Based on current implement, when use launch below REST API: GET The result will be 200 OK. No any error reports. This query should not allow negative value setting but 400 error, and prompts like this: "Period must be positive.". Just like setting "Limit" to negative. Fixes bug 1212159 Change-Id: I8d547fdf8faae2094b24c81da6b233b432bc99ae
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost)
# Author: Doug Hellmann <doug.hellmann@dreamhost.com>
# Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com>
# Eoghan Glynn <eglynn@redhat.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Version 2 of the API.
# [GET ] / -- information about this version of the API
# [GET ] /resources -- list the resources
# [GET ] /resources/<resource> -- information about the resource
# [GET ] /meters -- list the meters
# [POST ] /meters -- insert a new sample (and meter/resource if needed)
# [GET ] /meters/<meter> -- list the samples for this meter
# [PUT ] /meters/<meter> -- update the meter (not the samples)
# [DELETE] /meters/<meter> -- delete the meter and samples
import datetime
import inspect
import pecan
from pecan import rest
import wsme
import wsmeext.pecan as wsme_pecan
from wsme import types as wtypes
from ceilometer.openstack.common import context
from ceilometer.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from ceilometer.openstack.common import log
from ceilometer.openstack.common import timeutils
from ceilometer import sample
from ceilometer import storage
from ceilometer.api import acl
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
operation_kind = wtypes.Enum(str, 'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne', 'ge', 'gt')
class _Base(wtypes.Base):
def from_db_model(cls, m):
return cls(**(m.as_dict()))
def from_db_and_links(cls, m, links):
return cls(links=links, **(m.as_dict()))
def as_dict(self, db_model):
valid_keys = inspect.getargspec(db_model.__init__)[0]
if 'self' in valid_keys:
return dict((k, getattr(self, k))
for k in valid_keys
if hasattr(self, k) and
getattr(self, k) != wsme.Unset)
class Link(_Base):
"""A link representation
href = wtypes.text
"The url of a link"
rel = wtypes.text
"The name of a link"
def sample(cls):
return cls(href=('http://localhost:8777/v2/meters/volume?'
class Query(_Base):
"""Sample query filter.
_op = None # provide a default
def get_op(self):
return self._op or 'eq'
def set_op(self, value):
self._op = value
field = wtypes.text
"The name of the field to test"
#op = wsme.wsattr(operation_kind, default='eq')
# this ^ doesn't seem to work.
op = wsme.wsproperty(operation_kind, get_op, set_op)
"The comparison operator. Defaults to 'eq'."
value = wtypes.text
"The value to compare against the stored data"
def __repr__(self):
# for logging calls
return '<Query %r %s %r>' % (self.field, self.op, self.value)
def sample(cls):
return cls(field='resource_id',
def _sanitize_query(q):
'''Check the query to see if:
1) the request is comming from admin - then allow full visibility
2) non-admin - make sure that the query includes the requester's
auth_project = acl.get_limited_to_project(pecan.request.headers)
if auth_project:
proj_q = [i for i in q if i.field == 'project_id']
for i in proj_q:
if auth_project != i.value or i.op != 'eq':
# TODO(asalkeld) in the next version of wsme (0.5b3+)
# activate this code to be able to return the correct
# status code (also update api/v2/test_acl.py).
#return wsme.api.Response([return_type()],
# status_code=401)
errstr = 'Not Authorized to access project %s %s' % (i.op,
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(errstr)
if not proj_q:
# The user is restricted, but they didn't specify a project
# so add it for them.
return q
def _query_to_kwargs(query, db_func):
