--- - name: "Install Ironic on the target host." hosts: target become: yes gather_facts: yes vars: bifrost_venv_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'VENV') or '/opt/stack/bifrost' }}" ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/env python3" pre_tasks: - name: install pip (and venv) to system package: name: "{{ packages | select | list }}" vars: packages: - python3-pip - "{{ (ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Debian') | ternary('python3-venv', '') }}" - name: create venv command: python3 -m venv {{ bifrost_venv_dir }} args: creates: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir }}/bin/python3" # NOTE(ebbex): (in case it's missing, which it shouldn't normally be) - name: install setuptools in venv command: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir }}/bin/pip3 install setuptools" args: creates: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir }}/lib/python*/site-packages/setuptools" - name: override ansible_python_interpreter to venv set_fact: ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir + '/bin/python3' }}" roles: - role: bifrost-prep-for-install when: not (skip_install | default(false) | bool) - bifrost-keystone-install - bifrost-ironic-install - bifrost-logrotate-install - role: bifrost-keystone-client-config user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER | default(ansible_user_id) }}" clouds: bifrost: config_username: "{{ ironic.keystone.default_username }}" config_password: "{{ ironic.keystone.default_password }}" config_project_name: "baremetal" config_region_name: "{{ keystone.bootstrap.region_name }}" config_auth_url: "{{ keystone.bootstrap.public_url }}" bifrost-admin: config_username: "{{ keystone.bootstrap.username }}" config_password: "{{ keystone.bootstrap.password }}" config_project_name: "{{ keystone.bootstrap.project_name }}" config_region_name: "{{ keystone.bootstrap.region_name }}" config_auth_url: "{{ keystone.bootstrap.public_url }}" config_system_scope: true - role: bifrost-create-dib-image dib_imagename: "{{ http_boot_folder }}/ipa" build_ramdisk: false dib_os_element: "{{ ipa_dib_os_element|default('debian') }}" dib_elements: "ironic-python-agent-ramdisk {{ ipa_extra_dib_elements | default('') }}" when: create_ipa_image | bool - role: bifrost-create-dib-image dib_imagename: "{{ deploy_image }}" dib_imagetype: "qcow2" dib_elements: > {{ dib_image_type|default('vm') }} {% if default_boot_mode != "bios" %}block-device-efi{% endif %} enable-serial-console {{ dib_init_element|default('simple-init') }} {{ extra_dib_elements|default('') }} when: create_image_via_dib | bool environment: http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}" https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','https_proxy') }}" no_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'no_proxy') }}"