Remove support for the legacy CSV format
Change-Id: I11f4976fbd48e552990f2a1890cea7201bbbb024
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import csv
import json
import os
import sys
@ -65,10 +64,9 @@ of desired groups. Moreover, users can override the default 'baremetal'
group by assigning a list of default groups to the test_vm_default_group
Presently, the base mode of operation reads a CSV file in the format
Presently, the base mode of operation reads a JSON/YAML file in the format
originally utilized by bifrost and returns structured JSON that is
interpreted by Ansible. This has since been extended to support the
parsing of JSON and YAML data if they are detected in the file.
interpreted by Ansible.
Conceivably, this inventory module can be extended to allow for direct
processing of inventory data from other data sources such as a configuration
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ user experience.
How to use?
export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/tmp/baremetal.[csv|json|yaml]
export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/tmp/baremetal.[json|yaml]
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -i inventory/
One can also just directly invoke in order to see the
@ -151,9 +149,6 @@ opts = [
help='List active hosts'),
help='Converts a CSV inventory to JSON'),
@ -176,24 +171,13 @@ def _prepare_inventory():
return (groups, hostvars)
def _val_or_none(array, location):
"""Return any value that has a length"""
if len(array[location]) > 0:
return array[location]
return None
except IndexError:
LOG.debug("Out of range value encountered. Requested "
"field %s Had: %s", location, array)
def _process_baremetal_data(data_source, groups, hostvars):
"""Process data through as pre-formatted data"""
with open(data_source, 'rb') as file_object:
file_data = yaml.safe_load(file_object)
except Exception as e:
LOG.debug("Failed to parse JSON or YAML: %s", e)
LOG.error("Failed to parse JSON or YAML: %s", e)
raise Exception("Failed to parse JSON or YAML")
node_names = os.environ.get('BIFROST_NODE_NAMES', None)
@ -230,100 +214,6 @@ def _process_baremetal_data(data_source, groups, hostvars):
return (groups, hostvars)
def _process_baremetal_csv(data_source, groups, hostvars):
"""Process legacy baremetal.csv format"""
node_names = os.environ.get('BIFROST_NODE_NAMES', None)
if node_names:
node_names = node_names.split(',')
with open(data_source, 'r') as file_data:
for row in csv.reader(file_data, delimiter=','):
if not row:
if len(row) == 1:
LOG.debug("Single entry line found when attempting "
"to parse CSV file contents. Breaking "
"out of processing loop.")
raise Exception("Invalid CSV file format detected, "
"line ends with a single element")
host = {}
driver = None
driver_info = {}
power = {}
properties = {}
host['nics'] = [{
'mac': _val_or_none(row, 0)}]
# Temporary variables for ease of reading
management_username = _val_or_none(row, 1)
management_password = _val_or_none(row, 2)
management_address = _val_or_none(row, 3)
properties['cpus'] = _val_or_none(row, 4)
properties['ram'] = _val_or_none(row, 5)
properties['disk_size'] = _val_or_none(row, 6)
# Default CPU Architecture
properties['cpu_arch'] = "x86_64"
host['uuid'] = _val_or_none(row, 9)
host['name'] = _val_or_none(row, 10)
if node_names and host['name'] not in node_names:
host['host_groups'] = ["baremetal"]
host['ipv4_address'] = _val_or_none(row, 11)
if ('ipv4_address' not in host or
not host['ipv4_address']):
host['addressing_mode'] = "dhcp"
host['provisioning_ipv4_address'] = None
host['ansible_ssh_host'] = host['ipv4_address']
# Note(TheJulia): We can't assign ipv4_address if we are
# using DHCP.
if (len(row) > 17 and 'addressing_mode' not in host):
host['provisioning_ipv4_address'] = row[18]
host['provisioning_ipv4_address'] = host['ipv4_address']
# Default Driver unless otherwise defined or determined.
host['driver'] = "ipmi"
if len(row) > 15:
driver = _val_or_none(row, 16)
if driver:
host['driver'] = driver
if "ipmi" in host['driver']:
# Set ipmi by default
host['driver'] = "ipmi"
power['ipmi_address'] = management_address
power['ipmi_username'] = management_username
power['ipmi_password'] = management_password
if len(row) > 12:
power['ipmi_target_channel'] = _val_or_none(row, 12)
power['ipmi_target_address'] = _val_or_none(row, 13)
if (power['ipmi_target_channel'] and
power['ipmi_bridging'] = 'single'
if len(row) > 14:
power['ipmi_transit_channel'] = _val_or_none(row, 14)
power['ipmi_transit_address'] = _val_or_none(row, 15)
if (power['ipmi_transit_channel'] and
power['ipmi_bridging'] = 'dual'
