.. Copyright 2012 New Dream Network (DreamHost) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ============== Measurements ============== Three type of meters are defined in ceilometer: .. index:: double: meter; cumulative double: meter; gauge double: meter; delta ========== ============================================================================== Type Definition ========== ============================================================================== Cumulative Increasing over time (instance hours) Gauge Discrete items (floating IPs, image uploads) and fluctuating values (disk I/O) Delta Changing over time (bandwidth) ========== ============================================================================== Here are the counter types by components that are currently implemented: Compute (Nova) ============== ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= Name Type Volume Resource Note ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= instance Gauge 1 inst ID Duration of instance memory Gauge MB inst ID Volume of RAM in MB vcpus Gauge vcpu inst ID Number of VCPUs root_disk_size Gauge GB inst ID Size of root disk in GB ephemeral_disk_size Gauge GB inst ID Size of ephemeral disk in GB instance:type Gauge 1 inst ID Duration of instance type disk.io.requests Cumulative request inst ID Number of disk io requests disk.io.bytes Cumulative bytes inst ID Volume of disk io in bytes cpu Cumulative seconds inst ID CPU time used network.incoming.bytes Cumulative bytes inst ID number of incoming bytes on the network network.outgoing.bytes Cumulative bytes inst ID number of outgoing bytes on the network network.incoming.packets Cumulative packets inst ID number of incoming packets network.outgoing.packets Cumulative packets inst ID number of outgoing packets ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= Network (Quantum) ================= ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= Name Type Volume Resource Note ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= network Gauge 1 netw ID Duration of network network.create Gauge 1 netw ID network.update Gauge 1 netw ID network.exists Gauge 1 netw ID subnet Gauge 1 subnt ID Duration of subnet subnet.create Gauge 1 subnt ID subnet.update Gauge 1 subnt ID subnet.exists Gauge 1 subnt ID port Gauge 1 port ID Duration of port port.create Gauge 1 port ID port.update Gauge 1 port ID port.exists Gauge 1 port ID floating_ip Gauge 1 ip ID Duration of floating ip ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= Image (Glance) ============== ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= Name Type Volume Resource Note ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= image Gauge 1 image ID Image polling -> it (still) exists image_size Gauge bytes image ID Uploaded image size image_download Gauge bytes image ID Image is downloaded image_serve Gauge bytes image ID Image is served out ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= Volume (Cinder) =============== ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= Name Type Volume Resource Note ======================== ========== ======= ======== ======================================================= volume Gauge 1 vol ID Duration of volune volume_size Gauge GB vol ID Size of volume ======================== ========== ======= ======== =======================================================