# TODO(dhellmann): This function needs tests of its own.
query = _sanitize_query(query)
valid_keys = inspect.getargspec(db_func)[0]
if 'self' in valid_keys:
translation = {'user_id': 'user',
'project_id': 'project',
'resource_id': 'resource'}
stamp = {}
trans = {}
metaquery = {}
for i in query:
if i.field == 'timestamp':
if i.op in ('lt', 'le'):
stamp['end_timestamp'] = i.value
stamp['end_timestamp_op'] = i.op
elif i.op in ('gt', 'ge'):
stamp['start_timestamp'] = i.value
stamp['start_timestamp_op'] = i.op
LOG.warn('_query_to_kwargs ignoring %r unexpected op %r"' %
(i.field, i.op))
if i.op != 'eq':
LOG.warn('_query_to_kwargs ignoring %r unimplemented op %r' %
(i.field, i.op))
elif i.field == 'search_offset':
stamp['search_offset'] = i.value
elif i.field.startswith('metadata.'):
metaquery[i.field] = i.value
trans[translation.get(i.field, i.field)] = i.value
kwargs = {}
if metaquery and 'metaquery' in valid_keys:
kwargs['metaquery'] = metaquery
if stamp:
q_ts = _get_query_timestamps(stamp)
if 'start' in valid_keys:
kwargs['start'] = q_ts['query_start']
kwargs['end'] = q_ts['query_end']
elif 'start_timestamp' in valid_keys:
kwargs['start_timestamp'] = q_ts['query_start']
kwargs['end_timestamp'] = q_ts['query_end']
raise wsme.exc.UnknownArgument('timestamp',
"not valid for this resource")
if 'start_timestamp_op' in stamp:
kwargs['start_timestamp_op'] = stamp['start_timestamp_op']
if 'end_timestamp_op' in stamp:
kwargs['end_timestamp_op'] = stamp['end_timestamp_op']
if trans:
for k in trans:
if k not in valid_keys:
raise wsme.exc.UnknownArgument(k, "unrecognized query field")
kwargs[k] = trans[k]
return kwargs
def _get_query_timestamps(args={}):
"""Return any optional timestamp information in the request.
Determine the desired range, if any, from the GET arguments. Set
up the query range using the specified offset.
[query_start ... start_timestamp ... end_timestamp ... query_end]
Returns a dictionary containing:
query_start: First timestamp to use for query
start_timestamp: start_timestamp parameter from request
query_end: Final timestamp to use for query
end_timestamp: end_timestamp parameter from request
search_offset: search_offset parameter from request
search_offset = int(args.get('search_offset', 0))
start_timestamp = args.get('start_timestamp')
if start_timestamp:
start_timestamp = timeutils.parse_isotime(start_timestamp)
start_timestamp = start_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=None)
query_start = (start_timestamp -
query_start = None
end_timestamp = args.get('end_timestamp')
if end_timestamp:
end_timestamp = timeutils.parse_isotime(end_timestamp)
end_timestamp = end_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=None)
query_end = end_timestamp + datetime.timedelta(minutes=search_offset)
query_end = None
return {'query_start': query_start,
'query_end': query_end,
'start_timestamp': start_timestamp,
'end_timestamp': end_timestamp,
'search_offset': search_offset,
def _flatten_metadata(metadata):
"""Return flattened resource metadata without nested structures
and with all values converted to unicode strings.
if metadata:
return dict((k, unicode(v))
for k, v in metadata.iteritems()
if type(v) not in set([list, dict, set]))
return {}
def _make_link(rel_name, url, type, type_arg, query=None):
query_str = ''
if query:
query_str = '?q.field=%s&q.value=%s' % (query['field'],
return Link(href=('%s/v2/%s/%s%s') % (url, type, type_arg, query_str),
class Sample(_Base):
"""A single measurement for a given meter and resource.
source = wtypes.text
"An identity source ID"
counter_name = wtypes.text
"The name of the meter"
# FIXME(dhellmann): Make this meter_name?
counter_type = wtypes.text
"The type of the meter (see :ref:`measurements`)"
# FIXME(dhellmann): Make this meter_type?
counter_unit = wtypes.text
"The unit of measure for the value in counter_volume"