# Group variables together under host.
# NOTE(TheJulia): Given the split that this demonstrates, where
# deploy details could possible be imported from a future
# inventory file format
driver_info['power'] = power
host['driver_info'] = driver_info
host['properties'] = properties
hostvars.update({host['name']: host})
return (groups, hostvars)
def _process_sdk(groups, hostvars):
"""Retrieve inventory utilizing OpenStackSDK."""
# NOTE(dtantsur): backward compatibility
@ -401,19 +291,10 @@ def main():
except Exception as e:
LOG.debug("File does not appear to be JSON or YAML - %s", e)
(groups, hostvars) = _process_baremetal_csv(
except Exception as e:
LOG.debug("CSV fallback processing failed, "
"received: %s", e)
LOG.error("BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE does not define "
"a file that could be processed: "
"Tried JSON, YAML, and CSV formats")
LOG.error("BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE does not define "
"a file that could be processed: %s."
"Tried JSON and YAML formats", e)
elif "ironic" in data_source:
(groups, hostvars) = _process_sdk(groups, hostvars)
@ -440,12 +321,9 @@ def main():
# General Data Conversion
if not config.convertcsv:
inventory = {'_meta': {'hostvars': hostvars}}
print(json.dumps(inventory, indent=2))
print(json.dumps(hostvars, indent=2))
inventory = {'_meta': {'hostvars': hostvars}}
print(json.dumps(inventory, indent=2))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -29,173 +29,6 @@ class TestBifrostInventoryFunctional(base.TestCase):
self.maxDiff = None
super(TestBifrostInventoryFunctional, self).setUp()
def test_csv_file_conversion_multiline_general(self):
# NOTE(TheJulia): While this is a massive amount of input
# and resulting output that is parsed as part of this
# and similar tests, we need to ensure consistency,
# and that is largely what this test is geared to ensure.
CSV = """00:01:02:03:04:05,root,undefined,,1,8192,512,
||||,,,,,ipmi""".replace('\n', '').replace('|', '\n')
expected_hostvars = """{"hostname1":
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname1", "ipv4_address": "",
"provisioning_ipv4_address": "" ,"ansible_ssh_host":
"", "driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "",
"ipmi_password": "undefined", "ipmi_username": "root",
"ipmi_target_address": null, "ipmi_target_channel": null,
"ipmi_transit_address": null, "ipmi_transit_channel": null}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:06"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192", "cpu_arch":
"x86_64", "disk_size": "1024", "cpus": "2"}, "host_groups": ["baremetal"]},
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname0", "ipv4_address": "",
"provisioning_ipv4_address": "", "ansible_ssh_host":
"", "driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "",
"ipmi_password": "undefined", "ipmi_username": "root",
"ipmi_target_address": null, "ipmi_target_channel": null,
"ipmi_transit_address": null, "ipmi_transit_channel": null}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:05"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192",
"cpu_arch": "x86_64", "disk_size": "512", "cpus": "1"},
"host_groups": ["baremetal"]}}""".replace('\n', '')
expected_groups = """{"baremetal": {"hosts": ["hostname0",
"hostname1"]}, "localhost": {"hosts": [""]}}""".replace('\n', '')
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_csv_conversion(CSV)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(expected_groups), groups)
def test_csv_file_conversion_ipmi_dual_bridging(self):
CSV = """00:01:02:03:04:06,root,undefined,,2,8192,1024,
||||,10,20,30,40,ipmi""".replace('\n', '').replace('|', '\n')
expected_hostvars = """{"hostname1":
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname1", "ipv4_address": "",
"provisioning_ipv4_address": "", "ansible_ssh_host":
"", "driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "",
"ipmi_password": "undefined", "ipmi_username": "root",
"ipmi_target_address": "20", "ipmi_target_channel": "10",
"ipmi_transit_address": "40", "ipmi_transit_channel": "30",
"ipmi_bridging": "dual"}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:06"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192", "cpu_arch":
"x86_64", "disk_size": "1024", "cpus": "2"},
