Cleanup: adding linebreaks for readability
Change-Id: Ice32f692c7c8dd451e654e7c637ab610b296e96b
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,28 +16,35 @@
# the host's assigned UUID value.
- name: "Update facts from ironic to fill in any missing values"
include: update_facts_from_ironic.yaml
- name: "Identify ssh_public_key if ssh_public_key_path is defined"
include: ssh_public_key_path.yaml
when: ssh_public_key is undefined and ssh_public_key_path is defined
- name: "Make temporary folder to build configdrive"
local_action: command mktemp -d
register: variable_configdrive_location
- name: "Make metadata folder - /openstack/{{ metadata_version }}"
state: directory
name: "{{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}/openstack/{{ metadata_version }}/"
- name: "Make metadata folder - /openstack/latest"
state: directory
name: "{{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}/openstack/latest/"
- name: "Place template in each openstack/{{ metadata_version }} folder"
src: openstack_meta_data.json.j2
dest: "{{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}/openstack/{{ metadata_version }}/meta_data.json"
- name: "Place template in each openstack/latest folder"
src: openstack_meta_data.json.j2
dest: "{{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}/openstack/latest/meta_data.json"
- name: "Generate network_info"
ipv4_address: "{{ ipv4_address | default('') }}"
@ -50,44 +57,55 @@
nics: "{{ nics | default(omit) }}"
node_network_info: "{{ node_network_info | default({}) }}"
when: addressing_mode is undefined or "dhcp" not in addressing_mode
- name: "Place network info template in each openstack/latest folder"
src: network_info.json.j2
dest: "{{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}/openstack/latest/network_info.json"
when: addressing_mode is undefined or "dhcp" not in addressing_mode
- name: "Make metadata folder - /openstack/latest"
state: directory
name: "{{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}/openstack/content/"
- name: "Write network Debian style interface template"
local_action: template src=interfaces.j2 dest={{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}/openstack/content/0000
when: write_interfaces_file | bool == true
- name: "Check if mkisofs is available"
shell: mkisofs --help &> /dev/null
ignore_errors: yes
register: test_mkisofs
- name: "If mkisofs is not available, fallback to genisoimage"
iso_gen_utility: "genisoimage"
when: ('genisoimage' in test_mkisofs.stderr) or test_mkisofs.rc != 0
- name: "Check if genisoimage is available"
shell: genisoimage --help &> /dev/null
ignore_errors: yes
register: test_genisoimage
- name: "fail if genisoimage is not available."
fail: msg="Neither mkisofs or genisoimage is available. Cannot make config drive files."
when: test_genisoimage.rc != 0 and test_mkisofs.rc != 0
- name: "Make config drive files"
become: yes
command: "{{iso_gen_utility}} -R -V config-2 -o {{http_boot_folder}}/configdrive-{{ uuid }}.iso {{ variable_configdrive_location.stdout }}/{{ uuid }}"
- name: "Make config drive files base64 encoded and gzip compressed"
become: yes
shell: gzip -c {{http_boot_folder}}/configdrive-{{ uuid }}.iso | base64 > {{http_boot_folder}}/configdrive-{{ uuid }}.iso.gz
- name: "Cleanup configdrive .iso files"
become: yes
state: absent
name: "{{http_boot_folder}}/configdrive-{{ uuid }}.iso"
- name: "Cleanup configdrive temp folder"
become: yes
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
local_action: stat path={{ ssh_public_key_path }}
register: test_ssh_public_key_path
when: ssh_public_key_path is defined
- name: "Defined ssh_public_key_path - Error if ssh_public_key_path is not valid"
local_action: fail msg="ssh_public_key_path is not valid."
when: test_ssh_public_key_path.stat.exists == false
- name: "Defined ssh_public_key_path - Read SSH public key in"
set_fact: ssh_public_key="{{ lookup('file', ssh_public_key_path ) }}"
@ -23,11 +23,13 @@
ansible_os_family: "Suse"
when: ansible_os_family | search("openSUSE Tumbleweed")
- name: Ensure openSUSE Leap has the correct family
ansible_os_family: "Suse"
when: (ansible_os_family | search("SUSE LINUX")) or
(ansible_os_family | search("openSUSE Leap"))
- name: "Update apt cache if Ubuntu/Debian"
update_cache: yes
@ -20,43 +20,58 @@
- /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
- "{{ http_boot_folder }}"
- "{{ http_boot_folder }}/pxelinux.cfg"
- name: "Place tftpd map-file"
copy: src=tftpboot-map-file dest=/tftpboot/map-file owner=ironic group=ironic
- name: "Disable service {{ tftp_service_name }}"
service: name="{{ tftp_service_name }}" state=stopped enabled=no
- name: "Set pxelinux.0 source (for Ubuntu >=14.10)"
syslinux_tftp_dir: '/usr/lib/PXELINUX'
when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version|version_compare('14.10', '>=')
- name: "Determine if pxelinux.0 is in place"
stat: path=/tftpboot/pxelinux.0
register: test_pxelinux
- name: "Place pxelinux.0"
copy: src={{ syslinux_tftp_dir }}/pxelinux.0 dest=/tftpboot
when: test_pxelinux.stat.exists == false
- name: "Place boot.ipxe helper script /etc/ironic"
copy: src=boot.ipxe dest=/etc/ironic/boot.ipxe owner=ironic group=ironic mode=0744
- name: "Pre-stage boot.ipxe into /httpboot/"
copy: src=boot.ipxe dest=/httpboot/boot.ipxe owner=ironic group=ironic mode=0744
- name: "Place tftp config file"
copy: src=xinetd.tftp dest=/etc/xinetd.d/tftp
- name: "Download ipxe files if asked"
include: get_ipxe.yml
when: download_ipxe | bool == true
- name: "Copy iPXE image into place"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/undionly.kpxe dest=/tftpboot/
