# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- # If attempting to utilize a base Ubuntu image, diskimage-builder # is the recommended, and default path. - name: "Test if image is present" stat: path={{ dib_imagename }} register: test_image_present - name: "Test if image is present - {{ dib_imagename }}.{{ dib_imagetype | default('qcow2') }}" stat: path={{ dib_imagename }}.{{ dib_imagetype | default('qcow2') }} register: test_image_dib_present when: test_image_present.stat.exists == false # Note(TheJulia): We need to explicitly test for initramfs in the case # that the ironic-agent element is used to build the image. - name: "Test if image is present - {{ dib_imagename }}.initramfs" stat: path={{ dib_imagename }}.initramfs register: test_image_initramfs_present when: test_image_present.stat.exists == false and test_image_dib_present.stat.exists == false - name: "Build tracing (-x) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_trace_arg: "-x" when: dib_trace == true - name: "Build uncompressed (-u) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_uncompressed_arg: "-u" when: dib_uncompressed == true - name: "Build clear environment (-c) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_clearenv_arg: "-c" when: dib_clearenv == true - name: "Build no tmpfs (--no-tmpfs) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_notmpfs_arg: "--no-tmpfs" when: dib_notmpfs == true - name: "Build offline (--offline) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_offline_arg: "--offline" when: dib_offline == true - name: "Build skip default base element (-n) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_skipbase_arg: "-n" when: dib_skipbase == true - name: "Build architecture (-a) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_arch_arg: "-a {{dib_arch}}" when: dib_arch is defined - name: "Build image name (-o) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_imagename_arg: "-o {{dib_imagename}}" when: dib_imagename is defined - name: "Build image type (-t) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_imagetype_arg: "-t {{dib_imagetype}}" when: dib_imagetype is defined - name: "Build image size (--image-size) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_imagesize_arg: "--image-size {{dib_imagesize}}" when: dib_imagesize is defined - name: "Build image cache (--image-cache) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_imagecache_arg: "--image-cache {{dib_imagecache}}" when: dib_imagecache is defined - name: "Build max online resize (--max-online-resize) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_maxresize_arg: "--max-online-resize {{dib_maxresize}}" when: dib_maxresize is defined - name: "Build minimum tmpfs size (--min-tmpfs) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_mintmpfs_arg: "--min-tmpfs {{dib_mintmpfs}}" when: dib_mintmpfs is defined - name: "Build mkfs options (--mkfs-options) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_mkfsfopts_arg: "-mkfs-options {{dib_mkfsopts}}" when: dib_mkfsopts is defined - name: "Build qemu image options (--qemu-img-options) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_qemuopts_arg: "--qemu-img-options {{dib_qemuopts}}" when: dib_qemuopts is defined - name: "Build root label (--root-label) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_rootlabel_arg: "--root-label {{dib_rootlabel}}" when: dib_rootlabel is defined - name: "Build ramdisk element (--ramdisk-element) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_rdelement_arg: "--ramdisk-element {{dib_rdelement}}" when: dib_rdelement is defined - name: "Build install type (--install-type) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_installtype_arg: "-t {{dib_installtype}}" when: dib_installtype is defined - name: "Build packages (-p) option for disk-image-create" set_fact: dib_packages_arg: "-p {{dib_packages}}" when: dib_packages is defined and dib_packages != "" - name: "Build argument list" set_fact: dib_arglist: "{{dib_trace_arg|default('')}} {{dib_uncompressed_arg|default('')}} {{dib_clearenv_arg|default('')}} {{dib_notmpfs_arg|default('')}} {{dib_offline_arg|default('')}} {{dib_skipbase_arg|default('')}} {{dib_arch_arg|default('')}} {{dib_imagename_arg|default('')}} {{dib_imagetype_arg|default('')}} {{dib_imagesize_arg|default('')}} {{dib_imagecache_arg|default('')}} {{dib_maxresize_arg|default('')}} {{dib_mintmpfs_arg|default('')}} {{dib_mkfsopts_arg|default('')}} {{dib_qemuopts_arg|default('')}} {{dib_rootlabel_arg|default('')}} {{dib_rdelement_arg|default('')}} {{dib_installtype_arg|default('')}} {{dib_packages_arg|default('')}} {{dib_os_element}} {{dib_elements|default('')}}" - name: "Initiate image build" command: disk-image-create {{dib_arglist}} environment: dib_env_vars when: build_ramdisk | bool == false and test_image_present.stat.exists == false and test_image_dib_present.stat.exists == false and test_image_initramfs_present.stat.exists == false - name: "Initiate ramdisk build" command: ramdisk-image-create {{dib_arglist}} environment: dib_env_vars when: build_ramdisk | bool == true and test_image_present.stat.exists == false and test_image_dib_present.stat.exists == false and test_image_initramfs_present.stat.exists == false