nose coverage pep8>=1.0 mock mox Babel>=0.9.6 # NOTE(dhellmann): Ming is necessary to provide the Mongo-in-memory # implementation of MongoDB. The original source for Ming is at # but there does not seem to # be a way to point to a "zipball" of the latest HEAD there, and we # need features present only in that version. I forked the project to # github to make it easier to install, then ended up making some # changes to it so it would be compatible with PyMongo's API. setuptools-git>=0.4 # FIXME(dhellmann): We need a version of WSME more current # than what is released right now. We can't include it in # pip-requires because we have to point to the Mercurial # checkout on bitbucket. I hope to have that resolved # very soon. hg+ pecan