Fix and improve test job data collection

Corrected the netstat data collection as the --version flag causes
a non-zero exit code with netstat.

Added interface counter data collection to allow for additional
troubleshooting context.

Change-Id: I7e0e26cc735d6c0ad9052547bc0eefe3ed3877ae
This commit is contained in:
Julia Kreger 2016-03-16 18:54:56 -04:00
parent d4e765189c
commit 917983e5ce

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
set -eux
# Note(TheJulia): We should proceed with attempting to collect information
# even if a command fails, and as such set -e should not be present.
set -ux
set -o pipefail
# Note(TheJulia): If there is a workspace variable, we want to utilize that as
@ -13,12 +15,14 @@ echo "Making logs directory and collecting logs."
sudo cp /var/log/libvirt/baremetal_logs/testvm1_console.log ${LOG_LOCATION}
sudo chown $USER ${LOG_LOCATION}/testvm1_console.log
dmesg &> ${LOG_LOCATION}/dmesg.log
if $(netstat --version &>/dev/null); then
sudo netstat -apn &> ${LOG_LOCATION}/netstat.log
# NOTE(TheJulia): Netstat exits with error code 5 when --version is used.
sudo netstat -apn &> ${LOG_LOCATION}/netstat.log
if $(iptables --version &>/dev/null); then
sudo iptables -L -n -v &> ${LOG_LOCATION}/iptables.log
if $(ip link &>/dev/null); then
ip -s link &> ${LOG_LOCATION}/interface_counters.log
if $(journalctl --version &>/dev/null); then
sudo journalctl -u ironic-api &> ${LOG_LOCATION}/ironic-api.log
sudo journalctl -u ironic-conductor &> ${LOG_LOCATION}/ironic-conductor.log