# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2013 eNovance # # Authors: Mehdi Abaakouk # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import uuid from oslo.config import cfg from ceilometer.alarm import rpc as rpc_alarm from ceilometer.openstack.common import rpc from ceilometer.storage.models import Alarm as AlarmModel from ceilometer.tests import base from ceilometerclient.v2.alarms import Alarm as AlarmClient class TestRPCAlarmNotifier(base.TestCase): def faux_cast(self, context, topic, msg): self.notified.append((topic, msg)) def setUp(self): super(TestRPCAlarmNotifier, self).setUp() self.notified = [] self.stubs.Set(rpc, 'cast', self.faux_cast) self.notifier = rpc_alarm.RPCAlarmNotifier() self.alarms = [ AlarmClient(None, info={ 'name': 'instance_running_hot', 'meter_name': 'cpu_util', 'comparison_operator': 'gt', 'threshold': 80.0, 'evaluation_periods': 5, 'statistic': 'avg', 'state': 'ok', 'ok_actions': ['http://host:8080/path'], 'user_id': 'foobar', 'project_id': 'snafu', 'period': 60, 'alarm_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'matching_metadata':{'resource_id': 'my_instance'} }), AlarmClient(None, info={ 'name': 'group_running_idle', 'meter_name': 'cpu_util', 'comparison_operator': 'le', 'threshold': 10.0, 'statistic': 'max', 'evaluation_periods': 4, 'state': 'insufficient data', 'insufficient_data_actions': ['http://other_host/path'], 'user_id': 'foobar', 'project_id': 'snafu', 'period': 300, 'alarm_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'matching_metadata':{'metadata.user_metadata.AS': 'my_group'} }), ] def test_notify_alarm(self): previous = ['alarm', 'ok'] for i, a in enumerate(self.alarms): self.notifier.notify(a, previous[i], "what? %d" % i) self.assertEqual(len(self.notified), 2) for i, a in enumerate(self.alarms): actions = getattr(a, AlarmModel.ALARM_ACTIONS_MAP[a.state]) self.assertEqual(self.notified[i][0], cfg.CONF.alarm.notifier_rpc_topic) self.assertEqual(self.notified[i][1]["args"]["data"]["alarm_id"], self.alarms[i].alarm_id) self.assertEqual(self.notified[i][1]["args"]["data"]["actions"], actions) self.assertEqual(self.notified[i][1]["args"]["data"]["previous"], previous[i]) self.assertEqual(self.notified[i][1]["args"]["data"]["current"], self.alarms[i].state) self.assertEqual(self.notified[i][1]["args"]["data"]["reason"], "what? %d" % i) def test_notify_non_string_reason(self): self.notifier.notify(self.alarms[0], 'ok', 42) reason = self.notified[0][1]['args']['data']['reason'] self.assertTrue(isinstance(reason, basestring))