"host_groups": ["baremetal"]}}""".replace('\n', '')
expected_groups = """{"baremetal": {"hosts": ["hostname1"]},
"localhost": {"hosts": [""]}}""".replace('\n', '')
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_csv_conversion(CSV)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(expected_groups), groups)
def test_csv_file_conversion_ipmi_single_bridging(self):
CSV = """00:01:02:03:04:06,root,undefined,,2,8192,1024,
||||,10,20,,,ipmi""".replace('\n', '').replace('|', '\n')
expected_hostvars = """{"hostname1":
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname1", "ipv4_address": "",
"provisioning_ipv4_address": "", "ansible_ssh_host":
"", "driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "",
"ipmi_password": "undefined", "ipmi_username": "root",
"ipmi_target_address": "20", "ipmi_target_channel": "10",
"ipmi_transit_address": null, "ipmi_transit_channel": null,
"ipmi_bridging": "single"}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:06"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192", "cpu_arch":
"x86_64", "disk_size": "1024", "cpus": "2"},
"host_groups": ["baremetal"]}}""".replace('\n', '')
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_csv_conversion(CSV)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
def test_csv_file_conversion_dhcp(self):
CSV = """00:01:02:03:04:06,root,undefined,,2,8192,1024,
,,,,,,ipmi""".replace('\n', '').replace('|', '\n')
expected_hostvars = """{"hostname1":
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname1", "addressing_mode": "dhcp", "ipv4_address": null,
"provisioning_ipv4_address": null,
"driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "", "ipmi_password":
"undefined", "ipmi_username": "root", "ipmi_target_address": null,
"ipmi_target_channel": null, "ipmi_transit_address": null,
"ipmi_transit_channel": null}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:06"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192", "cpu_arch":
"x86_64", "disk_size": "1024", "cpus": "2"},
"host_groups": ["baremetal"]}}""".replace('\n', '')
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_csv_conversion(CSV)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
def test_csv_json_reconsumability_dhcp(self):
# Note(TheJulia) This intentionally takes CSV data, converts it
# and then attempts reconsumption of the same data through the
# JSON/YAML code path of Bifrost to ensure that the output
# is identical.
CSV = """00:01:02:03:04:06,root,undefined,,2,8192,1024,
,,,,,,ipmi""".replace('\n', '')
expected_hostvars = """{"hostname1":
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname1", "addressing_mode": "dhcp", "ipv4_address": null,
"provisioning_ipv4_address": null,
"driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "", "ipmi_password":
"undefined", "ipmi_username": "root", "ipmi_target_address": null,
"ipmi_target_channel": null, "ipmi_transit_address": null,
"ipmi_transit_channel": null}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:06"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192", "cpu_arch":
"x86_64", "disk_size": "1024", "cpus": "2"},
"host_groups": ["baremetal"]}}""".replace('\n', '')
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_csv_conversion(CSV)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_data_conversion(
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
def test_csv_json_reconsumability_general(self):
CSV = """00:01:02:03:04:05,root,undefined,,1,8192,512,
||||,,,,,ipmi""".replace('\n', '').replace('|', '\n')
expected_hostvars = """{"hostname1":
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname1", "ipv4_address": "", "ansible_ssh_host":
"", "provisioning_ipv4_address": "",
"driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "",
"ipmi_password": "undefined", "ipmi_username": "root",
"ipmi_target_address": null, "ipmi_target_channel": null,
"ipmi_transit_address": null, "ipmi_transit_channel": null}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:06"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192", "cpu_arch":
"x86_64", "disk_size": "1024", "cpus": "2"}, "host_groups": ["baremetal"]},
{"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "driver": "ipmi",
"name": "hostname0", "ipv4_address": "", "ansible_ssh_host":
