# # Copyright 2013 Intel Corp # # Authors: Lianhao Lu # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Tests for ceilometer/hardware/inspector/snmp/inspector.py """ from ceilometer.hardware.inspector import snmp from ceilometer.openstack.common.fixture import mockpatch from ceilometer.openstack.common import network_utils from ceilometer.tests import base as test_base from ceilometer.tests.hardware.inspector import base Base = base.InspectorBaseTest class FakeMac(object): def __init__(self): self.val = "0x%s" % Base.network[0][0].mac def prettyPrint(self): return str(self.val) ins = snmp.SNMPInspector GETCMD_MAP = { ins._cpu_1_min_load_oid: (None, None, 0, [('', Base.cpu[0].cpu_1_min, )], ), ins._cpu_5_min_load_oid: (None, None, 0, [('', Base.cpu[0].cpu_5_min, )], ), ins._cpu_15_min_load_oid: (None, None, 0, [('', Base.cpu[0].cpu_15_min, )], ), ins._memory_total_oid: (None, None, 0, [('', Base.memory[0].total, )], ), ins._memory_used_oid: (None, None, 0, [('', Base.memory[0].used, )], ), ins._disk_path_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[0][0].path, )], ), ins._disk_device_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[0][0].device, )], ), ins._disk_size_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[0][1].size, )], ), ins._disk_used_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[0][1].used, )], ), ins._disk_path_oid + '.2': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[1][0].path, )], ), ins._disk_device_oid + '.2': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[1][0].device, )], ), ins._disk_size_oid + '.2': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[1][1].size, )], ), ins._disk_used_oid + '.2': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.diskspace[1][1].used, )], ), ins._interface_name_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.network[0][0].name, )], ), ins._interface_mac_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', FakeMac(), )], ), ins._interface_speed_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.network[0][0].speed * 8, )], ), ins._interface_received_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.network[0][1].rx_bytes, )], ), ins._interface_transmitted_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.network[0][1].tx_bytes, )], ), ins._interface_error_oid + '.1': (None, None, 0, [('', Base.network[0][1].error, )], ), } NEXTCMD_MAP = { ins._disk_index_oid: (None, None, 0, [[('', 1)], [('', 2)]]), ins._interface_index_oid: (None, None, 0, [[('', 1)], ]), ins._interface_ip_oid: (None, None, 0, [[('', 1)], ]), } def faux_getCmd(authData, transportTarget, oid): try: return GETCMD_MAP[oid] except KeyError: return ("faux_getCmd Error", None, 0, []) def faux_nextCmd(authData, transportTarget, oid): try: return NEXTCMD_MAP[oid] except KeyError: return ("faux_nextCmd Error", None, 0, []) class TestSNMPInspector(Base, test_base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestSNMPInspector, self).setUp() self.inspector = snmp.SNMPInspector() self.host = network_utils.urlsplit("snmp://localhost") self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject( self.inspector._cmdGen, 'getCmd', new=faux_getCmd)) self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject( self.inspector._cmdGen, 'nextCmd', new=faux_nextCmd)) def test_get_security_name(self): self.assertEqual(self.inspector._get_security_name(self.host), self.inspector._security_name) host2 = network_utils.urlsplit("snmp://foo:80?security_name=fake") self.assertEqual(self.inspector._get_security_name(host2), 'fake') def test_get_cmd_error(self): self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject( self.inspector, '_memory_total_oid', new='failure')) def get_list(func, *args, **kwargs): return list(func(*args, **kwargs)) self.assertRaises(snmp.SNMPException, get_list, self.inspector.inspect_memory, self.host)