This patch adds support for pkgcloud to the First App tutorial in section one. The code has been tested on a cloud with nova-network. Partial-Bug: 1449331 Change-Id: I50e5211b6f6df5c26fdcf6f2b39cc5a8308f787c
183 lines
5.2 KiB
183 lines
5.2 KiB
// step-1
auth_username = 'your_auth_username';
auth_password = 'your_auth_password';
auth_url = 'http://controller:5000';
project_name = 'your_project_name_or_id';
region_name = 'your_region_name';
var conn = require('pkgcloud').compute.createClient({
provider: 'openstack',
username: auth_username,
password: auth_password,
region: region_name
// step-2
conn.getImages(function(err, images) {
for (i =0; i<images.length; i++) {
console.log("id: " + images[i].id);
console.log("name: " + images[i].name);
console.log("created: " + images[i].created);
console.log("updated: " + images[i].updated);
console.log("status: " + images[i].status + "\n");
// step-3
conn.getFlavors(function(err, flavors) {
for (i=0; i<flavors.length; i++) {
console.log("id: " + flavors[i].id);
console.log("name: " + flavors[i].name);
console.log("ram: " + flavors[i].ram);
console.log("disk: " + flavors[i].disk);
console.log("vcpus: " + flavors[i].vcpus + "\n");
// step-4
image_id = '2cccbea0-cea9-4f86-a3ed-065c652adda5';
conn.getImage(image_id, function(err, image) {
console.log("id: " + image.id);
console.log("name: " + image.name);
console.log("created: " + image.created);
console.log("updated: " + image.updated);
console.log("status: " + image.status + "\n");
// step-5
flavor_id = '3';
conn.getFlavor(flavor_id, function(err, flavor) {
console.log("id: " + flavor.id);
console.log("name: " + flavor.name);
console.log("ram: " + flavor.ram);
console.log("disk: " + flavor.disk);
console.log("vcpus: " + flavor.vcpus + "\n");
// step-6
instance_name = 'testing';
name: instance_name,
flavor: flavor_id,
image: image_id
}, function(err, server) {
// step-7
// TODO - make a decision about printing this nicely or not
// step-8
test_instance_id = '0d7968dc-4bf4-4e01-b822-43c9c1080d77';
conn.destroyServer(test_instance_id, console.log);
// TODO - make a decision about printing this nicely or not
// step-9
console.log('Checking for existing SSH key pair...');
keypair_name = 'demokey';
pub_key_file = '/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub';
pub_key_string = '';
keypair_exists = false;
conn.listKeys(function (err, keys) {
for (i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
if (keys[i].keypair.name == keypair_name) {
keypair_exists = true;
if (keypair_exists) {
console.log('Keypair already exists. Skipping import.');
} else {
console.log('adding keypair...');
fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile(pub_key_file, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
pub_key_string = data;
conn.addKey({name: keypair_name, public_key:pub_key_string}, console.log);
conn.listKeys(function (err, keys) {
for (i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
// step-10
security_group_name = 'all-in-one';
security_group_exists = false;
all_in_one_security_group = false;
conn.listGroups(function (err, groups) {
for (i=0; i<groups.length; i++){
if (groups[i].name == security_group_name) {
security_group_exists = true;
if (security_group_exists) {
console.log('Security Group already exists. Skipping creation.');
} else {
conn.addGroup({ name: 'all-in-one',
description: 'network access for all-in-one application.'
}, function (err, group) {
all_in_one_security_group = group.id;
conn.addRule({ groupId: group.id,
ipProtocol: 'TCP',
fromPort: 80,
toPort: 80}, console.log);
conn.addRule({ groupId: group.id,
ipProtocol: 'TCP',
fromPort: 22,
toPort: 22}, console.log);
// step-11
userdata = "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" +
"curl -L -s https://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/faafo/plain/contrib/install.sh" +
" | bash -s -- -i faafo -i messaging -r api -r worker -r demo";
userdata = new Buffer(userdata).toString('base64')
// step-12
instance_name = 'all-in-one'
conn.createServer({ name: instance_name,
image: image_id,
flavor: flavor_id,
keyname: keypair_name,
cloudConfig: userdata,
securityGroups: all_in_one_security_group},
function(err, server) {
server.setWait({ status: server.STATUS.running }, 5000, console.log)
// step-13
console.log('Checking for unused Floating IP...')
unused_floating_ips = []
conn.getFloatingIps(function (err, ips) {
for (i=0; i<ips.length; i++){
if (ips[i].node_id) {
unused_floating_ips = ips[i];
if (!unused_floating_ip) {
conn.allocateNewFloatingIp(function (err, ip) {
unused_floating_ip = ip.ip;
// step-14
conn.addFloatingIp(testing_instance, unused_floating_ip, console.log)
// step-15
console.log('The Fractals app will be deployed to http://%s' % unused_floating_ip.ip_address)