# NOTE(TheJulia): Copy full iPXE chain loader images in case they are required.
- name: "Copy full iPXE image into /httpboot"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/{{ ipxe_full_binary }} dest=/httpboot/
- name: "Copy full iPXE image into /tftpboot"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/{{ ipxe_full_binary }} dest=/tftpboot/
# Similar logic to below can be utilized to retrieve files
- name: "Determine if folder exists, else create and populate folder."
stat: path=/tftpboot/master_images
register: test_master_images
- name: "Create master_images folder"
file: name=/tftpboot/master_images state=directory owner=ironic group=ironic
when: test_master_images.stat.exists == false
- name: "Inspector - Place default tftp boot file in {{ http_boot_folder}}/pxelinux.cfg/"
@ -18,12 +18,15 @@
- name: "Test if IPA kernel is present"
stat: path={{ ipa_kernel }}
register: test_ipa_kernel_present
- name: "Download IPA kernel"
get_url: url={{ ipa_kernel_upstream_url }} dest={{ ipa_kernel }} timeout=300
when: test_ipa_kernel_present.stat.exists == false
- name: "Test if IPA image is present"
stat: path={{ ipa_ramdisk }}
register: test_ipa_image_present
- name: "Download IPA image"
get_url: url={{ ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url }} dest={{ ipa_ramdisk }} timeout=300
when: test_ipa_image_present.stat.exists == false
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- name: Get ipxe files
url: "{{ item }}"
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
sourcedir={{ ironicinspector_git_folder }}
source_install={{ ironicinspector_source_install }}
- name: "Inspector - PIP client install"
include: pip_install.yml
@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
ansible_os_family: "Suse"
when: ansible_os_family | search("openSUSE Tumbleweed")
- name: Ensure openSUSE Leap has the correct family
ansible_os_family: "Suse"
when: (ansible_os_family | search("SUSE LINUX")) or
(ansible_os_family | search("openSUSE Leap"))
# NOTE(cinerama) dummy-defaults.yml is an empty defaults file. We use it
# here to ensure that with_first_found won't fail should we not have
# defaults for a particular distribution, version, etc.
@ -35,23 +37,28 @@
- "../defaults/required_defaults_{{ ansible_os_family }}_family.yml"
- "../defaults/dummy-defaults.yml"
- name: Include OS distribution-specific defaults
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "../defaults/required_defaults_{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml"
- "../defaults/dummy-defaults.yml"
- name: Include OS version-specific defaults
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "../defaults/required_defaults_{{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_release }}.yml"
- "../defaults/required_defaults_{{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_version }}.yml"
- "../defaults/dummy-defaults.yml"
- name: "Install Ironic deps"
include: install.yml
when: skip_package_install | bool != True
- name: "Bootstrap Ironic"
include: bootstrap.yml
when: skip_bootstrap | bool != True
- name: "Start Ironic services"
include: start.yml
when: skip_start | bool != True
@ -16,42 +16,54 @@
- name: "Reload systemd configuration"
command: systemctl daemon-reload
when: init_template == 'systemd_template.j2'
- name: "Start database service"
service: name={{ mysql_service_name }} state=started
- name: "Start rabbitmq-server"
service: name=rabbitmq-server state=started
- name: "start ironic-inspector"
include: inspector_start.yml
when: enable_inspector | bool == true
- name: "Start ironic-conductor"
service: name=ironic-conductor state=started
- name: "Start ironic-api"
service: name=ironic-api state=started
- name: "Start ironic-conductor"
service: name=ironic-conductor state=restarted
- name: "Start ironic-api"
service: name=ironic-api state=restarted
# NOTE(Shrews) When testing, we want to use our custom dnsmasq.conf file,
# not the one supplied by libvirt. And the libvirt started dnsmasq processes
# are not controlled by upstart, so we need to manually kill those.
- name: "Stop existing libvirt dnsmasq processes"
command: killall -w dnsmasq
when: "{{ testing | bool == true and include_dhcp_server | bool == true }}"
- name: "Ensure services are running with current config"
service: name={{ item }} state=restarted
- xinetd
- nginx
- name: "Ensure dnsmasq is running with current config"
service: name={{ item }} state=restarted
- dnsmasq
when: "{{ include_dhcp_server | bool == true }}"
- name: "Send services a reload signal"
service: name={{ item }} state=reloaded
- xinetd
- nginx
- name: "Send services a force-reload signal"
service: name=dnsmasq state=restarted
when: "{{ include_dhcp_server | bool == true }}"
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
deprecated: true
when: deprecated_test_playbook | bool == true
- name: >
"Execute ping step to verify connectivity and login to the host.
If this fails, the configdrive may not have loaded."
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
# hostname. This is because cirros lacks sftp support.
raw: hostname
register: instance_hostname
- name: >
'Error if hostname is set to "ubuntu", "cirros", "debian", or "centos"'
# TODO: Presently this step is unable to cycle through each host and verify
Reference in New Issue
Block a user