"", "provisioning_ipv4_address": "",
"driver_info": {"power": {"ipmi_address": "",
"ipmi_password": "undefined", "ipmi_username": "root",
"ipmi_target_address": null, "ipmi_target_channel": null,
"ipmi_transit_address": null, "ipmi_transit_channel": null}}, "nics":
[{"mac": "00:01:02:03:04:05"}], "properties": {"ram": "8192",
"cpu_arch": "x86_64", "disk_size": "512", "cpus": "1"},
"host_groups": ["baremetal"]}}""".replace('\n', '')
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_csv_conversion(CSV)
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
(groups, hostvars) = utils.bifrost_data_conversion(
self.assertDictEqual(json.loads(str(expected_hostvars)), hostvars)
def test_yaml_to_json_conversion(self):
# Note(TheJulia) Ultimately this is just ensuring
# that we get the same output when we pass something
@ -37,13 +37,6 @@ class TestBifrostInventoryUnit(base.TestCase):
localhost_value = dict(hosts=[""])
self.assertDictEqual(localhost_value, groups['localhost'])
def test__val_or_none(self):
array = ['no', '', 'yes']
self.assertEqual('no', inventory._val_or_none(array, 0))
self.assertIsNone(inventory._val_or_none(array, 1))
self.assertEqual('yes', inventory._val_or_none(array, 2))
self.assertIsNone(inventory._val_or_none(array, 4))
@mock.patch.object(openstack, 'connect', autospec=True)
def test__process_sdk(self, mock_sdk):
(groups, hostvars) = inventory._prepare_inventory()
@ -33,18 +33,6 @@ def temporary_file(file_data):
def bifrost_csv_conversion(csv_data):
# TODO(TheJulia): To call prep feels like a bug and should be fixed.
(groups, hostvars) = inventory._prepare_inventory()
with temporary_file(csv_data) as file:
(groups, hostvars) = inventory._process_baremetal_csv(
# NOTE(TheJulia): Returning separately so the file is closed first
return (groups, hostvars)
def bifrost_data_conversion(data):
(groups, hostvars) = inventory._prepare_inventory()
with temporary_file(data) as file:
@ -61,12 +61,7 @@ your hardware. When utilizing the dynamic inventory module and
accompanying roles the inventory can be supplied in one of three ways,
all of which ultimately translate to JSON data that Ansible parses.
The original method is to utilize a CSV file. This format is covered below in
the `Legacy CSV File Format`_ section. This has a number of limitations, but
does allow a user to bulk load hardware from an inventory list with minimal
data transformations.
The newer method is to utilize a JSON or YAML document which the inventory
The current method is to utilize a JSON or YAML document which the inventory
parser will convert and provide to Ansible.
In order to use, you will need to define the environment variable
@ -74,18 +69,6 @@ In order to use, you will need to define the environment variable
execute Ansible utilizing the ```` file as the data
Conversion from CSV to JSON formats
The ``inventory/`` program additionally features a
mode that allows a user to convert a CSV file to the JSON data format
utilizing a ``--convertcsv`` command line setting when directly invoked.
export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/tmp/baremetal.csv
inventory/ --convertcsv >/tmp/baremetal.json
JSON file format
@ -135,41 +118,6 @@ in an ``instance_info`` variable.
Examples utilizing JSON and YAML formatting, along host specific variable
injection can be found in the ``playbooks/inventory/`` folder.
Legacy CSV file format
The CSV file has the following columns:
0. MAC Address
1. Management username
2. Management password
3. Management Address
4. CPU Count
5. Memory size in MB
6. Disk Storage in GB
7. Flavor (Not Used)
8. Type (Not Used)
9. Host UUID
10. Host or Node name
11. Host IP Address to be set
12. ``ipmi_target_channel`` - Requires: ``ipmi_bridging`` set to single
13. ``ipmi_target_address`` - Requires: ``ipmi_bridging`` set to single
14. ``ipmi_transit_channel`` - Requires: ``ipmi_bridging`` set to dual
15. ``ipmi_transit_address`` - Requires: ``ipmi_bridging`` set to dual
16. ironic driver
17. Host provisioning IP Address
Example definition::
This file format is fairly flexible and can be easily modified
although the enrollment and deployment playbooks utilize the model
of a host per line model in order to process through the entire
list, as well as reference the specific field items.
