
if _MAKER is None:
engine = get_engine()
_MAKER = get_maker(engine, autocommit, expire_on_commit, autoflush)
session = _MAKER()
return session
def synchronous_switch_listener(dbapi_conn, connection_rec):
"""Switch sqlite connections to non-synchronous mode"""
dbapi_conn.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")
def add_regexp_listener(dbapi_con, con_record):
"""Add REGEXP function to sqlite connections."""
def regexp(expr, item):
reg = re.compile(expr)
return is not None
dbapi_con.create_function('regexp', 2, regexp)
def ping_listener(dbapi_conn, connection_rec, connection_proxy):
Ensures that MySQL connections checked out of the
pool are alive.
Borrowed from:
dbapi_conn.cursor().execute('select 1')
except dbapi_conn.OperationalError, ex:
if ex.args[0] in (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055):
LOG.warn('Got mysql server has gone away: %s', ex)
raise DisconnectionError("Database server went away")
def is_db_connection_error(args):
"""Return True if error in connecting to db."""
# NOTE(adam_g): This is currently MySQL specific and needs to be extended
# to support Postgres and others.
conn_err_codes = ('2002', '2003', '2006')
for err_code in conn_err_codes:
if args.find(err_code) != -1:
return True
return False
def get_engine():
"""Return a SQLAlchemy engine."""
global _ENGINE
if _ENGINE is None:
connection_dict = sqlalchemy.engine.url.make_url(
engine_args = {
"pool_recycle": cfg.CONF.sql_idle_timeout,
"echo": False,
'convert_unicode': True,
# Map our SQL debug level to SQLAlchemy's options
if cfg.CONF.sql_connection_debug >= 100:
engine_args['echo'] = 'debug'
elif cfg.CONF.sql_connection_debug >= 50:
engine_args['echo'] = True
if "sqlite" in connection_dict.drivername:
engine_args["poolclass"] = NullPool
if cfg.CONF.database_connection == "sqlite://":
engine_args["poolclass"] = StaticPool
engine_args["connect_args"] = {'check_same_thread': False}
_ENGINE = sqlalchemy.create_engine(cfg.CONF.database_connection,
if 'mysql' in connection_dict.drivername:
sqlalchemy.event.listen(_ENGINE, 'checkout', ping_listener)
elif "sqlite" in connection_dict.drivername:
if not cfg.CONF.sqlite_synchronous:
sqlalchemy.event.listen(_ENGINE, 'connect',
sqlalchemy.event.listen(_ENGINE, 'connect', add_regexp_listener)
if (cfg.CONF.sql_connection_trace and
_ENGINE.dialect.dbapi.__name__ == 'MySQLdb'):
import MySQLdb.cursors
_do_query = debug_mysql_do_query()
setattr(MySQLdb.cursors.BaseCursor, '_do_query', _do_query)
except OperationalError, e:
if not is_db_connection_error(e.args[0]):
remaining = cfg.CONF.sql_max_retries
if remaining == -1:
remaining = 'infinite'
while True:
msg = _('SQL connection failed. %s attempts left.')
LOG.warn(msg % remaining)
if remaining != 'infinite':
remaining -= 1
except OperationalError, e:
if (remaining != 'infinite' and remaining == 0) or \
not is_db_connection_error(e.args[0]):
return _ENGINE
def get_maker(engine, autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=False, autoflush=True):
"""Return a SQLAlchemy sessionmaker using the given engine."""
return sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine,
def func():
# ugly hack sqlalchemy name conflict from impl_sqlalchemy
return sqlalchemy.func

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@ -57,5 +57,8 @@ setuptools.setup(
log =
mongodb =
mysql =
postgresql =
sqlite =

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@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Tests for ceilometer/storage/
import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import unittest
import mox
from nose.plugins import skip
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, text
from ceilometer import counter
from ceilometer import meter
from ceilometer import storage
from import migration
import ceilometer.openstack.common.cfg as cfg
from import impl_sqlalchemy
from import Meter, Project, Resource
from import Source, User
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CEILOMETER_TEST_LIVE = bool(int(os.environ.get('CEILOMETER_TEST_LIVE', 0)))
MYSQL_DBNAME = 'ceilometer_test'
MYSQL_URL = 'mysql://ceilometer:somepass@localhost/%s' % MYSQL_DBNAME
class Connection(impl_sqlalchemy.Connection):
def _get_connection(self, conf):
return super(Connection, self)._get_connection(conf)
LOG.debug('Unable to connect to %s' % conf.database_connection)
class SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
super(SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase, self).tearDown()
engine_conn = self.session.bind.connect()
engine_conn.execute(text('drop database %s' % MYSQL_DBNAME))
engine_conn.execute(text('create database %s' % MYSQL_DBNAME))
# needed for sqlite in-memory db to destroy
def setUp(self):
super(SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase, self).setUp()
self.conf = cfg.CONF
self.conf.database_connection = 'sqlite://'