# FIXME(dhellmann): Make this meter_unit?
counter_volume = float
"The actual measured value"
user_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the user who last triggered an update to the resource"
project_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the project or tenant that owns the resource"
resource_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the :class:`Resource` for which the measurements are taken"
timestamp = datetime.datetime
"UTC date and time when the measurement was made"
resource_metadata = {wtypes.text: wtypes.text}
"Arbitrary metadata associated with the resource"
message_id = wtypes.text
"A unique identifier for the sample"
def __init__(self, counter_volume=None, resource_metadata={},
timestamp=None, **kwds):
if counter_volume is not None:
counter_volume = float(counter_volume)
resource_metadata = _flatten_metadata(resource_metadata)
# this is to make it easier for clients to pass a timestamp in
if timestamp and isinstance(timestamp, basestring):
timestamp = timeutils.parse_isotime(timestamp)
super(Sample, self).__init__(counter_volume=counter_volume,
timestamp=timestamp, **kwds)
# Seems the mandatory option doesn't work so do it manually
for m in ('counter_volume', 'counter_unit',
'counter_name', 'counter_type', 'resource_id'):
if getattr(self, m) in (wsme.Unset, None):
raise wsme.exc.MissingArgument(m)
if self.resource_metadata in (wtypes.Unset, None):
self.resource_metadata = {}
def sample(cls):
return cls(source='openstack',
resource_metadata={'name1': 'value1',
'name2': 'value2'},
class Statistics(_Base):
"""Computed statistics for a query.
unit = wtypes.text
"The unit type of the data set"
min = float
"The minimum volume seen in the data"
max = float
"The maximum volume seen in the data"
avg = float
"The average of all of the volume values seen in the data"
sum = float
"The total of all of the volume values seen in the data"
count = int
"The number of samples seen"
duration = float
"The difference, in seconds, between the oldest and newest timestamp"
duration_start = datetime.datetime
"UTC date and time of the earliest timestamp, or the query start time"
duration_end = datetime.datetime
"UTC date and time of the oldest timestamp, or the query end time"
period = int
"The difference, in seconds, between the period start and end"
period_start = datetime.datetime
"UTC date and time of the period start"
period_end = datetime.datetime
"UTC date and time of the period end"
def __init__(self, start_timestamp=None, end_timestamp=None, **kwds):
super(Statistics, self).__init__(**kwds)
self._update_duration(start_timestamp, end_timestamp)
def _update_duration(self, start_timestamp, end_timestamp):
# "Clamp" the timestamps we return to the original time
# range, excluding the offset.
if (start_timestamp and
self.duration_start and
self.duration_start < start_timestamp):
self.duration_start = start_timestamp
LOG.debug('clamping min timestamp to range')
if (end_timestamp and
self.duration_end and
self.duration_end > end_timestamp):
self.duration_end = end_timestamp
LOG.debug('clamping max timestamp to range')
# If we got valid timestamps back, compute a duration in seconds.
# If the min > max after clamping then we know the
# timestamps on the samples fell outside of the time
# range we care about for the query, so treat them as
# "invalid."
# If the timestamps are invalid, return None as a
# sentinal indicating that there is something "funny"
# about the range.
if (self.duration_start and
self.duration_end and
self.duration_start <= self.duration_end):
self.duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(self.duration_start,
self.duration_start = self.duration_end = self.duration = None
def sample(cls):
return cls(unit='GiB',
duration_start=datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 4, 16, 42),
duration_end=datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 4, 16, 47),
period_start=datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 4, 16, 00),
period_end=datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 4, 18, 00),
class MeterController(rest.RestController):
"""Manages operations on a single meter.
_custom_actions = {
'statistics': ['GET'],
def __init__(self, meter_id):
pecan.request.context['meter_id'] = meter_id
self._id = meter_id
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose([Sample], [Query], int)
def get_all(self, q=[], limit=None):
"""Return samples for the meter.
:param q: Filter rules for the data to be returned.
:param limit: Maximum number of samples to return.
if limit and limit < 0:
raise ValueError("Limit must be positive")
kwargs = _query_to_kwargs(q, storage.SampleFilter.__init__)
kwargs['meter'] = self._id
f = storage.SampleFilter(**kwargs)
return [Sample.from_db_model(e)
for e in pecan.request.storage_conn.get_samples(f, limit=limit)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose([Sample], body=[Sample])
def post(self, body):
"""Post a list of new Samples to Ceilometer.