An example file can be found at: ``playbooks/inventory/baremetal.csv.example``
.. _enroll:
How this works?
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
# interfaces.
# NOTE(TheJulia): A user could utilize the os_ironic_node_info module with
# another data source such as a CSV, YAML, or JSON file formats to query
# ironic, and the example role conditionals below to query current status and
# another data source such as a YAML or JSON file formats to query ironic,
# and the example role conditionals below to query current status and
# deploy to nodes.
- hosts: localhost
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# to 'active' state.
# To utilize:
# export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=<path to json, csv, or yaml data source>
# export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=<path to json or yaml data source>
# ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/ redeploy-dynamic.yaml
# NOTE: 'ironic' may be used as the data source, in which case ironic will
# will be queried for all the nodes.
@ -26,15 +26,8 @@ as extra-vars instead.
Role Variables
baremetal_csv_file: Deprecated. CSV file format is deprecated, and
this variable will be removed in the Queens release.
Use 'baremetal_json_file' variable instead.
Default is undefined. If defined, its value will be
used for 'baremetal_json_file' variable (see below),
although file created will still be in JSON format.
baremetal_json_file: Defaults to '/tmp/baremetal.json' but will be overridden
by 'baremetal_csv_file' if that is defined.
baremetal_json_file: Bare metal inventory file. Defaults to
test_vm_memory_size: Tunable setting to allow a user to define a specific
amount of RAM in MB to allocate to guest/test VMs.
@ -12,20 +12,6 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
- name: produce warning when csv file is defined
msg: >
"WARNING - Variable 'baremetal_csv_file' is deprecated.
For backward compatibility, its value will be used as path for
file to write data for created 'virtual' baremetal nodes,
but the file will be JSON formatted."
when: baremetal_csv_file is defined
- name: override baremetal_json_file with csv file path
baremetal_json_file: "{{ baremetal_csv_file }}"
when: baremetal_csv_file is defined
# NOTE(cinerama) openSUSE Tumbleweed & Leap have different distribution
# IDs which are not currently accounted for in Ansible, so adjust facts
# so we can have shared defaults for the whole SuSE family.
@ -19,23 +19,6 @@ import os
import sys
def _load_data_from_csv(path):
with open(path) as csvfile:
csvdata = [row for row in csv.reader(csvfile)]
inventory = {}
# NOTE(pas-ha) convert to structure similar to JSON inventory
for entry in csvdata:
mac = entry[0]
hostname = entry[10]
ip = entry[11]
inventory[hostname] = {
'nics': [{'mac': mac}],
'name': hostname,
'ipv4_address': ip
return inventory
def _load_data_from_json(path):
with open(path) as jsonfile:
inventory = json.load(jsonfile)
@ -55,13 +38,6 @@ def main(argv):
# load data from json file
if os.path.exists('/tmp/baremetal.json'):
inventory = _load_data_from_json('/tmp/baremetal.json')
# load data from csv file
elif os.path.exists('/tmp/baremetal.csv'):
inventory = _load_data_from_csv('/tmp/baremetal.csv')
except Exception:
# try load *.csv as json for backward compatibility
inventory = _load_data_from_json('/tmp/baremetal.csv')
print('ERROR: Inventory file has not been generated')
@ -6,17 +6,6 @@
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- name: "Warn if baremetal_csv_file is defined"
msg: >
"WARNING - 'baremetal_csv_file' variable is defined.
Its use is deprecated. The file created will be in JSON format.
Use 'baremetal_json_file' variable instead."
when: baremetal_csv_file is defined
- name: "Re-set baremetal json to csv file if defined"
baremetal_json_file: "{{ baremetal_csv_file }}"
when: baremetal_csv_file is defined
- name: "Set default baremetal.json file if not already defined"
baremetal_json_file: "/tmp/baremetal.json"
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
- role: bifrost-prepare-for-test-dynamic
# The testvm Host group is added by bifrost-prepare-for-test based
# on the contents of the CSV file.
# on the contents of the JSON file.
- hosts: test
name: "Tests connectivity to the VM"
become: no
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- |
Support for the legacy CSV inventory format has been removed, only JSON and
YAML are supported now.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user