# Use a real MySQL server if we can connect, but fall back
# to a Sqlite in-memory connection if we cannot.
# should pull from conf file but for now manually specified
# just make sure ceilometer_test db exists in mysql
self.conf.database_connection = MYSQL_URL
self.conn = Connection(self.conf)
self.session = self.conn.session
self.counter = counter.Counter(
timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 40),
resource_metadata={'display_name': 'test-server',
'tag': 'self.counter',
self.msg1 = meter.meter_message_from_counter(self.counter)
self.counter2 = counter.Counter(
timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 41),
resource_metadata={'display_name': 'test-server',
'tag': 'self.counter2',
self.msg2 = meter.meter_message_from_counter(self.counter2)
self.counter3 = counter.Counter(
timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 41),
resource_metadata={'display_name': 'test-server',
'tag': 'self.counter3',
self.msg3 = meter.meter_message_from_counter(self.counter3)
for i in range(2, 4):
c = counter.Counter(
'user-id-%s' % i,
'project-id-%s' % i,
'resource-id-%s' % i,
timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 40 + i),
resource_metadata={'display_name': 'test-server',
'tag': 'counter-%s' % i,
msg = meter.meter_message_from_counter(c)
class UserTest(SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase):
def test_new_user(self):
user = self.session.query(User).get('user-id')
assert user is not None
def test_new_user_source(self):
user = self.session.query(User).get('user-id')
assert hasattr(user, 'sources')
sources = user.sources
assert map(lambda x:, user.sources) == ['test-1', 'test-2']
def test_get_users(self):
users = self.conn.get_users()
xpct = set(['user-id', 'user-id-alternate', 'user-id-2', 'user-id-3'])
assert set(self.conn.get_users()) == xpct
def test_get_users_by_source(self):
assert set(self.conn.get_users(source='test-1')) == set(['user-id'])
class ProjectTest(SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase):
def test_new_project(self):
project = self.session.query(Project).get('project-id')
assert project is not None
def test_new_project_source(self):
project = self.session.query(Project).get('project-id')
assert hasattr(project, 'sources')
expected = ['test-1', 'test-2', 'test-3']
assert map(lambda x:, project.sources) == expected
def test_get_projects(self):
projects = self.session.query(Project).all()
projects = map(lambda x:, projects)
expect = set(['project-id', 'project-id-2', 'project-id-3'])
assert set(projects) == expect
def test_get_projects_by_source(self):
projects = self.conn.get_projects(source='test-1')
assert list(projects) == ['project-id']
class ResourceTest(SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase):
def test_new_resource(self):
resource = self.session.query(Resource).get('resource-id')
assert resource is not None
def test_new_resource_project(self):
resource = self.session.query(Resource).get('resource-id')
assert hasattr(resource, 'project')
assert == 'project-id'
def test_new_resource_user(self):
resource = self.session.query(Resource).get('resource-id')
assert hasattr(resource, 'user')
assert == 'user-id'
def test_new_resource_meter(self):
resource = self.session.query(Resource).filter_by(id='resource-id').\
filter(Meter.counter_name == 'instance').\
filter(Meter.counter_type == 'cumulative').first()
assert len(set(resource.meters)) == 1
foo = map(lambda x: [x.counter_name, x.counter_type], resource.meters)
assert ['instance', 'cumulative'] in foo
def test_new_resource_metadata(self):
resource = self.session.query(Resource).get('resource-id')
assert hasattr(resource, 'metadata')
metadata = resource.resource_metadata
assert metadata['display_name'] == 'test-server'
def test_get_resources(self):
resources = list(self.conn.get_resources())
assert len(resources) == 4
for resource in resources:
if resource['resource_id'] != 'resource-id':
assert resource['resource_id'] == 'resource-id'
assert resource['project_id'] == 'project-id'
assert resource['user_id'] == 'user-id'
assert 'resource_metadata' in resource
assert 'meters' in resource
foo = map(lambda x: [x['counter_name'], x['counter_type']],
assert ['instance', 'cumulative'] in foo
assert False, 'Never found resource-id'
def test_get_resources_start_timestamp(self):
timestamp = datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 42)
resources = list(self.conn.get_resources(start_timestamp=timestamp))
resource_ids = [r['resource_id'] for r in resources]
expected = set(['resource-id-2', 'resource-id-3'])
assert set(resource_ids) == expected
def test_get_resources_end_timestamp(self):
timestamp = datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 42)
resources = list(self.conn.get_resources(end_timestamp=timestamp))
resource_ids = [r['resource_id'] for r in resources]
expected = set(['resource-id', 'resource-id-alternate'])
assert set(resource_ids) == expected
def test_get_resources_both_timestamps(self):
start_ts = datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 42)
end_ts = datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 43)
resources = list(self.conn.get_resources(start_timestamp=start_ts,
resource_ids = [r['resource_id'] for r in resources]
assert set(resource_ids) == set(['resource-id-2'])
def test_get_resources_by_source(self):
resources = list(self.conn.get_resources(source='test-1'))
assert len(resources) == 1
ids = set(r['resource_id'] for r in resources)
assert ids == set(['resource-id'])
def test_get_resources_by_user(self):
resources = list(self.conn.get_resources(user='user-id'))
assert len(resources) == 1
