========== V2 Web API ========== Capabilities ============ The Capabilities API allows you to directly discover which functions from the V2 API functionality, including the selectable aggregate functions, are supported by the currently configured storage driver. A capabilities query returns a flattened dictionary of properties with associated boolean values - a 'False' or absent value means that the corresponding feature is not available in the backend. .. rest-controller:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.capabilities:CapabilitiesController :webprefix: /v2/capabilities .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.capabilities.Capabilities :members: .. _alarms-api: Alarms ====== .. rest-controller:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarms:AlarmsController :webprefix: /v2/alarms .. rest-controller:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarms:AlarmController :webprefix: /v2/alarms .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarms.Alarm :members: .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarm_rules.gnocchi.MetricOfResourceRule :members: .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarm_rules.gnocchi.AggregationMetricByResourcesLookupRule :members: .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarm_rules.gnocchi.AggregationMetricsByIdLookupRule :members: .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarms.AlarmTimeConstraint :members: .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarms.AlarmChange :members: Filtering Queries ================= The filter expressions of the query feature operate on the fields of *Alarm* and *AlarmChange*. The following comparison operators are supported: *=*, *!=*, *<*, *<=*, *>*, *>=* and *in*; and the following logical operators can be used: *and* *or* and *not*. The field names are validated against the database models. Complex Query supports defining the list of orderby expressions in the form of [{"field_name": "asc"}, {"field_name2": "desc"}, ...]. The number of the returned items can be bounded using the *limit* option. The *filter*, *orderby* and *limit* are all optional fields in a query. .. rest-controller:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.query:QueryAlarmsController :webprefix: /v2/query/alarms .. rest-controller:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.query:QueryAlarmHistoryController :webprefix: /v2/query/alarms/history .. autotype:: aodh.api.controllers.v2.query.ComplexQuery :members: Composite rule Alarm ==================== The *composite* type alarm allows users to specify a composite rule to define an alarm with multiple triggering conditions, using a combination of *and* and *or* relations. A composite rule is composed of multiple threshold rules or gnocchi rules. A sample composite alarm request form is as follows:: { "name": "test_composite", "type": "composite", "composite_rule": { "and": [THRESHOLD_RULE1, THRESHOLD_RULE2, { 'or': [THRESHOLD_RULE3, GNOCCHI_RULE1, GNOCCHI_RULE2, GNOCCHI_RULE3] }] } } A sub-rule in composite_rule is same as a threshold_rule in threshold alarm or a gnocchi_rule in gnocchi alarm. Additionally it has a mandatory *type* field to specify the rule type, like in the following sample:: { "threshold": 0.8, "meters": [ "f6857d3f-bde6-441a-aa1d-e98fa4ea543f", "ea1491ca-5309-4b5a-9f05-34409c6e8b6c" ], "type": "gnocchi_resources_threshold" }