A skeleton service for singleton threshold evaluation of alarms (i.e. with trivial global partitioning). Change-Id: I6081ac92b04ecffa1fb8783c36e9fe12004c2129
220 lines
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220 lines
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2013 Red Hat, Inc
# Author: Eoghan Glynn <eglynn@redhat.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
import operator
from oslo.config import cfg
from ceilometer.openstack.common import log
from ceilometerclient import client as ceiloclient
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
'gt': operator.gt,
'lt': operator.lt,
'ge': operator.ge,
'le': operator.le,
'eq': operator.eq,
'ne': operator.ne,
UNKNOWN = 'insufficient data'
OK = 'ok'
ALARM = 'alarm'
class Evaluator(object):
"""This class implements the basic alarm threshold evaluation
# the sliding evaluation window is extended to allow
# for reporting/ingestion lag
look_back = 1
# minimum number of datapoints within sliding window to
# avoid unknown state
quorum = 1
def __init__(self, notifier=None):
self.alarms = []
self.notifier = notifier
self.api_client = None
def assign_alarms(self, alarms):
"""Assign alarms to be evaluated."""
self.alarms = alarms
def _client(self):
"""Construct or reuse an authenticated API client."""
if not self.api_client:
auth_config = cfg.CONF.service_credentials
creds = dict(
self.api_client = ceiloclient.get_client(2, **creds)
return self.api_client
def _constraints(alarm):
"""Assert the constraints on the statistics query."""
constraints = []
for (field, value) in alarm.matching_metadata.iteritems():
constraints.append(dict(field=field, op='eq', value=value))
return constraints
def _bound_duration(cls, alarm, constraints):
"""Bound the duration of the statistics query."""
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
window = (alarm.period *
(alarm.evaluation_periods + cls.look_back))
start = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=window)
LOG.debug(_('query stats from %(start)s to %(now)s') % locals())
after = dict(field='timestamp', op='ge', value=start.isoformat())
before = dict(field='timestamp', op='le', value=now.isoformat())
constraints.extend([before, after])
return constraints
def _sanitize(alarm, statistics):
"""Sanitize statistics.
Ultimately this will be the hook for the exclusion of chaotic
datapoints for example.
LOG.debug(_('sanitize stats %s') % statistics)
# in practice statistics are always sorted by period start, not
# strictly required by the API though
statistics = statistics[:alarm.evaluation_periods]
LOG.debug(_('pruned statistics to %d') % len(statistics))
return statistics
def _statistics(self, alarm, query):
"""Retrieve statistics over the current window."""
LOG.debug(_('stats query %s') % query)
return self._client.statistics.list(alarm.counter_name,
except Exception:
LOG.exception(_('alarm stats retrieval failed'))
return []
def _update(self, alarm, state, reason):
"""Refresh alarm state."""
id = alarm.alarm_id
LOG.info(_('alarm %(id)s transitioning to %(state)s'
' because %(reason)s') % locals())
self._client.alarms.update(id, **dict(state=state))
alarm.state = state
if self.notifier:
self.notifier.notify(alarm, state, reason)
except Exception:
# retry will occur naturally on the next evaluation
# cycle (unless alarm state reverts in the meantime)
LOG.exception(_('alarm state update failed'))
def _sufficient(self, alarm, statistics):
"""Ensure there is sufficient data for evaluation,
transitioning to unknown otherwise.
sufficient = len(statistics) >= self.quorum
if not sufficient and alarm.state != UNKNOWN:
reason = _('%d datapoints are unknown') % alarm.evaluation_periods
self._update(alarm, UNKNOWN, reason)
return sufficient
def _reason(alarm, statistics, distilled, state):
"""Fabricate reason string."""
count = len(statistics)
disposition = 'inside' if state == OK else 'outside'
last = getattr(statistics[-1], alarm.statistic)
return (_('Transition to %(state)s due to %(count)d samples'
' %(disposition)s threshold, most recent: %(last)s') %
def _transition(self, alarm, statistics, compared):
"""Transition alarm state if necessary.
The transition rules are currently hardcoded as:
- transitioning from a known state requires an unequivocal
set of datapoints
- transitioning from unknown is on the basis of the most
recent datapoint if equivocal
Ultimately this will be policy-driven.
distilled = all(compared)
unequivocal = distilled or not any(compared)
if unequivocal:
state = ALARM if distilled else OK
if alarm.state != state:
reason = self._reason(alarm, statistics, distilled, state)
self._update(alarm, state, reason)
elif alarm.state == UNKNOWN:
state = ALARM if compared[-1] else OK
reason = self._reason(alarm, statistics, distilled, state)
self._update(alarm, state, reason)
def evaluate(self):
"""Evaluate the alarms assigned to this evaluator."""
LOG.info(_('initiating evaluation cycle on %d alarms') %
for alarm in self.alarms:
if not alarm.enabled:
LOG.debug(_('skipping alarm %s') % alarm.alarm_id)
LOG.debug(_('evaluating alarm %s') % alarm.alarm_id)
query = self._bound_duration(
statistics = self._sanitize(
self._statistics(alarm, query)
if self._sufficient(alarm, statistics):
def _compare(stat):
op = COMPARATORS[alarm.comparison_operator]
value = getattr(stat, alarm.statistic)
limit = alarm.threshold
LOG.debug(_('comparing value %(value)s against threshold'
' %(limit)s') % locals())
return op(value, limit)
list(map(_compare, statistics)))