:param body: a list of samples within the request body.
# Note:
# 1) the above validate decorator seems to do nothing.
# 2) the mandatory options seems to also do nothing.
# 3) the body should already be in a list of Sample's
def get_consistent_source():
'''Find a source that can be applied across the sample group
or raise InvalidInput if the sources are inconsistent.
If all are None - use the configured sample_source
If any sample has source set then the others must be the same
or None.
source = None
for s in samples:
if source and s.source:
if source != s.source:
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('source', s.source,
'can not post Samples %s' %
'with different sources')
if s.source and not source:
source = s.source
return source or pecan.request.cfg.sample_source
samples = [Sample(**b) for b in body]
now = timeutils.utcnow()
auth_project = acl.get_limited_to_project(pecan.request.headers)
source = get_consistent_source()
for s in samples:
if self._id != s.counter_name:
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('counter_name', s.counter_name,
'should be %s' % self._id)
s.user_id = (s.user_id or
s.project_id = (s.project_id or
if auth_project and auth_project != s.project_id:
# non admin user trying to cross post to another project_id
auth_msg = 'can not post samples to other projects'
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('project_id', s.project_id,
if s.timestamp is None or s.timestamp is wsme.Unset:
s.timestamp = now
s.source = '%s:%s' % (s.project_id, source)
published_samples = []
for s in samples:
published_sample = sample.Sample(
s.message_id = published_sample.id
with pecan.request.pipeline_manager.publisher(
context.get_admin_context()) as publisher:
# TODO(asalkeld) this is not ideal, it would be nice if the publisher
# returned the created sample message with message id (or at least the
# a list of message_ids).
return samples
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose([Statistics], [Query], int)
def statistics(self, q=[], period=None):
"""Computes the statistics of the samples in the time range given.
:param q: Filter rules for the data to be returned.
:param period: Returned result will be an array of statistics for a
period long of that number of seconds.
if period and period < 0:
error = _("Period must be positive.")
pecan.response.translatable_error = error
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(error)
kwargs = _query_to_kwargs(q, storage.SampleFilter.__init__)
kwargs['meter'] = self._id
f = storage.SampleFilter(**kwargs)
computed = pecan.request.storage_conn.get_meter_statistics(f, period)
LOG.debug('computed value coming from %r', pecan.request.storage_conn)
# Find the original timestamp in the query to use for clamping
# the duration returned in the statistics.
start = end = None
for i in q:
if i.field == 'timestamp' and i.op in ('lt', 'le'):
end = timeutils.parse_isotime(i.value).replace(tzinfo=None)
elif i.field == 'timestamp' and i.op in ('gt', 'ge'):
start = timeutils.parse_isotime(i.value).replace(tzinfo=None)
return [Statistics(start_timestamp=start,
for c in computed]
class Meter(_Base):
"""One category of measurements.
name = wtypes.text
"The unique name for the meter"
type = wtypes.Enum(str, sample.TYPE_GAUGE,
"The meter type (see :ref:`measurements`)"
unit = wtypes.text
"The unit of measure"
resource_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the :class:`Resource` for which the measurements are taken"
project_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the project or tenant that owns the resource"
user_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the user who last triggered an update to the resource"
def sample(cls):
return cls(name='instance',
class MetersController(rest.RestController):
"""Works on meters."""
def _lookup(self, meter_id, *remainder):
# NOTE(gordc): drop last path if empty (Bug #1202739)
if remainder and not remainder[-1]:
remainder = remainder[:-1]
return MeterController(meter_id), remainder
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose([Meter], [Query])
def get_all(self, q=[]):
"""Return all known meters, based on the data recorded so far.
