Remove unnecessary unicode prefixes
Change-Id: I4b6815bad979e19bda2d59ac37c51f592dc385e8
This commit is contained in:
@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@ class TestAlarmsHistory(TestAlarmsBase):
" {value!r} Unset>], valid keys: ['project', "
"'search_offset', 'severity', 'timestamp',"
" 'type', 'user']")
msg = msg.format(key=u'alarm_id', value=u'a')
msg = msg.format(key='alarm_id', value='a')
@ -1938,7 +1938,7 @@ class TestAlarmsHistory(TestAlarmsBase):
" {value!r} Unset>], valid keys: ['project', "
"'search_offset', 'severity', 'timestamp',"
" 'type', 'user']")
msg = msg.format(key=u'abcd', value=u'abcd')
msg = msg.format(key='abcd', value='abcd')
@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ class TestPartitioning(base.BaseTestCase):
called = ['Error connecting to coordination backend.'),
||||'Error getting group membership info from '
u'coordination backend.')]
called = ['Error connecting to coordination backend.'),
||||'Error getting group membership info from '
'coordination backend.')]
self.assertEqual(called, mocked_exception.call_args_list)
@mock.patch.object(coordination.LOG, 'exception')
@ -238,16 +238,16 @@ class TestPartitioning(base.BaseTestCase):
with mock.patch('tooz.coordination.get_coordinator',
return_value=MockToozCoordExceptionRaiser('a', {})):
called = ['Error connecting to coordination backend.'),
||||'Error connecting to coordination backend.'),
||||'Error sending a heartbeat to coordination '
called = ['Error connecting to coordination backend.'),
||||'Error connecting to coordination backend.'),
||||'Error sending a heartbeat to coordination '
self.assertEqual(called, mocked_exception.call_args_list)
with mock.patch('tooz.coordination.get_coordinator',
return_value=MockToozCoordinator('a', {})):
mock_info.assert_called_with(u'Coordination backend started '
mock_info.assert_called_with('Coordination backend started '
def test_group_id_none(self):
coord = self._get_new_started_coordinator({}, 'a')
@ -305,14 +305,14 @@ Sample output of alarm type **event**:
| Field | Value |
| alarm_actions | [u'log://'] |
| alarm_actions | ['log://'] |
| alarm_id | 15c0da26-524d-40ad-8fba-3e55ee0ddc91 |
| description | Instance powered ON but in error state |
| enabled | True |
| event_type | compute.instance.power_on.* |
| insufficient_data_actions | [u'log://'] |
| insufficient_data_actions | ['log://'] |
| name | instance_on_state_err |
| ok_actions | [u'log://'] |
| ok_actions | ['log://'] |
| project_id | 9ee200732f4c4d10a6530bac746f1b6e |
| query | traits.instance_id = bb912729-fa51-443b-bac6-bf4c795f081d AND |
| | traits.state = error |
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ brevity):
| alarm_id | type | name | state | severity | enabled |
| ALARM_ID | threshold | cpu_hi | insufficient data | low | True |
| ALARM_ID | threshold | cpu_hi | insufficient data | low | True |
In this case, the state is reported as ``insufficient data`` which
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ source_suffix = '.rst'
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# for a list of supported languages.
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# General information about the project.
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copyright = '2015, Aodh Developers'
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# for a list of supported languages.
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ htmlhelp_basename = 'AodhReleaseNotesdoc'
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u'Aodh Developers', 'AodhReleaseNotes',
('index', 'AodhReleaseNotes', 'Aodh Release Notes Documentation',
'Aodh Developers', 'AodhReleaseNotes',
'One line description of project.',
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