ids = set(r['resource_id'] for r in resources)
assert ids == set(['resource-id'])
def test_get_resources_by_project(self):
resources = list(self.conn.get_resources(project='project-id'))
assert len(resources) == 2
ids = set(r['resource_id'] for r in resources)
assert ids == set(['resource-id', 'resource-id-alternate'])
class MeterTest(SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase):
def _compare_raw(self, msg_dict, result_dict):
for k, v in msg_dict.items():
if k in ['timestamp', 'source']:
if k == 'resource_metadata':
key = result_dict[k]
value = v
key = str(result_dict[k])
value = str(v)
assert key == value
def _iterate_msgs(self, results):
for meter in results:
labels = map(lambda x: x['id'], meter['sources'])
# should only have one source
assert len(labels) == 1
count = re.match('test-(\d+)', labels[0]).group(1)
self._compare_raw(getattr(self, 'msg' + count), meter)
def test_new_meter(self):
meter = self.session.query(Meter).first()
assert meter is not None
def test_get_raw_events_by_user(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(user='user-id')
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
assert len(results) == 2
def test_get_raw_events_by_project(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(project='project-id')
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
assert len(results) == 3
def test_get_raw_events_by_resource(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(user='user-id', resource='resource-id')
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
assert len(results) == 1
self._compare_raw(self.msg1, results[0])
def test_get_raw_events_by_start_time(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(
start=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 41),
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
assert len(results) == 1
assert results[0]['timestamp'] == datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 41)
def test_get_raw_events_by_end_time(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(
end=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 41),
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
length = len(results)
assert length == 1
assert results[0]['timestamp'] == datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 40)
def test_get_raw_events_by_both_times(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(
start=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 42),
end=datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 43),
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
length = len(results)
assert length == 1
assert results[0]['timestamp'] == datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 2, 10, 42)
def test_get_raw_events_by_meter(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(user='user-id', meter='no-such-meter')
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
assert not results
def test_get_raw_events_by_meter2(self):
f = storage.EventFilter(user='user-id', meter='instance')
results = list(self.conn.get_raw_events(f))
assert results
class TestGetEventInterval(SQLAlchemyEngineTestBase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestGetEventInterval, self).setUp()
# Create events relative to the range and pretend
# that the intervening events exist.
self.start = datetime.datetime(2012, 8, 28, 0, 0)
self.end = datetime.datetime(2012, 8, 29, 0, 0)
self.early1 = self.start - datetime.timedelta(minutes=20)
self.early2 = self.start - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
self.middle1 = self.start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
self.middle2 = self.end - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
self.late1 = self.end + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
self.late2 = self.end + datetime.timedelta(minutes=20)
self._filter = storage.EventFilter(
def _make_events(self, *timestamps):
for t in timestamps:
c = counter.Counter(
resource_metadata={'display_name': 'test-server',
msg = meter.meter_message_from_counter(c)
def test_before_range(self):
self._make_events(self.early1, self.early2)
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s is None
assert e is None
def test_overlap_range_start(self):
self._make_events(self.early1, self.start, self.middle1)
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s == self.start
assert e == self.middle1
def test_within_range(self):
self._make_events(self.middle1, self.middle2)
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s == self.middle1
assert e == self.middle2
def test_within_range_zero_duration(self):
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s == self.middle1
assert e == self.middle1
def test_within_range_zero_duration_two_events(self):
self._make_events(self.middle1, self.middle1)
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s == self.middle1
assert e == self.middle1
def test_overlap_range_end(self):
self._make_events(self.middle2, self.end, self.late1)
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s == self.middle2
assert e == self.middle2
def test_overlap_range_end_with_offset(self):
self._make_events(self.middle2, self.end, self.late1)
self._filter.end = self.late1
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s == self.middle2
assert e == self.end
def test_after_range(self):
self._make_events(self.late1, self.late2)
s, e = self.conn.get_event_interval(self._filter)
assert s is None
assert e is None

tools/dbsync Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Run SQLAlchemy db migration.
import sys
from ceilometer import storage
from import migration
from ceilometer.openstack.common import cfg
if __name__ == '__main__':