:param q: Filter rules for the meters to be returned.
kwargs = _query_to_kwargs(q, pecan.request.storage_conn.get_meters)
return [Meter.from_db_model(m)
for m in pecan.request.storage_conn.get_meters(**kwargs)]
class Resource(_Base):
"""An externally defined object for which samples have been received.
resource_id = wtypes.text
"The unique identifier for the resource"
project_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the owning project or tenant"
user_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the user who created the resource or updated it last"
timestamp = datetime.datetime
"UTC date and time of the last update to any meter for the resource"
metadata = {wtypes.text: wtypes.text}
"Arbitrary metadata associated with the resource"
links = [Link]
"A list containing a self link and associated meter links"
def __init__(self, metadata={}, **kwds):
metadata = _flatten_metadata(metadata)
super(Resource, self).__init__(metadata=metadata, **kwds)
def sample(cls):
return cls(resource_id='bd9431c1-8d69-4ad3-803a-8d4a6b89fd36',
metadata={'name1': 'value1',
'name2': 'value2'},
class ResourcesController(rest.RestController):
"""Works on resources."""
def _resource_links(self, resource_id):
links = [_make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'resources',
for meter in pecan.request.storage_conn.get_meters(resource=
query = {'field': 'resource_id', 'value': resource_id}
links.append(_make_link(meter.name, pecan.request.host_url,
'meters', meter.name, query=query))
return links
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Resource, unicode)
def get_one(self, resource_id):
"""Retrieve details about one resource.
:param resource_id: The UUID of the resource.
authorized_project = acl.get_limited_to_project(pecan.request.headers)
resources = list(pecan.request.storage_conn.get_resources(
resource=resource_id, project=authorized_project))
# FIXME (flwang): Need to change this to return a 404 error code when
# we get a release of WSME that supports it.
if not resources:
error = _("Unknown resource")
pecan.response.translatable_error = error
raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput("resource_id",
return Resource.from_db_and_links(resources[0],
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose([Resource], [Query])
def get_all(self, q=[]):
"""Retrieve definitions of all of the resources.
:param q: Filter rules for the resources to be returned.
kwargs = _query_to_kwargs(q, pecan.request.storage_conn.get_resources)
resources = [
for r in pecan.request.storage_conn.get_resources(**kwargs)]
return resources
class Alarm(_Base):
"""Representation of an alarm.
alarm_id = wtypes.text
"The UUID of the alarm"
name = wtypes.text
"The name for the alarm"
description = wtypes.text
"The description of the alarm"
counter_name = wtypes.text
"The name of counter"
project_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the project or tenant that owns the alarm"
user_id = wtypes.text
"The ID of the user who created the alarm"
comparison_operator = wtypes.Enum(str, 'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne', 'ge', 'gt')
"The comparison against the alarm threshold"
threshold = float
"The threshold of the alarm"
statistic = wtypes.Enum(str, 'max', 'min', 'avg', 'sum', 'count')
"The statistic to compare to the threshold"
enabled = bool
"This alarm is enabled?"
evaluation_periods = int
"The number of periods to evaluate the threshold"
period = int
"The time range in seconds over which to evaluate the threshold"
timestamp = datetime.datetime
"The date of the last alarm definition update"
state = wtypes.Enum(str, 'ok', 'alarm', 'insufficient data')
"The state offset the alarm"
state_timestamp = datetime.datetime
"The date of the last alarm state changed"
ok_actions = [wtypes.text]
"The actions to do when alarm state change to ok"
alarm_actions = [wtypes.text]
"The actions to do when alarm state change to alarm"
insufficient_data_actions = [wtypes.text]
"The actions to do when alarm state change to insufficient data"
repeat_actions = bool
"The actions should be re-triggered on each evaluation cycle"
matching_metadata = {wtypes.text: wtypes.text}
"The matching_metadata of the alarm"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Alarm, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def sample(cls):
return cls(alarm_id=None,
description="An alarm",
class AlarmChange(_Base):
"""Representation of an event in an alarm's history
alarm_id = wtypes.text
"The UUID of the alarm"
type = wtypes.Enum(str,
'rule change',
'state transition',
"The type of change"
detail = wtypes.text
"JSON fragment describing change"
project_id = wtypes.text
"The project ID of the initiating identity"
user_id = wtypes.text
"The user ID of the initiating identity"
on_behalf_of = wtypes.text
"The tenant on behalf of which the change is being made"
timestamp = datetime.datetime
"The time/date of the alarm change"
def sample(cls):
return cls(alarm_id='e8ff32f772a44a478182c3fe1f7cad6a',
type='rule change',
detail='{"threshold": 42.0, "evaluation_periods": 4}',
class AlarmController(rest.RestController):
"""Manages operations on a single alarm.
_custom_actions = {
'history': ['GET'],
def __init__(self, alarm_id):
pecan.request.context['alarm_id'] = alarm_id
self._id = alarm_id
def _alarm(self):
self.conn = pecan.request.storage_conn
auth_project = acl.get_limited_to_project(pecan.request.headers)
alarms = list(self.conn.get_alarms(alarm_id=self._id,
# FIXME (flwang): Need to change this to return a 404 error code when
# we get a release of WSME that supports it.
if len(alarms) < 1:
error = _("Unknown alarm")
pecan.response.translatable_error = error
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(error)
return alarms[0]
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Alarm, wtypes.text)
def get(self):
"""Return this alarm."""
return Alarm.from_db_model(self._alarm())
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Alarm, wtypes.text, body=Alarm)
def put(self, data):
"""Modify this alarm."""
# merge the new values from kwargs into the current
# alarm "alarm_in".
alarm_in = self._alarm()
data.state_timestamp = wsme.Unset
data.alarm_id = self._id
kwargs = data.as_dict(storage.models.Alarm)
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(alarm_in, k, v)
if k == 'state':
alarm_in.state_timestamp = timeutils.utcnow()
alarm = self.conn.update_alarm(alarm_in)
return Alarm.from_db_model(alarm)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(None, wtypes.text, status_code=204)
def delete(self):
"""Delete this alarm."""
# ensure alarm exists before deleting
alarm_id = self._alarm().alarm_id
# TODO(eglynn): add pagination marker to signature once overall
# API support for pagination is finalized
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose([AlarmChange], [Query])
def history(self, q=[]):
"""Assembles the alarm history requested.
:param q: Filter rules for the changes to be described.
# ensure per-tenant segregation
# TODO(eglynn): history not yet persisted
return []
class AlarmsController(rest.RestController):
"""Manages operations on the alarms collection.
def _lookup(self, alarm_id, *remainder):
if remainder and not remainder[-1]:
remainder = remainder[:-1]
return AlarmController(alarm_id), remainder
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Alarm, body=Alarm, status_code=201)
def post(self, data):
"""Create a new alarm."""
conn = pecan.request.storage_conn
data.user_id = pecan.request.headers.get('X-User-Id')
data.project_id = pecan.request.headers.get('X-Project-Id')
data.alarm_id = wsme.Unset
data.state_timestamp = wsme.Unset
data.timestamp = timeutils.utcnow()
# make sure alarms are unique by name per project.
alarms = list(conn.get_alarms(name=data.name,
if len(alarms) > 0:
error = _("Alarm with that name exists")
pecan.response.translatable_error = error
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(error)
kwargs = data.as_dict(storage.models.Alarm)
alarm_in = storage.models.Alarm(**kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
error = _("Alarm incorrect")
pecan.response.translatable_error = error
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(error)
alarm = conn.update_alarm(alarm_in)
return Alarm.from_db_model(alarm)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose([Alarm], [Query])
def get_all(self, q=[]):
"""Return all alarms, based on the query provided.
:param q: Filter rules for the alarms to be returned.
kwargs = _query_to_kwargs(q,
return [Alarm.from_db_model(m)
for m in pecan.request.storage_conn.get_alarms(**kwargs)]
class V2Controller(object):
"""Version 2 API controller root."""
resources = ResourcesController()
meters = MetersController()
alarms = AlarmsController()